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  1. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    You're not kidding! We had to very quickly separate all the males. Like clockwork they hit 7 weeks old and started tearing each other apart. We put them each in their own living space until we could get the males to new homes. Kept the male that seemed the least flighty and the least aggressive...
  2. mlcrowley

    All the quail advice

    Thank you for the response! The set up for the little one is basically a wooden box with a hardware cloth lid. We have paper down while it’s still tiny, but usually switch to shavings after a bit with the chickens, that’s the plan for this one once it’s big enough. There’s a small dish of...
  3. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    Ended up vent sexing (way easier than I thought!) 2 Hens and 5 Roos! #1 and #2 from the original pics are the hens. Thank you again!
  4. mlcrowley

    All the quail advice

    Okay, here goes … any and all advice/constructive criticism is welcome, I need as much info as anyone’s willing to take the time to give. This will probably be long, apologies and thanks in advance if you make it to the end. We purchased 10 coturnix quail, they were 5 days old. We lost 3 of the...
  5. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    Any info on what their color names are? Or would these be considered barnyard mixes like chickens? We don’t know much about where these guys came from, we found them online, but I’m fairly certain it was just a mixed flock all kept together. Are they old enough to vent sex? I’ve never tried...
  6. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    Thank you!!
  7. mlcrowley

    Coturnix Quail Gender

    I have 7 coturnix quail. We got them 5 days after hatch (hatch date was 10/17). They are now 6 weeks old. Can anyone tell gender based on feather pattern? I’ve read that some colors you can, some you can’t. I’m not sure what colors they even are, we’re brand new to quail. Any info you can give...
  8. mlcrowley

    I’ve got some weird ones for you … known parent breeds, but chicks are mixed.

    No clue where he was from actually. We “rescued” him from another flock where he was getting beat up on by a larger rooster. The lady told me he was a bantam Cochin, but could definitely be wrong!
  9. mlcrowley

    I’ve got some weird ones for you … known parent breeds, but chicks are mixed.

    Pic of Dad just for fun and also cuz I miss that little bowling ball of a rooster terribly.
  10. mlcrowley

    I’ve got some weird ones for you … known parent breeds, but chicks are mixed.

    Here are some internet photos of similar colored Easter Eggers
  11. mlcrowley

    I’ve got some weird ones for you … known parent breeds, but chicks are mixed.

    I don’t have any clear pics of the Easter Egger hens, all 3 were taken, but I’ll see if I can find some photos of similar coloring to what we had.
  12. mlcrowley

    I’ve got some weird ones for you … known parent breeds, but chicks are mixed.

    TLDR: wanting to know hen or roo ;) Parents: Roo - Black Bantam Cochin Hen(s) - Barred Rock for chicks #1 and #2, unknown for chick #3, but will follow with list of breed possibilities, maybe silver laced? These chicks were hatched on 7/31, so they’re a little over 3 weeks old at this point...
  13. mlcrowley

    Silver Laced Polish gender guesses ... 5w3d old

    it was difficult to get pictures as it’s super windy today, but hopefully these will help a little.
  14. mlcrowley

    Silver Laced Polish gender guesses ... 5w3d old

    Agreed, these posts are better with updates! And thank you for asking as I had totally forgotten to come back with those updates! I still won’t say I’m absolutely certain of #4’s gender. #1 from my original post is for certain a cockerel. His waddles are more pronounced now and he’s decided to...
  15. mlcrowley

    Silver Laced Polish gender guesses ... 5w3d old

    Thank you!! I sure hope so!
  16. mlcrowley

    Silver Laced Polish gender guesses ... 5w3d old

    Ok, I got a little look at all of their combs. I don’t think I’d be able to hold them still enough for pictures, their combs are super buried in feathers. #1 I can’t see a comb per se, but there is definitely bright red at the top of the beak. #2 can’t see a darned thing, no redness, no points...
  17. mlcrowley

    Silver Laced Polish gender guesses ... 5w3d old

    They do have the craziest crests. They crack me up! Really hoping we only have 1 roo in the bunch. We have a bantam Cochin roo already and I’m hoping if we only have one more in this bunch that our flock will be large enough they won’t hate each other.
  18. mlcrowley

    Silver Laced Polish gender guesses ... 5w3d old

    We got 4 polish chicks bought as straight run. Two are white crested, two are silver laced. They are almost 6 weeks old, so I know it’s still early, but I wanted to see if anyone had any guesses. We’re fairly certain of gender on 3 of the 4, but the smallest one is giving me a run for my money...
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