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  1. morgan2163

    added video, please help! Lethargic and hard time standing

    She’s eating ok, drinking when she can. Working on the vitamins, seems a little better after B, getting Vitamin e today, local store out of corid, shipping it in. Separated her from the other two to check her poop to make sure. Don’t want to totally separate her, as they comfort her
  2. morgan2163

    added video, please help! Lethargic and hard time standing

    Poop seems fine, she did have a little on her this am, after cleaning her, her vent is a little bloody and pulsating. Will try the corrid, will it affect if she doesn’t need it? We had bought 2 buff orp chicks for a broody hen, she rejected them, lost one at a week old. Bought 2 more from...
  3. morgan2163

    added video, please help! Lethargic and hard time standing

    2 week old chick, all the sudden started acting Lethargic, seems hard time standing. Was thriving, running all over last night this Am. Gave her nutridrench, breathing seems a bit labored. What else can I do for her. She seems to get run over by the other two in with her 8/17 hatch date, no...
  4. morgan2163

    Bantams… breed and gender

    Thank you! That’s what I was leaning to, my husband and son said no, only one cockerel. I’m hoping the 3 get along as well down the road, we’ve 12 full size and 4 bantams. I’ll take a bantam roo any day
  5. morgan2163

    Bantams… breed and gender

    We know the white featherless legs is a roo… the d’uccle has the looks, but no sounds, same with the one we think is old English? No idea on breeds of the black ones either So, everyone’s favorite game, roo or hem, and breeds? They’re approx 12-13 weeks The looks of a roo… but 🤷🏼‍♀️breeds...
  6. morgan2163

    Non emergency… Is there any help for this chicks leg?

    This barred rock chick will be 4 weeks 5/10. We think when we got her her toe was stuck in a gap in the cardboard, she had curled toe, which we fixed. We have given nutridrench, tried to see if slipped tendon, tried different hobbles. Nothing has worked. We free range our chickens, and plan to...
  7. morgan2163

    Bantam ID

    Thanks! I’m assuming old English. Guess I’ll have to be patient a few more weeks ;)
  8. morgan2163

    Would a Bantam Cochin rooster be good at protecting 15 hens?

    He was, and was a little jerk to the ankles LOL but it was always bc he thought we were after a lady
  9. morgan2163

    Would a Bantam Cochin rooster be good at protecting 15 hens?

    Our bantam roo was great at protecting his ladies. Alerting them, calling them in. Sadly, a mink got in our coop via a chewed in hole, and it slaughtered 6 of our flock, including my roo. Hoping one of the 7 bantams I have to replace is a roo, and half as good as he was for them
  10. morgan2163

    Bantam ID

    Trying to figure out what this bantam is. All black except white wing tips. Any ideas? Clean legs. Not very cooperative worn pictures 😉
  11. morgan2163

    5 day old chick leg issues

    thank you! I’m picking up nutridrench today, will be trying both. She’s a fighter, so I’m hoping this works!
  12. morgan2163

    ‘New’ 6 year member, just finding my way back

    We’ve tried everything, but the paper towels. I clean them out 4 times a day. I’ll try that, thanks!
  13. morgan2163

    ‘New’ 6 year member, just finding my way back

    Hi all! 6 years ago we got our first group, of supposedly sexed chicks… 6 of 7 were Roos… we rehomed 5, kept a beautiful giant black australop… until he tried to attack a Christmas tree customer! We’ve added on and off, lost a few to nature. A month ago, a mink found its way in our coop...
  14. morgan2163

    5 day old chick leg issues

    This lady hatched 4/12. We picked her up 4/13. I think it was her who had middle toe stuck in between 2 flaps of cardboard on way home, not positive. She had curled toes, we taped that day. Didn’t notice the leg issue. But had been told to address foot issue first. Any ideas what’s with her...
  15. morgan2163

    Please no roo!!

    Thanks, I figured lol also worth a shot
  16. morgan2163

    Please no roo!!

    We picked up 2 straight run, as they were last two and kinda sad looking… pretty sure one is a pullet, but not sure on this one… last pic is the smallest of the two. Approx 3 weeks. I know it’s early ;) we've 8 bantams, so I am Worried about a full size cockerel
  17. morgan2163

    Bantam chick ID

    We bought some straight run bantams, my son thought this one was a silkie. But she’s developing feathers. Has a grayish undertone to her. Last picture she’s (he) is bottom middle Thanks!
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