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  1. Hillbillenigma

    Waited since Feb ~ my Hatch Date is 7/31

    Tracking number received! :wee
  2. Hillbillenigma

    Waited since Feb ~ my Hatch Date is 7/31

    I finally feel like I can post a countdown! After weeks of researching breeds, I placed my order with Cackle Hatchery in early February with a hatch / ship date in late July, because that was the earliest date that all the different breeds I wanted were available. I spent several Months...
  3. Hillbillenigma

    New member, new chicks

    Welcome to you and your lovely Chickens.
  4. Hillbillenigma

    Countdown to Baby Chicks 2023 edition

    I’m still 40 days out, but I’ve had plenty of time to build my Coop and Run exactly the way I want it.
  5. Hillbillenigma

    Information Overload!!!

    Hey Neighbor! I understand exactly how you feel. You are definitely not alone, but as a couple of folks already mentioned, you will land on what’s best for you.
  6. Hillbillenigma

    Follow me to a trip to China

    I am so jealous of your Dumplings and WonTon soup! :)
  7. Hillbillenigma

    New Baby Black Australorps!

    Congratulations! So cute.
  8. Hillbillenigma

    Red Wigglers - how fast reproduce as part of feed?

    @Red-Stars-in-RI Are your worms all E. Fetida?
  9. Hillbillenigma

    Red Wigglers - how fast reproduce as part of feed?

    Raising E. Fetida in compost is not difficult, if all their living conditions are met. However, I think raising enough to be a significant part of a full chicken diet would be very difficult. And yes, cold will kill them. An alternative is to create an indoor compost bin - have open access to...
  10. Hillbillenigma

    New Member out of South Carolina

    Hello and Welcome! My children are also at University ~ in fact my Son is at the University of South Carolina. :D
  11. Hillbillenigma

    Show off your Easter eggers!

    @sybonbon Ruby is beautiful. Is she part Barnevelder?
  12. Hillbillenigma

    Hello from NE Tennessee

    Hey Neighbor. Welcome ~ super cute chick you have.
  13. Hillbillenigma

    RIP my sweet dog Coach

    I’m very sorry for your loss. Bonds like the one you had with Coach will be with you forever.
  14. Hillbillenigma

    Purpose of various Breeds

    This may not be the best forum for this question (Mods please move if necessary). Being a somewhat newbie, I really enjoy learning about all the different breeds. However, I’d like to hear some reasons / purpose for so many different breeds. One that I just learned about is the Whiting True...
  15. Hillbillenigma

    Surgoinsville, TN proposed chicken ordinance

    VERY interesting! This town is about an hour and a half from me. This makes me wary and I WILL be on the lookout for any similar ordinance proposals closer to my town.
  16. Hillbillenigma

    Automated Coop Design

    First - Thanks for taking the time to write this out AND for the link for the Feeder. it probably should be obvious, but can you explain the Black Strips and Wire concept. Does it just force the chickens to face a certain direction when roosting?
  17. Hillbillenigma

    New Chicken Dad

    Hey Neighbor ~ Welcome! You are in the right place to learn and share in the wonderful world of Chickens at home.
  18. Hillbillenigma


    Welcome! It sounds like you have a wonderful mix of feathered friends. They grow fast - before you know it you’ll be moving them into their coop.
  19. Hillbillenigma

    Greetings from Virginia

    Hey Neighbor. Welcome! Thanks for sharing pics of your buddies. Hope your Hen gets better.
  20. Hillbillenigma

    History question

    Thank you @Lacy Duckwing
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