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  1. silkie10


  2. silkie10

    Thank you, @TwoCrows, @rjohns39,@chrissynemetz, and @Kiki for the birthday wishes!!!🥰 💕😍

    Thank you, @TwoCrows, @rjohns39,@chrissynemetz, and @Kiki for the birthday wishes!!!🥰 💕😍
  3. silkie10

    Fun frozen treats for hot chickens?

    I give mine plain watermelon and tomatoes frozen. I tried the great muffin pan idea but didn't continue (mostly because my freezer is too small) and because I find they melt quickly. The watermelon they like especially and it helps a ton
  4. silkie10

    The babies are here

    :love cuties!
  5. silkie10

    Help with my dog who wants to eat my chickens!

    my dog was like this. (She is a terrier mix as well) but now look at her! how long have you had the chickens? For quite a while when she was first introduced to them all she wanted to do was rip them apart. in our experience it took time. lots of time. Just be patient and keep your chickens...
  6. silkie10

    What temperature do 7-8 week old chicks need?

    they will totally be fine! :) you could give them a heat lamp at night if you think it'll get too cold but they would be fine without
  7. silkie10

    Turkey egg growin?

    I see veins
  8. silkie10

    Cannot find hen please help!!!!!

    I recently lost all five of my ducks in one night. No feathers no sign of what happened. Don't know if it was a animal or a human
  9. silkie10

    Can anyone tell me a good name for this chick

    Boy: Nigel, Hugo, or Bones Girl: Stella, plumm, Raspberry, or po
  10. silkie10

    Baby Chicks

    you can handle them as soon as they're born there's no harm, just make sure you keep them warm
  11. silkie10

    Eggs haven’t hatched?

    yes if it's black there's a full grown chick but that doesn't mean it's alive. Try water candling in stead of regular. Since it's day 25 water candling will show better results as to weather they're alive or not
  12. silkie10

    Good small dogs for protecting flock

    I have a Rat Terrier and Jack Russel mix. She's good at protecting the chickens and she's pretty small. I don't know if it's like her breed to protect them but maybe it's just because she knows they're my babies. She even breaks up rooster fights!
  13. silkie10

    Eggs or chicks for broody hen?

    From what I've experienced and what I've seen Broodys usually turn out a lot better. the hatch rates are higher and they don't use electricity. :D They do the work for you! The only problem is they can sometimes break the eggs. How many times have you used your incubator? Did it turn out well...
  14. silkie10

    Is dairy bad for chickens?

    I'm not sure. . . but I've been doing it for years and none have died because of it so I'm assuming no. . . :confused:
  15. silkie10

    Duckling Thread!

    I just got 7 little ducklings hatch for me on the 1st 2nd and 3rd of May! Can't show pics I'm out of town and they're being watched
  16. silkie10

    What kind of chick is this?

    It's the living kind I'd say! sorry, not too good with breeds. :rolleyes: Cute though!
  17. silkie10

    Eggs haven’t hatched?

    if it's no pips at day 25 I'd assume they're dead. try water candling or safety holing them if they're alive it's usually pretty easy to tell. If it's day 25 I wouldn't wait much longer. there have been incidents where chicks hatch 10 days late but I think it would just be easier to water...
  18. silkie10

    Bedding for babies who eat everything?

    Where do you live? How old is he? If he's old enough and it's warm outside you could just put him out on the lawn. I usually have my chicks in a crate with a heat lamp about a week after I get them. All you have to do to keep the bedding neat is move the crate every day to a clean clutch of grass
  19. silkie10

    Turkey Poult with Dislocated Knee?!

    oh, I see it now too
  20. silkie10

    Cockerel or pullet?

    looks like you got yourself a little man to me
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