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  1. miss heny

    Best heritage meat rabbits for Mississippi weather

    Not that I know of, I was active in 4H from like 2011 to 2018-19 (gotta dig around for exact dates). Rabbits were JUST starting when I aged out. I can PM ya more details to see if maybe we did cross paths without realizing it.
  2. miss heny

    Serama Rooster and a standard sized hen

    Like 5% (being generous) possible. I learned a LONG time ago to never underestimate horny animals and their desire to bring you a new generation even if you don't want them :rolleyes:
  3. miss heny

    Diet and Nutrition for overall Health!

    Annie's white mac n cheese with Whole Foods vegan chikin, onions and garlic teriyaki sauce. For breakie I had beef bacon, farm fresh egg, kiwi and skillet toast using plant base butter
  4. miss heny

    Serama Rooster and a standard sized hen

    I won't say it's never possible, just that if he succeeds the dude deserves a medal. Some hens may, I got hens who have types so some may like the little guy and squat for him. That or he Indiana Jones it and climbs on top while she moving to try :lau
  5. miss heny

    Serama Rooster and a standard sized hen

    I mean He'll try. However if he'll succeed is something else. :rolleyes:
  6. miss heny

    What to feed chickens during Pesach (Passover)

    Definitely keeping this in mind for the future. Converting (reform, closest synagogue to me) but wish to hold Conservative level observations.
  7. miss heny

    Granny's gone and done it again

    He was very delicious:P
  8. miss heny

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Yeah that why they not in it we plan ti do upgrades on this old pen 😅
  9. miss heny

    Commercial Poison (err... "Feed")

    And gonna add this: If kept in a enclose pen with 0 rotation worms could easily be the culprit if never wormed. I had a necropsy done on a 8 year old rooster acting lethargic etc. His problem? Worms in his crop, like crop full of worms. We never wormed because feral but this had to been going...
  10. miss heny

    Commercial Poison (err... "Feed")

    Dumor is known to be bottom of the barrel cheap feed. Toss in age and this years weird weather my money on lack of nutrition :caf feed low quality get low quality results. if you doubt your feed switch to local, don't use your hens as guinea pigs for home made feed that most likely wont have...
  11. miss heny

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    They taunt me knowing this pen isn't set up for them yet. So of course the rooster and his whole harem chills here :mad:
  12. miss heny

    Granny's gone and done it again

    The worse feeling in the world is when your feral flock rooster AND his harem are in their future pen (not ready gotta redo the coop) and you can't just trap them the buttheads :hit (can't use the words I said irl not kid friendly) threw them some feed to keep them coming there
  13. miss heny

    Silkie Oriental Games

    I think if I did that some folks in the chicken world would put a hit on me for crimes against poultry :lau
  14. miss heny

    Silkie Oriental Games

    Yeah, can't be no worse than showgirls :rolleyes:
  15. miss heny

    Silkie Oriental Games

    If I get my kraienkoppe project off tje ground in five years I'll have a few Malay bantams being used so I'll probably attempt it too out of morbid curiosity :lol:
  16. miss heny

    Silkie Oriental Games

    Yeah same here, even if horrifying :lol: it gives me so ugly cute vibes in my head.
  17. miss heny

    Silkie Oriental Games

    I gotcha. I was more thinking basically a Shamo with silkie feather instead of the smooth feather look.
  18. miss heny

    Silkie Oriental Games

    Gonna try to go with more game body type? My brain is trying to comprehend the fluffiness with the stilt leg features :lol:
  19. miss heny

    Silkie Oriental Games

    Cuz I am curious and wanna potentially evoke nightmares. Anyone ever introduced the Silkie gene to Orientals like Shamo or Malay? :pop
  20. miss heny

    The aseel thread!!!

    Considering trying to find some oriental game bantams that favor malay to help infuse into my kraienkoppe groups in the coming future. I know DT back in the day started out infusing the more game built to the proper European standards.
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