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  1. NatJ

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Oh, good. I just wanted to be sure :) If you get an overwhelming urge to make chicken clothes, maybe crochet some chickens and then crochet sweaters for them. I'm not sure there. I've never tried it, and...
  2. NatJ

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    As a joke, yes. As a practical matter, probably not. Chicken feathers work best if they can ruffle up or lay down whenever the chicken wants them too. A sweater or a vest gets in the way of that. Clothing over feathers or fur does not work as well as clothing over bare skin like people have.
  3. NatJ

    Open the incubator or wait?

    I agree about giving them more time. I agree that they should be fine staying in or fine coming out. The particular reasons I suggested taking them out: With that many hatched, and no pips, the hatch might be over-- in which case the chicks might as well come out now as later. If the other...
  4. NatJ

    Advice needed.

    A Buff Brahma would have feathered feet and a pea comb. I can't see the feet in the first photo of this thread, and it's hard to tell combs on tiny chicks (I'm fairly sure it is either single or pea, but which one can make a big difference when determining breed.) I think I see extra-puffy...
  5. NatJ

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    I agree, too much salt is bad. This is just plain wrong. Some salt IS found in what chickens normally eat. Go read the label on any bag of chicken food. Or read articles about the bad things that happen when chickens do not get enough salt. Here is an example from the University of Maine...
  6. NatJ

    Advice needed.

    My preferred method: raise the males long enough to be sure which ones they are, then make plans for butchering day. You can eat them at any age or size. Younger ones are smaller and more tender, older ones are bigger and more likely to be tough (so cook old ones into something like soup.)
  7. NatJ

    Open the incubator or wait?

    I would take out the chicks at this point. Yes, you can take out the empty shells too, or you can leave them in-- it shouldn't be a big deal either way.
  8. NatJ

    Americanas from tractor supply🤔

    Not quite how I would put it. I would say that "Easter Eggers" are any chickens that lay blue or green eggs but do not belong to a recognized pure breed. It doesn't matter whether they are descended from Araucanas, or Ameraucanas, or Cream Legbars, or directly from the original blue-layers...
  9. NatJ

    Leaving home for 36 hours. What should I do with my chicks?

    I would give them fresh water right before you leave, check them as soon as you get home, and hope for the best. Unless their brooder is way too hot, they should not actually die in the time you are gone, even if they dump their water in the first hour. If they do not dump their water, they...
  10. NatJ

    Comb combinations and gamefowl

    Wrong. A black Sumatra does not have the blue gene. If it has the blue gene, it will be a Blue Sumatra. When you breed two blue Sumatras and get 25% black chicks, those black ones have NO blue genes. They cannot give blue to their chicks. Very good point. But since no-one actually responded at...
  11. NatJ

    Australorp Roo x Barred Rock, RIR, Australorp, and Buff Orp Hens

    They will mostly look alike, with solid black chicks. From the Barred Rock, sons will have white barring and a light spot on top of their heads when they hatch. Daughters will not. So you will be able to spot those males when they hatch. As the chicks grow feathers, the ones with a Buff...
  12. NatJ

    Male or Female? Mystery "naked" 4w/o chick

    I think that is the most likely breed, but Rhode Island Red Bantams are actually rather rare compared with Cochin, Silkie, OEGB, and some of the other ones that seem like they should be more "exotic." There is a gene called "Slow Feathering," which causes exactly that. Some breeds have slow...
  13. NatJ

    Bielefelder mix chicks- auto sexing?

    I think Citronella is probably blue, with large areas of silver, and some red leakage in the wings. So he could give either a blue gene or a not-blue gene to the chick. Of course I could be wrong. I sometimes have trouble sorting these things out :) For Derby, I'm having a bit of trouble...
  14. NatJ

    Chick: Silver laced wyandotte x cuckoo marans

    I was thinking the exact same thing, until I took a look at what color feathers that baby was snuggled up to :) She is not a Cuckoo Marans. "Cuckoo" is a particular color, black and white striped. She is not that color. Marans is a breed. I can't say for sure whether she is a Marans of some...
  15. NatJ

    Chick: Silver laced wyandotte x cuckoo marans

    It will probably grow up to look mostly black, probably with some bits of white leakage in various places. You said the mother is a Cuckoo Marans? Those are usually black with white barring across the feathers, but the chick looks like it is snuggled against some blue (gray) breast feathers. So...
  16. NatJ

    What breed are these bantams?

    Probably Partridge Cochin Bantam. When farm stores have a "bantam mix" it usually means that the bin has chicks of many different bantam breeds, but each chick is just one breed or another. So there might be a Cochin and a Silkie and an Old English Game Bantam and so forth.
  17. NatJ

    Chick: Silver laced wyandotte x cuckoo marans

    There is no special name for that cross. It could be called a mix, a mutt, a Marans/Wyandotte cross, or quite a few other terms. BYM is fairly common (Barn Yard Mix or Back Yard Mix.) Am I seeing two chicks, or two views of one chick?
  18. NatJ

    Bielefelder mix chicks- auto sexing?

    Splash is two copies of the blue feather gene, and it is a dilution of black. The chick in the photo looks (to me) like it has actual black, or possibly a very dark blue, in its coloring. Do you have a picture of the father? I'm getting curious to see how he looks. Maybe the mother as well.
  19. NatJ

    Can you get a big chicken from a small egg?

    The egg limits how big the chick can be when it hatches. But after that, the genetics of the chick determine how big it will grow. The genes from a small hen will probably cause the chick to be medium-sized, but that is not a certainty. The chicks might grow to be large or small rather than...
  20. NatJ

    Bielefelder mix chicks- auto sexing?

    I think that is just loud chick pattern. Barring usually makes white lines that run across the feather from one side to the other. In the wings, I think I'm seeing a white dot at the tip of each feather, then various black/white speckledy patterns in the rest of it. (It looks a lot like what the...
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