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  1. henryraven86

    Who here is a Garden Lover?

    I have been gardening for years still have trouble with some plants i have started growing some exotic snap melons from india this year but my passion fruit vines are trying to take over the yard so I'm going to sell the extra vines.
  2. henryraven86

    Question about pumpkins

    Yes you can grow them with your corn and it's quite easy to train them the way you want them to grow just make sure they get enough water and sun.
  3. henryraven86

    Tomato Cages That Don't Fall Over?

    I have had a similar thing happen to me but it wasn't the tomatoes that made the cage fall. My squash vine grew up the cage and pulled it down and my tomatoes left on the ground so right now i don't know what to do also.
  4. henryraven86

    How goes your gardening so far?

    Yeah they are trying to take over the yard.
  5. henryraven86

    Harvesting cabbage?

    Cabbage is different than spinach picking the outer leaves kills the plant. I have some cabbage growing in my garden.
  6. henryraven86

    How goes your gardening so far?

    My garden is quite big this year I'm trying to grow some exotic snap melons from india right now I'm selling some passion fruit vines for$10.00 .
  7. henryraven86

    Catalpa tree flowers edible?

    Those are not good to eat at all but i do have some passion fruit vines for sale if you like? If you do please message me.
  8. henryraven86

    New Mexico

    i just want to say welcome to b.y.c.
  9. henryraven86

    What is the best tomato to grow?

    i haven't heard about white tomatoes before but black krim is real a good tomato you might want to try out coustralee tomatoes from pinetree.
  10. henryraven86

    Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

    does the price include the shipping?
  11. henryraven86

    Hamburg thread!

    thanks I'll keep looking.
  12. henryraven86

    Hamburg thread!

    I'm not sure what happened to my chicken i woke up this morning found her out of the coop and under the bushes.
  13. henryraven86

    Hamburg thread!

    i have bought mine from them too i checked them out already they were sold out.
  14. henryraven86

    Hamburg thread!

    I just lost one of my golden pencil leg Hamburg today feeling sad, does any one know where i can get some hens or some hatching eggs?
  15. henryraven86


    i have one that does the same thing.
  16. henryraven86

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    I just lost my golden pencil leg Hamburg today feeling sad, i need a new hen or some hatching eggs does any one know where i can get one?
  17. henryraven86

    First time hatching chicks

    i hope so, she is kinda small for the egg.
  18. henryraven86

    New Mexico

    Does any one know where i can get some hens at?
  19. henryraven86

    First time hatching chicks

    yeah she isn't letting me see them.
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