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  1. gritsar

    Is this a cockerel?

    I agree with Sourland, a baby roo. Best rooster I ever owned was a dark brahma.
  2. gritsar

    Whatcha Making for Supper?

    Thank you. No, seriously, Jasper will be the last. With no family to speak of we don't want any of our beloved pets to outlive us.
  3. gritsar

    Whatcha Making for Supper?

    Thank you. Kowboy is actually the world's best dog - loving, obedient and so intelligent it's scary at time. Jasper, on the other hand, is my cross to bear...she says as she hears him doing the dog paddle in the hall bathroom toilet again. Closing the toilet lids worked for one whole day...
  4. gritsar

    First time with a broody mama and babies , question !

    If she were my broody and the weather is warm where you are, I would give her the option of getting out to stretch her legs a bit, with her chicks, under close supervision the whole time. If she doesn't want to go out, leave her be. Her broody poop will be epic.
  5. gritsar

    Whatcha Making for Supper?

    We lost our shepherd Kane in January of this year. He was 12. We still have his older brother/cousin Jax, who is 13 years old. We'll see your crazy and raise you two Australian shepherds - Kowboy is 5 and Jasper is 6 months old. Jasper will be our LAST dog...I mean it this time! Despite...
  6. gritsar

    Whatcha Making for Supper?

    Hello, my old friend. :hugs:love How's life treating you?
  7. gritsar

    Whatcha Making for Supper?

    Hey Old Man, don'tcha know junk food is bad for you? :plbb:plbb:plbb
  8. gritsar

    Young Broody Hen

    Here's some candling pics to check out:
  9. gritsar

    silkie experts

    Can you post a pic of the bird in question? I doubt she was referring to illness, more like males.
  10. gritsar

    Young Broody Hen

    It can be frustrating. If she can't be isolated then all you can do is check. Most of my broody hens have all the other chickens so scared they won't go anywhere near the broody nest, but not this one. I just check every couple of days and toss out the new eggs.
  11. gritsar

    Young Broody Hen

    I'm pretty much an old hand at this so I'm not quite sure why something didn't occur to me. It seemed like all my banty hens stopped laying the day I gave my cochin her seven eggs. Three days later it finally hit me....check under the broody! She is now back down to the seven I gave her and...
  12. gritsar

    Young Broody Hen

  13. gritsar

    Young Broody Hen

    I peeked in one of my coops yesterday just to check on things and saw all my normally calm birds scared and pressed up against the walls. Looked around some more and sure enough my broody Norma was off the nest for her daily break. She's sweet as pie when not broody, a demon when she is. She...
  14. gritsar

    Young Broody Hen

    ^This is what I was addressing, the concern about eggs being added to the nest, which sounds to me like more than one hen using the nest. I have used both marker and pencil, but prefer to go with pencil when possible. Pencil marks have always worked with my chicken hens, for the waterfowl...
  15. gritsar

    Young Broody Hen

    Use a pencil or marker to mark the eggs you want her to keep, so you won't need to check more than once a day. The eggs I will be giving to my wintertime broody will be here tomorrow, so we can wait it out together.
  16. gritsar

    Hen roosting with juvaniles?

    If you have a chicken that is bloody, not simply looking unkempt from being pecked at but truly bloody, that chicken needs to be isolated for its own good. Chickens can kill another by pecking at blood.
  17. gritsar

    HELP! With feeding and watering!

    If you want to use an inside feeder as well as outside, here's an idea for you. I have two small coops, one for my seramas and one for my call ducks. Solid bottom rabbit feeders mounted to the wall of the coop take up very little room.
  18. gritsar

    Unusual Egg?

    Depends on the breed to a certain degree. I had some production reds for awhile, rehomed them because I didn't care for their personalities. Anyhow, they were laying huge, often double yolked eggs by the time they had been laying for a few months. My old hens, brahmas and like breeds, never...
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