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  1. dimitrischri

    emu chicks keep dying in the egg

    thanks! but most of them do break the membrane, they just dont break the shell. I suppose my question is why do complete chicks die in the shell?
  2. dimitrischri

    emu chicks keep dying in the egg

    well, i have been incubating all kinds of eggs for the last 10 years, always using homemade incubators that i built myself, using quality electronic thermostats and thermometers to regulate the correct temperature and i have had a great success over the years hatching a lot of chicken, duck...
  3. dimitrischri

    emu compatible egg turner?

    well i don't know for sure but i do mine 180°, also, somebody told me the other day that he had turned on these from a quail egg to an ostrich egg without any problems, i also think some of them are adjustable, i never have tried them myself though i wouldn't trust them with something bigger...
  4. dimitrischri

    emu chicks vitamin vaccinations

    hello there, I am waiting for some emu eggs to hatch and i was wondering what kind of vitamin shot should i give them, i have had problems in the past with splayed legs, i ve read somewhere that i need to give a vitamin B complex and vitamin E & selinium shot, right after hatch, does anybody...
  5. dimitrischri

    partridge chicks deaths

    by the way it could be encephalomalacia its a vitamin E defiency. you can read this article: i also found this...
  6. dimitrischri

    partridge chicks deaths

    i brought them to a vet and he wasnt sure what it was. he told me not to put other birds with them cause if its a parasise they could infect them aswell. he gave me those multyvitamins. the other vitamin E & selinium i decited to give them myself after researching on the internet.
  7. dimitrischri

    partridge chicks deaths

    having lots of birds means ordering lots of bags. i live in Cyprus which is an island. buying bags of feed and get them shipped here is very expensive.
  8. dimitrischri

    partridge chicks deaths

    i found a video on youtube of a chick having the same spasms as mine do.
  9. dimitrischri

    partridge chicks deaths

    they are from 2 different pairs but they all do those spasms. by the way that was 3 days ago. the last two days i stoped feeding 30% protein and changed it to a 25% protein feed. i also stoped feeing bigattini fly maggots and i started adding multyvitamin and vitam E & selinium in their water...
  10. dimitrischri

    partridge chicks deaths

    thanks for the reply. a commercial game bird feed would be ideal. but we dont have that here in Cyprus thats why i mix my own feed.
  11. dimitrischri

    newbie in gamebird keeping

    newbie in gamebird keeping
  12. dimitrischri

    partridge chicks deaths

    Hello. how are you doing? i would like to ask a question about my partridge chicks deaths. i have hatched some partridge (philby and chukar) and im feeding 30% protain feed that i mixed myself adding soy to premixed commertial (21% protain) chick feed. i also feed live bigattini fly maggot for...
  13. dimitrischri

    Review by 'dimitrischri' in article 'Raising Guinea fowl 101: A beginners guide to raising Guinea fowl'

    nice article. what is the right ratio between male and female?
  14. dimitrischri

    adding soy meal to commercial feed

    the amino acids percentages are very low in my feed . i dont know if its supposed to be like that. i used to feed meal worms to my newborn partridge chicks . they work but i would still lost some chicks.
  15. dimitrischri

    adding soy meal to commercial feed

    that's right. thanks for the info! how much do you believe is the right protain percentage? how about around 28% . they say that if its summer and tou feed high protain feed your birds may die. is it true?
  16. dimitrischri

    adding soy meal to commercial feed

    thanks for the maths! what is the difference if i mix my ingridients by volume instead of weight?
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