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  1. Cowgirl71

    Suspected Fatty Liver: GRAPHIC pictures of internal organs : what do you think?

    I'm not sure what that is, wish I could be more help. If it were me though, I wouldn't suggest eating the meat from a sick listless animal, unless you're 100% sure of what the cause/sickness was and your vet says it's okay to eat. It's not worth the risk. I would burn the carcass, feathers...
  2. Cowgirl71

    Is this Copper Marans pullet black or blue?

    I don't have any experience with Marans, but I have had/have Black Australorps and blue Easter Eggers. Your pullet is blue, not black. Congratulations, I think the blue birds are so pretty! :) As for the white feathers, some breeds feather in with some white feathers as chicks, but then their...
  3. Cowgirl71

    Gender thoughts...

    They both appear to be cockerels, sorry. :( My guess would be beardless Easter Egger on the white one.
  4. Cowgirl71

    My 4 buffs~

    They sure are pretty! :) Buff Orpingtons are generally one of the later maturing breeds. White Leghorns for example usually start to lay at 16-18 weeks, Rhode Island Reds at 18-23 weeks, and Buff Orpingtons at 21-28 weeks. But I still love the Buffs, particularly McMurray's strain. :)
  5. Cowgirl71

    How many hens per roo?

    This is very, very true. It really depends on the personality of the top roo.
  6. Cowgirl71

    Breed and Gender help please

    :lau Yes, true, I missed guessing breed on that "pullet," LOL
  7. Cowgirl71

    LGD issues

    You're very welcome. I would definitely suggest researching the different breeds and their characteristics and personalities before purchasing a pup. They do vary quite a lot, some will be better suited for what you are wanting in an LGD than others. Quite honestly, Anatolians are generally...
  8. Cowgirl71

    How many hens per roo?

    I have heard of the 3 male theory as well.... For roosters, bulls, bucks, etc. Me personally, I have found that two males who grow up together typically get along very well together. Possibly not as well as if three were raised together, but better than three males who each grew up...
  9. Cowgirl71

    How many hens per roo?

    Very good post here. Yes, unfortunately, him being that friendly with you already is actually not a good sign for later. Be ready and prepared should he challenge you later. Me personally, I make a point not to tame the roosters. A rooster with a healthy fear and respect of humans is less...
  10. Cowgirl71

    What breed, gender and age?

    Good guess, I didn't think of that possibility! Yes, they are most likely Austra Whites, which are a hybrid between Black Australorps and White Leghorns, sold by Cackle Hatchery. If I had to guess an age, I'd guess that they are probably 3-4 month old pullets. Should start laying within the...
  11. Cowgirl71

    What breed is this and roo or hen??

    Yes, based on coloring the Barred Rock is a pullet. Your last pic is a Black Australorp pullet.
  12. Cowgirl71

    What breed, gender and age?

    They all appear to be girls. Not sure on age. The darker red one is a hatchery grade Rhode Island Red, aka Production Red. The lighter red one is a Red Sexlink, aka Red Star, Golden Comet, Cinnamon Queen, etc. The two white and black ones are a Splash something, not sure what. For others...
  13. Cowgirl71


    Yes, both are pullets. :)
  14. Cowgirl71

    RIR...Roo or Hen?

    She's definitely a she, based on your most recent picture. If it were a rooster he'd have obvious saddle feathers coming in already. So that very likely is her egg. Egg color can really vary amongst hatchery RIRs. Most hatcheries breed in some Leghorn to increase egg production, and so some...
  15. Cowgirl71

    What breed is this and roo or hen??

    :welcome She's a Barred Plymouth Rock pullet. Probably a White Plymouth Rock, also a pullet. :)
  16. Cowgirl71

    How many hens per roo?

    That is an excellent article, thanks for posting that. You make some very good points. A lot will depend on the temperament of the two cockerels; towards each other and towards the hens. Optimally, I would keep a rooster and 12-15 hens in that coop. But you can try keeping both roos, and see...
  17. Cowgirl71

    LGD issues

    Anatolians as a breed generally need a very firm handler. Males more so than females. Without proper disciplining, the dog will easily see itself as the alpha of the pack. As the alpha, he makes the decisions, and does what he wants to do. It sounds as though your pup needs some serious...
  18. Cowgirl71

    Breed and Gender help please

    Sorry, missed including breed info on the others.... Golden (pic #12) - Buff Orpington Black/white laced (pic #22) - Silver Laced Wyandotte White/black with feathered legs (pic #18) - Light Brahma Red/black (pic #3) - Rhode Island Red/Production Red Black/white barred - Dominique Solid black -...
  19. Cowgirl71

    How many hens per roo?

    Allowing them to free range each day will help a lot. And also them having grown up together will help as well. That said, I would definitely either rehome a roo or get more pullets though. I have found for myself that a 8:1 hen/rooster ratio is the minimum. 12-15:1 is better. A lower ratio...
  20. Cowgirl71

    Breed and Gender help please

    Pretty flock! :thumbsup They're all pullets. (except for of course the blue and red Ameraucana/Easter Egger and the big white rooster, on the outskirts of some of the pictures) The ones developing combs are getting ready to start laying. Your two barred pullets are Dominiques; they have...
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