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  1. I

    Can you taxidermy a rooster?

    No, I'm not joking. The OP's post and subsequent posts were embarrassing. I'm done with this whole farce. The absolutely ignorant, illiterate and plain ass stupid questions that are answered ad nauseum on this forum are enough to make me leave. I didn't need the outright racism that is...
  2. I

    Can you taxidermy a rooster?

    Yeah. Seriously.
  3. I

    Can you taxidermy a rooster?

    All I can say is WOW! Well I can say a lot more, but .............I started to say, I won't, but I'm gonna. If the mods/owners allow this statement to stand, then I'm outta here. This does not need to belong in this forum. This is racism in it's purest form.
  4. I

    Can you taxidermy a rooster?

    Go back and read your opening statement.
  5. I

    Frostbite, pecking, or fowl pox

    Probably just got it caught on something. She'll be fine. FWIW, 30 degrees is nothing for a chicken. Leave the window open.
  6. I

    Can you taxidermy a rooster?

    Yes, you can taxidermy a rooster just like you can taxidermy a pheasant, duck, etc. but you're damn sure not gonna have it done for 30 bucks.
  7. I

    Need someone who can read barred head spots like tea leaves- Cream Legbar x Dominque chicks

    Have had many barred rock chicks and have never been able to sex them at all by the head spot. Spots have been small and round to large and flowing down the neck, but luckily they've all turned out to be pullets. I don't believe the head spot is a reliable indicator of sex.
  8. I

    Pasty butt

    Lower the temp of the brooder. Despite all of the 95 F the first week, 90 the second, etc., etc., they really don't need to be that warm. Or at least have an area that's cooler than 80 for them to get to.
  9. I

    Do you count your chickens before bed?

    I don't put my chickens up at night. They put themselves up. I don't count them even though I only have 7.
  10. I

    Will a cat hurt my chickens?

    My cat, who is an absolute murderess of all things that skitter, slither, crawl, flutter, flap, fly, etc, etc, etc, has never once bothered my chickens. Nor has any feral cat ever bothered my chickens. Would I let her around chicks? No, but she is quite respectful (scared I would say) of even...
  11. I

    Is it good to sprout seeds without sunlight?

    It'll be fine to feed to them, but it's better to sprout in/with sun light.
  12. I

    Any ideas on what might be wrong?

    Looks like bumblefoot to me.
  13. I

    What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? This is basically it. I do not add sage, but I do add a couple/few chopped hard boiled eggs. I also boil the turkey neck, heart, and gizzard to use the stock. I pull the meat from the neck, dice it, the gizzard, and the heart and add it, also.
  14. I

    What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

    Cornbread dressing with giblet gravy. We don't do "stuffing" down here.
  15. I

    Hog feeder holds 100 lbs

    @Carson213 Do you have a link to the hog feeder you use?
  16. I

    Stupid question...could this be a rooster?!?!

    Yes, that is a cockerel/rooster.
  17. I

    Let's play "pullet or cockerel--EE edition"!

    EEs are mutts to begin with, but I'll say it again, they don't have feathered legs.
  18. I

    Let's play "pullet or cockerel--EE edition"!

    I don't see anything that says cockerel for certain, but EEs don't have feathered feet/legs. Olive seems to be a mix of EE and something else.
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