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  1. RowanTheRed

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Well, sadly I’ve had a significant life event 2 years ago. My significant other of 11 years passed away just 2 days before his 53rd birthday. 8 months later I decided to leave the upstate of SC where I had lived for 27 years and move back to my home state of Florida. Sadly I had to sell all of...
  2. RowanTheRed

    13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    thanks for the tag, and I would love to participate in the Easter Hatch along. However, my best friend and soul mate passed away last Sunday night. I just don't have it in me at the moment to take this on. I will be in Florida (our home state) that weekend for his life celebration.
  3. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    BTW, a big thank you to everyone for your guidance and moral support 🙏 😊
  4. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    I beginning to think it's the cutaneous form of Mareks. Which totally sucks! Ugg. Ive got 4 others about his age. One is his sister that's ALWAYS by his side, another little Ameraucana mix pullet and 2 ISA red pullets we got from TSC about a month before he hatched. So far none of them are...
  5. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    If it is, he now has at least 4. I just found a small behind his left ear. They are growing rapidly too.
  6. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    Okay, sadly after cutting away the feathers out of the way, it's safe to say that this lump is now WAY BEYOND help. It's so macerated and necrotic. And the size has grown from slightly smaller than a golf ball to nearly as big as my hand in less than 3 days. And it STINKS! I think at this...
  7. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    Lol, like Like I said, 24 year NICU nurse. Drug calculations are not a problem for me lol
  8. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    I don't have a scale to weigh him. But as a NICU nurse I'm fairly good at weights. I'm guessing he's around 1 kg which is roughly 2.2 lbs. My ampicillin is s 500mg vial. You reconstitute with 4.8 ml of sterile water with gives a the mix of 500mg in 5 ml. It's the only vial I have. So I was...
  9. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    By chance do you remember the volume of the dose?
  10. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    They prescribed sub cutaneous over intra muscular? If I reconstitute this as normal, it with be a 100mg per 1ml ratio. I'm guessing he can't weigh much more than 2 lbs, so roughly 1kg. That would be a dose of 1.5ml. Might be a bit too much for sub Q, but I would think it would be fine for...
  11. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    What's your opinion on the Penicillin G vs Ampicillin? The Ampicillin is a broad spectrum that is for IV or IM use in humans, but I'm sure it will be okay for him. We generally give 100mg per kg every 8 hours in neonates. PoultryDVM says 50-150 mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours for poultry...
  12. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    @Wyorp Rock @azygous @Overo Mare @MysteryChicken Newest development When I went out late afternoon yesterday to get an updated look, his original lump was bleeding. Not a huge amount, but enough to drip. I was able to clean it up with normal saline and Chlorhexidine. The skin there is...
  13. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    There is a vet a cobble of towns over that will see him. I just haven't been able to with me being the cook and host for Thanksgiving as always lol. I have a shirt day tomorrow but I'm not certain of they can see him in the afternoon tomorrow. If not I'm aiming for Monday They are firm, like...
  14. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    I was wondering the same about Mareks. I sure hope not. I've spent hours online looking at images of both the cutaneous forum of Mareks and feather follicle cyst, honestly it really looks more like the cyst. But that may be because of the limited photos available of the cutaneous Mareks. As...
  15. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    Okay, new development. While outside just now I noticed that the same cockerel had an area on the same side at the top of his leg where the feathers were sticking out there as well. I picked him up to get a look and he has another one there AND on his left side in his shoulder area! I'm...
  16. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    Okay. TSC is out of Penicillin G and NOBODY around me sells fish mox. So I'm going to have to get it online and it will take several days to get here. So, do I hold off of removing the cyst until I have it, or go ahead and remove it now and begin ABX treatment when it arrives?
  17. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    Now THAT I might be able to get from Pet Smart! It's just across the street from my neighborhood. If not I'll look at Tractor supply as well. I wish I had a way of recording this procedure for others to see in the future. I'm sure I won't be the last person looking for help with this issue 😕
  18. RowanTheRed

    5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

    Tractor supply doesn't have amoxicillin tablets, only injectable penicillin. So it's going to have to be topical for now. One more thought, there are so many hackle feathers on it that is difficult to see, let alone incise. Should I clip these away or work around them?
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