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  1. Kevin565

    Can I keep rosy red minnows in a 5.5 gallon tank?

    It could technically be done but it's not ideal. They are schooling fish so it's recommended to keep them in groups of 5+. You'd want at least a 10 gallon for that.
  2. Kevin565

    What do you guys think of ordering chickens and ducks at purely poultry?

    Are you just wanting pets/egg layers or breeder birds?
  3. Kevin565

    Is this drake behavior?

    If the voice is raspy then he's mostly likely a drake. You will need to separate him from the chickens if he's trying to breed them. Their reproductive systems are very different and a drake can fatally injure a hen trying to mount her.
  4. Kevin565

    Selling eggs.

    10 dollars a dozen sounds normal for my area when it comes to duck eggs now. Please make sure to look into your city's regulations before selling any eggs. Some areas are much more strict with their rules when it comes to selling them.
  5. Kevin565

    Dogloo for geese

    My goose used one while broody but I'm not sure that would honestly work for long term. Especially for a goose as large as a Toulouse.
  6. Kevin565

    Duck ID

    Those look like young fawn and white runners to me as well.
  7. Kevin565


    It sounds like you have a male and female.
  8. Kevin565

    Dead Duck

    Any exterior wounds? Are the others acting normal?
  9. Kevin565

    do drakes Ever sit on eggs

    It's extremely rare but yes I've had a Mallard Drake sit on eggs for a few days. He did quit after a few days though.
  10. Kevin565

    Questions about muscovy ducks!

    If he's very hypersexual then I would suggest getting him two female muscovy companions.
  11. Kevin565

    Duck ate dead leave lily leaves

    He's very handsome!
  12. Kevin565

    Are mandarin ducks cold hardy

    Will the barn be free of any drafts? The biggest concern for them would be frostbite on their feet. This should be avoidable with open water and plenty of dry bedding.
  13. Kevin565

    Duck ate dead leave lily leaves

    Do you know what species of lily is was? Most likely he did not ingest enough to be harmful. I would just make sure he has access to plenty of water and grit.
  14. Kevin565

    Duck egg reactions

    I believe the protein enzymes are different in each species. Your digestive system might have trouble breaking them down. This isn't a completely unusual reaction to them. I have a few family members who aren't able to eat duck eggs but are perfectly fine with chicken eggs.
  15. Kevin565

    What Should Be A Part of My Urban Homestead

    Also, Welcome to BYC!
  16. Kevin565

    What Should Be A Part of My Urban Homestead

    Ducks are lovely animals but are extremely messy. If you're planning on free ranging everyone then Drakes can be a problem with hens.
  17. Kevin565

    Khaki Campbells / 3 ganging up on 1

    It sounds like they might be trying to restablish their pecking order. I would separate the injured male while he recovers. It is possible for them to kill him but it usually doesn't end up going that far.
  18. Kevin565

    Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

    It really is going to depend on what you plan on stocking the tank with. A fish only tank will require a different set up than if you were planning on building a reef set up. I wouldn't say it's really much harder, especially if you're going for a fish only tank or even a FOWLR.
  19. Kevin565

    turkey eggs

    "Healthy" can be a subjective term. However, chicken eggs have much less cholesterol and fat when compared to turkey eggs.
  20. Kevin565

    Capsaicin water for predator deterrent

    I personally wouldn't suggest this. You might also want to check with local regulations before attempting this.
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