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  1. Birdcrazy

    Sexing six-week-olds

    I’m in Australia, it’s never been cold enough here for them to even need a mother :p They do! And she’s a great first time mother <3 Knowing my luck, they’ll all be boys!! :hit
  2. Birdcrazy

    Sexing six-week-olds

    Thank you!! They are. Such a shame most are boys, though! This is how they prefer to sleep at night, so cute! Yes. I have ten hens and one rooster not pictured, but won’t be keeping more boys regardless.
  3. Birdcrazy

    Sexing six-week-olds

    Thanks guys. The coronation was the only baby that seemed like a pullet to me, too. It’s my fifth time having babies and it’s always the same result! I think it’s a sign :rolleyes:
  4. Birdcrazy

    Sexing six-week-olds

    Hi guys, My 5 babies have just turned 6 weeks. Is it too early to sex them? I’ve had pretty terrible luck with incubation thus far, usually 10-20% hens. So I am desperately hoping to at least get one hen! I think it might be just be too hot here to get a decent hatch ratio. Has anyone found...
  5. Birdcrazy

    Sexing my 6 week olds

    Thanks everyone! They were super hard to photograph as they are so quick and not friendly unless I’m tempting them with food :p Some of the browns are a bit hard for me to distinguish between too There are 10 altogether but it looks like I’ve hit the boy jackpot again :barnie
  6. Birdcrazy

    Sexing my 6 week olds

    Hi guys, Would anybody be able to have a go at sexing my chicks? They are 6 weeks old - however the eggs came from a friend’s mixed flock so most are unknown crossbreeds. They were quite difficult to take any good photos of, but I can get more if needed. :p I’m thinking hen for the little...
  7. Birdcrazy

    Stunted Chick

    I am providing heat in the brooder, but they are mostly outside during the day as it's pretty warm here (spring weather normally 20-30 degrees celsius). They are in and out of the brooder a little bit, BJ prefers the heat but big chicken flies out to go bug hunting. His only feathers still are...
  8. Birdcrazy

    Stunted Chick

    Same here (aside from small and no feathers for his age) externally looks fine but does always seem cold! He also has curled wing feathers. Have yours at all? I was doing a bit of online research and signs point towards a disease - I didn't understand it too well. It mentioned stunted growth and...
  9. Birdcrazy

    Stunted Chick

    Oh wow! Same here with BJ, just the start of wings. 8 weeks old and still no feathers, its so weird. Maybe I'll have to get BJ new chick friends, because Espresso will most definitely be out of the brooder then.
  10. Birdcrazy

    Stunted Chick

    They are likely a different mix, but I reckon both at least x plymouth rock. Not too sure though. BJ is tinier than my bantam chicks, and I would think any breed would have feathers by now? But I don't hatch a lot of chicks, so I've no real idea. If it is breed-related, that would mean his...
  11. Birdcrazy

    Stunted Chick

    Most eggs under this broody hen were given to me by a friend, so around 9. 2 were from my own hens & rooster. But I wouldn't be sure which is the biological mother of them. My two are bantam crosses, in with the hen still. She's not the only mum right now, I have three. Only one rejected her...
  12. Birdcrazy

    Egbert the pigeon-chicken

    Oh, I didn't even think of youtube! I will definitely do that. I'm in exam study right now, but when it wraps up and dig through all my videos, and put them together :) It's lucky they did! They are so close, I often catch Egbert with her head in Minty's (the rooster) mane of feathers grooming...
  13. Birdcrazy

    Stunted Chick

    here are some earlier photos of the pair - they used to be the same size!
  14. Birdcrazy

    Egbert the pigeon-chicken

    That's exactly what we said! Keep with the chickens, mate! She is with them majority of the time, aside from when she's going for a little fly around. Hopefully next time she knows!
  15. Birdcrazy

    Stunted Chick

    Hi everyone, Has anyone had a chick with stunted growth? It turned out mother hen does not like black chicks :idunno she killed one and injured two others before I realised. I had pulled the remaining two chicks from the rest of the hatch (she is happy with her brown and yellow chicks). While...
  16. Birdcrazy

    Egbert the pigeon-chicken

    Hi everyone, she stayed faithfully on her nest for sometime, but I made her a new nest on the wall and moved her eggs. She was starting to look a little scruffy on the ground, it just wasn't safe for her there. She wasn't impressed with that and eventually nested again next to the chicken...
  17. Birdcrazy

    Egbert the pigeon-chicken

    Egbert this morning
  18. Birdcrazy

    Egbert the pigeon-chicken

    Thank you - he is! I'm not quite sure what breeds he's a mix of, but I know he does have a teeny bit of silkie - the hairstyle gives it away :p He is such a sweet thing!
  19. Birdcrazy

    Egbert the pigeon-chicken

    Thank you! I was quite surprised too, it's a decent size coop and she could fly (albeit not well) at the time introduced her, so I presumed she'd do her own thing and strengthen her flight muscles. But they adopted her immediately and she became part of the flock. Lucky for Egbert!
  20. Birdcrazy

    Egbert the pigeon-chicken

    Thank you for your kind words! Thats a great idea, if she'll follow her nest I will definitely move it off the floor. I am thinking of making her something that the chickens can't get to, so she can nest as she pleases without any results. We have a small population of pigeons here and they...
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