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  1. trunkman

    Red Rangers

    Looking good. Mine are 9 weeks old but not processing size yet, I'd say they might dress out at 3 pounds, they seem to be growing slower. How many do you have to process?
  2. trunkman

    Show us your processing set up, here's mine. " pics"

    This is my overall setup. my dipping pot, I heat the water to 150 degrees, I also add dish detergent, it's said it helps make plucking easier but I found it takes that disgusting dirty wet chicken smell out of the whole process, I loved it! the cone, my home made plucker, this is...
  3. trunkman

    disappointed in processed weights

    I think you're right Linda! I will never buy from them again.
  4. trunkman

    disappointed in processed weights

    I fed them nutrena starter grower most of their lives, I fed them dumor chick starter the first 3 weeks.
  5. trunkman

    disappointed in processed weights

    The reds were a bit smaller but I had 2 just over 5 pounds, about 8 just over 4 pounds, about 10 in the 3 pound range and 4 in the two pound range. We processed a few about 3 weeks ago that were just over 2 pounds because we wanted to try small birds (cornish hens) and thought for sure we'd have...
  6. trunkman

    disappointed in processed weights

    I just processed my 3rd batch of cornish rocks last weekend and have to say I was very disappointed in the weights after processing. I was expecting 4 and a half to 6 pound range but ended up with an average of 3 pounds each at 8 weeks and 3 days. I kept them of feed 24 hours a day for the first...
  7. trunkman

    How do I get started on selling eggs?

    A dozen eggs in my area sells for 1.50 to 2.50 a dozen so I sell mine for 2.00 a dozen. I put mine in a cooler with two 2 liter frozen soda bottles that I refresh every evening after I get home from work. I also have neighbors that replenish my supply of cartons. I usually keep 4 dozen in the...
  8. trunkman

    Got the green light for meat birds!!!

    I wouldn't jump into everything too quickly, start with the birds you want and get a feel for the work and amount of feed involved after you build them a coop or enclosure you'll keep them in and see if you like doing that. Then come processing day, can you handle the processing part? I remember...
  9. trunkman

    attacked by a tom "pic"

    Thank god I had full length jeans on, today I decided to separate my two toms because they have been cooped up in a 12 ft by 12 ft run together for the past couple of months. I separated them from the hens because the hens had gone broody and were laying on eggs. The toms were sometimes...
  10. trunkman

    Is anyone selling turkey eggs or poults?

    I haven't seen many people selling turkey eggs or poults in my area or on here this spring. Do any of you sell them and if so how much do you sell them for in your area? The price I have in mind is $50 a dozen for hatching eggs and around $7 or $8 for poults. Am I in a good price range?
  11. trunkman

    hatch with tom in pen

    I have several turkey eggs that I put in the incubator last night so it will be tied up for 28 days so in the meantime the 2 hens are still laying. I'd love to have the hens hatch their own poults but I'm wondering if the tom will let the hens set on the eggs since they're in the same inclosure...
  12. trunkman

    keeping eggs refridgerated

    Thanks Oakridgefarms, I like getting lots of different opinions and ways people do things, it gives me many avenues to try.
  13. trunkman

    keeping eggs refridgerated

    Thank you kuntrygirl, I have the eggs on a shelf in the basement for now, it's about 50 degrees down there so I may keep them there till I have a dozen or so to hatch. Again, thanks for finding your post for me!
  14. trunkman

    keeping eggs refridgerated

    Goldie, I'm assuming your thinking chicken eggs, although I'm sure turkey eggs are about the same. Thanks for the info.
  15. trunkman

    keeping eggs refridgerated

    My 2 hens just started laying eggs, I found 4 eggs in their run today! My main goal is to hatch poults and don't want to incubate just 4 or 6 eggs at a time so I'd like to know how long can you keep eggs in the fridge before you incubate them, what is a good time frame?
  16. trunkman

    1st Egg - Very Exciting!!

    Congrats!!! Isn't it great!!
  17. trunkman

    Pullet acting spazzy before laying her egg

    I've got one of my pullets doing the same as yours as I'm typing this. In and out of the coop, looking high and low, looking at and around the tree, going back in the coop checking out the nesting boxes, under them, the roosts and back out again, she's been at it for over an hour now, very fun...
  18. trunkman

    Hey ladies, it's a nesting box...

    I've had 6 nesting boxes for 20 chickens and always found 90 percent of the eggs in one nesting box so I made room in the coop and took 3 out and now I find 90 percent of the eggs in one nesting box still, they've never laid eggs in all three boxes in the same day. I also close up the coop every...
  19. trunkman

    Pullet acting spazzy before laying her egg

    You say she just started laying a week or so ago so I think it is just a simple case of laying is totally new to her, she doesn't know how to react to those weird feelings she has every 25 hours. You could say it's almost like a teenage girl who was never told about periods and one day notices...
  20. trunkman

    fun guess on first egg!? And first breed to lay.

    Well, it finally happened, came home to 4 very small eggs today, I can't tell you which one layed first, I got one white, one light brown and two darker brown. I'm thinking leghorn, cuckoo maran on the 2 darker eggs and production red on the light brown. So 4 eggs out of 25 pullets at 20 weeks...
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