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  1. thinkyesi

    Very lethargic doe

    I had a total of 9 kids. The mommas ended up getting better.
  2. thinkyesi

    Goat kid with eye discharge

    So their eyes cleared up, but turns out one of them has coccidiosis pretty bad. She walks on her front knees, vet said it's due to thiamine being affected by such a heavy load of coccidia. He gave me thiamine injections to give the kid. He said I need to do it IM. Which I've only done once and...
  3. thinkyesi

    Goat kid with eye discharge

    Alrighty, I'll do that
  4. thinkyesi

    Sick duck kicking leg and flipping on back

    I noticed yesterday there was some rusty brown stool on the ground and it smelled pretty bad, but I have so many other birds I couldn't figure out whose stool it was. So I tried to observe them all but none of the birds showed any signs of being sick. Until this morning and I saw the duck...
  5. thinkyesi

    Goat kid with eye discharge

    I did that, but it come back. I'm trying to decide if to use terramycin or oxytetracycline injection. They are only 2 months old.
  6. thinkyesi

    Sick duck kicking leg and flipping on back

    They were all together but I've quarantined him. I'm not home atm to take a picture.
  7. thinkyesi

    Sick duck kicking leg and flipping on back

    I have 3 other females and 2 males. They are all call ducks. All around the same age.
  8. thinkyesi

    Sick duck kicking leg and flipping on back

    Hi everyone, I'm new to ducks. I have a young duck, probably around a year old. And I noticed hes not looking well. He tries to walk and he kicks his rough foot alot and sometimes flips on his back but is able to flip back over. He pushes himself into corners. He doesnt want to eat or drink. He...
  9. thinkyesi

    Goat kid with eye discharge

    I have two goat kids with some eye discharge. It doesnt look like pink eye. The eyes are not cloudy either. Their eyes are just crusty and have greenish yellowish crust and goo. What can I give to help?
  10. thinkyesi

    Weird baby goat poop.

    Hes now having diarrhea. I took a sample to the vet, but idk when they'll contact me with results.
  11. thinkyesi

    Weird baby goat poop.

    My baby goat is acting weird, he has a hard time standing and overall just seems week. Hes had his cdt shot and has been doing well up until today. Hes about 6 weeks old. He eats well still. He doesnt want to walk though. And just lays down. Today I saw him poop this out. I wormed him 2 weeks...
  12. thinkyesi

    Homesteading is rough.

    Yes I've found much help over the past years asking for advice on certain issues on here. But even after much help on here, at time I still feel overwhelmed. I understand it's something we all go through, and I'm sure this storm will pass. But it hurts when you feel like giving up but dont...
  13. thinkyesi

    Homesteading is rough.

    I have a husband, no kids though. He has a full time job. And homesteading is my full time job. I have 9 dogs, 15 chickens, 9 turkeys, 60+ pigeons, I have 12 does and 1 buck. And recently had 10 baby goats, 2 were stillborn. 1 of the baby bucklings got a really bad disease and hes been in and...
  14. thinkyesi

    Homesteading is rough.

    Thank you, sometimes I feel like I forget to just stop and take a breather. I'm on year 4 of homesteading.
  15. thinkyesi

    Homesteading is rough.

    Do you ever just feel like giving up after all the work you've put into your homestead? I've been having one of the hardest 3 weeks with my homestead. Today I finally just broke down and cried.😔 I've put so much time, money, energy, effort and love into what I do. But at times I feel like just...
  16. thinkyesi

    White looking growth in chickens eye! Help!

    Try putting some terramycin cream on its eye. You can buy it at tractor supply. That's what helped my hen
  17. thinkyesi

    Constipated baby goat

    He got pretty bad, but I gave him the antitoxin and vitamin B and he looks like he may be slowly recovering.
  18. thinkyesi

    Constipated baby goat

    So I gave him some in his mouth and gave him an injection. How many times should I give him the injection?
  19. thinkyesi

    Constipated baby goat

    I have a vitamin b complex, could I use that?
  20. thinkyesi

    Constipated baby goat

    Called a feed store and they have it! Yay!
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