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  1. cjoffutt


    Just wanted to give a shout our to Hiatts Poultry Processing up by Rochester. Took up 3 drakes, and 5 chickens last night to them, had them done and bagged by 8:30 this morning for me. Prices were more than fair and saved myself an entire day of work of cleaning them. I will for sure be using...
  2. cjoffutt

    Run fence

    At bare minimum you'll want to use 1" poultry fence. Anything larger than that will allow pretty much any animal to come in and feast on the chickens when they please. Most people will use 1/2" hard ware cloth for the bottom 2-4 feet of the run to keep darn near any vermin out of the run...
  3. cjoffutt

    Duck pond

    Ya he's my youngest and most certain a mini-me. Always right behind me attempting to help build the latest project, drive the tractor around etc. He's a worker for sure though, which is great as I'm sure in a few years it'll be like pulling teeth to get him to help around the house.
  4. cjoffutt

    Duck pond

    Thought of that actually, but I have a hard time charging friends outside of material costs.
  5. cjoffutt

    Duck pond

    Ask and you shall receive! I really need to organize my photos better on my phone. So many pictures taken but they are just all over the place as for a timeline or content, lol. I'll get some more tonight since the actual animal pictures are a couple months old and those birds have changed A...
  6. cjoffutt

    Duck pond

    Thank you much. Wife thought it was an insane idea/build until she saw how much the ducks enjoyed it. Now she keeps trying to hire me out to her chicken friends, lol.
  7. cjoffutt

    Duck pond

    I'm probably late to the party, but here are some pictures of the duck 'pond' I made earlier this year. Parts list is also below for anyone interested. Liner: Bulkheads for filter...
  8. cjoffutt

    Solved High Risk website blocked? "Count.IM"

    We run Sophos at work. It picks it up CONSTANTLY as well. Annoying, but something I just get used to as the popup is on a secondary monitor so isn't as intrusive.
  9. cjoffutt

    Looking for permit cost feedback

    Makes me glad I live in rural Indiana. No fees for anything. Want to have dogs, go have dogs, want to have cats, go have cats, want chickens, go get some. They attempted the cat & dog tax when I was younger (20 years ago or so), it failed miserably. Rather hard to enforce a stupid tax when...
  10. cjoffutt

    Here is a doozy for ya'll

    That I am, but still was just curious as to what in the world it is. Thanks for all the responses and have a great and safe 4th everyone.
  11. cjoffutt

    Here is a doozy for ya'll

    The bird comfortably fits in your hand. About the same size as our 12 week old silkies. Came from some random lady we bought some other birds from. She had quite the assortment. But she was too weird to go back and ask what age thought it might be. She threw all the flags of caring bird...
  12. cjoffutt

    Here is a doozy for ya'll

    A fellow chicken raiser friend sent the image below to me a few minutes ago. Looks darn similar to me.
  13. cjoffutt

    Here is a doozy for ya'll

    Actually, yes. Darn thing will start chirping as soon as it sees a person and not stop until it's picked up.
  14. cjoffutt

    Here is a doozy for ya'll

    None that I know of, lol. But then again, I only know a handful of the Offutt's here in IN. Did have an author by the same exact name as me find me a decade or so ago via google. That was really interesting and creepy at the same time.
  15. cjoffutt

    Here is a doozy for ya'll

    That's kind of how this one is as well. ALWAYS right there on you or under your feet. Only really annoying parts is when I'm coming in/out as he/she charges the door. The bird is ~6 weeks old I think? But i also agree it's probably a hen, but heck, I call the hens 'hes' as well for some reason.
  16. cjoffutt

    Here is a doozy for ya'll

    So, here is a random chicken?? umm...bird we received in a lot of other ones the wife purchased. I have no idea what it is, or could be. All I know is he's my little parrot buddy. As soon as I walk into the run or coop he sprints or flies over to me and perches right on my shoulder until I...
  17. cjoffutt

    So The Wife Brought Home Some Peachicks.....

    That first one looked 'off' to me compared to the other two as well. Something about the tail just made it...weird. She only paid $20 for the lot, so not enough to go raise heck over. I'll be sure to have the Mrs send her a message just so she is aware and hopefully doesn't do it to others...
  18. cjoffutt

    So The Wife Brought Home Some Peachicks.....

    So the wife gets home the other day with 3 baby peahens, no big deal, we were planning on getting some anyways. However, she didn't get the breed of them from the seller. So here are some pictures of them if anyone can help.
  19. cjoffutt

    Bantam Roo Breeds

    Correct, that is what ultimately sparked the pondering of what each one was bred from. To me they've just been bantams unless I know for sure it's a certain breed. Thanks again for the help on these.
  20. cjoffutt

    Bantam Roo Breeds

    Awesome, thanks.
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