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  1. Sire12

    How to encorage chickens to roost instead of sleeping on the ground ?

    Forgot to say the roost was very low like 5cm off the ground so my rooster could step up onto it
  2. Sire12

    How to encorage chickens to roost instead of sleeping on the ground ?

    I,ll try and get a pic tomorrow its night here now, they're a mix mostly middle aged some point of lays they use to roost when I first got them then when I moved house they didn't have roosts for a couple of months then when I did give them some they just stayed on the floor , I think the...
  3. Sire12

    How to encorage chickens to roost instead of sleeping on the ground ?

    I tried using 2 inch and 3 inch thick wood shafts but they just lay under them , in the mornings their bellies are dirty from lying on the coop floor is the problem, they are wing clipped but I've seen them get up onto tables before so I know they can reach them
  4. Sire12

    Can a 3 year old husky be taught to not attack chickens?

    I agree with you, a husky would not have been near the top of my choice for next dog at all solely because of the prey drive, its only because I got her for free and she needed a home and I was planning on getting another dog soon anyway but as I said if she doesn't get any better in the next...
  5. Sire12

    Can a 3 year old husky be taught to not attack chickens?

    Ok well I put a shock collar on her today and spent most of the day leading her around the hens I only had to use the shocker twice when she went for them after that I think she understood, then for the last hour I let her off leash still with the collar on and she behaved I ever held a hen and...
  6. Sire12

    Can a 3 year old husky be taught to not attack chickens?

    Could you tell me how you did it please I'd really like to keep her, this is her with my other two
  7. Sire12

    Can a 3 year old husky be taught to not attack chickens?

    Yeah I've had her a couple of days now and had her on a leash around the hens, I think she understands that I don't want her to touch them but she has broken off a few times in chase you can sort of see it in her eyes that she just snaps and instinct kicks in I don't think it's gonna work out...
  8. Sire12

    Can a 3 year old husky be taught to not attack chickens?

    Well it seems the general consensus is that they can't live together except in rare cases, I'll try for a while and see how it goes but if she doesn't change I know someone else who could take her it's a shame because apart from the prey drive she is really sweet and friendly natured
  9. Sire12

    Can a 3 year old husky be taught to not attack chickens?

    I was given an almost 3 year old female husky from an older couple who couldn't look after her any more, I have a flock of 14 hens in a large backyard and already have a jack russel and Doberman who were taught to respect the hens, but since huskies have such high prey drives I'm not sure if I...
  10. Sire12

    One of the chicks hatched a day early its fluffed up and all but the others have only just pipped will she be ok or should I remove her

    They were due to hatch on Sunday night and one hatched and was walking around last night its fluffed up now but the others have only just started to pip so they could take another day to come out and longer than that to fluff up
  11. Sire12

    Can you add eggs under a broody hen a few days after she starts brooding

    I had a few more questions I appreciate the help since this will be the first time I've had a hen hatch out chicks, when she leaves the nest do the chicks follow her and will she be able to look after them herself or are you supposed to help in some ways? Do I need to keep them all isolated...
  12. Sire12

    Can you add eggs under a broody hen a few days after she starts brooding

    Ah ok, well I added some at noon today and I noticed that she started brooding yesterday evening so would those new eggs still be ok I didn't mark them so I won't know which ones they are to lift them back out
  13. Sire12

    Can you add eggs under a broody hen a few days after she starts brooding

    One of my hens has started to go broody which is great since I've had no luck with incubation, she started yesterday can I keep adding the other hens eggs under her for a few days or would that interrupt the cycle since some of them would hatch on day 21, then some of day 22 etc? she's the top...
  14. Sire12

    Is this the correct way to turn eggs prior to incubation

    Just started collecting eggs today I've been turning them 3-4 times a day like this but is this the right way to do it?
  15. Sire12

    What breed are these chicks?

    So should i limit their feed slightly so that they don't grow too fast would that help them in the long term? Do you know how well these types of meat birds lay also? Thanks so is yours :) I just have that one dark roo but the eggs I hate incubating are partridge coloured I would have liked to...
  16. Sire12

    What breed are these chicks?

    How old was your meat bird before it could stay outside without heat since they grow so fast? Also has yours started laying yet
  17. Sire12

    What breed are these chicks?

    I love brahmas too I have one brahma roo in my flock and have some brahma eggs in an incubator they're due to hatch in a fortnight :) here's mine with my jack russel
  18. Sire12

    What breed are these chicks?

    Ok I'm not sure now whether to keep them or not now if they are the type have been genetically bred to die young I might give them back to the farmer, how long do these type of broilers usually live for and do you know how many eggs they would lay per week roughly
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