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  1. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Well ive blown it . Ive had too much on my plate and I cant make the dead line. Thought id have this last fortnight for sewing but it turned out going back to work was super hard and then my best friend broke her leg. ..The kind of break that involves pins and bone grafts so ive had extra...
  2. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Its 30c here and roasting, winter is coming.but not any rain for a while.
  3. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Phew just about had a heart attack. My stash was very small so been buying bits as I go. Aiming to be done in time
  4. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    That would be pretty. I don't have lots of floral but bright would work well with the Yellow and green too.
  5. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    The one I saw had 3x2 squares and a white rectangle, but same zig zag. I cant get edit to work... xxx-xx xxx-xx --- -xx If you imagine the dash as white strips and the x as coloured squares .... hopefully it makes sense
  6. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Ooooo I like it. I saw a lovely simple design on Pinterest, but I cant seem to find the edit tools to add a picture[/quote ] Lets see if this works. ?.
  7. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Ooooo I like it. I saw a lovely simple design on Pinterest, but I cant seem to find the edit tools to add a picture
  8. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Oooo well done anna! Still sorting fabric, and christmas obligations... hoping to achieve cold meat and salad soon and so be off kitchen duties too ;) 5x5 is a great idea!
  9. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Im in new zealand.... its worked ok from here more than once, my blocks just take a little longer to arrive ;)
  10. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Its ok anna, I just meant you can really mix up some interesting bits. I promise my blocks will still be beautiful! No one wants an ugly quilt on their bed. Hugs
  11. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    We're going for super scrappy stash busting.... ? Right? Im thinking some of the'uglies' 'look Fabulous in quilts like this, as they're cut small and surrounded with friends :) So much for clearing out my garage... im going stash wrangling
  12. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Hahahaha.... I woke up thinking about it too... manly man colours.... o.0 ... shall consult man about the house
  13. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Just looked at the tute, not freaking out now ;) Going to be Fabulous
  14. keepmumsane

    First quilt block swap 2016

    Thats a lot of blocks, but Im in...
  15. keepmumsane

    Christmas in October block Swap

    I saw the bonnie colour choices and thought wow! Going to be seriously beautiful! Shall go sign up to patch
  16. keepmumsane

    Christmas in October block Swap

    Running off to google bonnie hunter.....
  17. keepmumsane

    Christmas in October block Swap

    I really love this idea. I just want to get started. (Cos theres not enough to do the week before christmas) The blacks and creams wont match and will fade differantly too, what about blues and creams? Theres so many shades of blue anyway it wont seem odd...
  18. keepmumsane

    Christmas in October block Swap

    I like the idea of scappy as quilting fabric is $18metre here generally , so using some stuff from my stash would be easier for me. Always wanted to do this pattern... beautiful
  19. keepmumsane

    Christmas in October block Swap

    Monster eyes are Adorable! Be fun as I shared quilt... But I havent looked at the others yet
  20. keepmumsane

    Christmas in October block Swap

    Mine arrived! Squeal! Thanks so much Kat its totally beautiful, I just cant figure out photos from my tablet. I love it! Gorgeous star block in rich colours, makes me happy looking at it. Thank you for the delicious North american treat of peacan spread.... so spoilt. Thanks also for the...
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