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  1. RiverOtter

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    No, I'm 2 hours away (Margaretville, lol, it's tiny you won't have heard of it) and we're already leaving here at 7:30 to pick up the other car and hope to be parked by 10. Look me up - if you're anywhere near my route I'd be happy to pick you up. I totally understand feeling too busy. Trying...
  2. RiverOtter

    Dairy Sheep?

    My daughter really wants some dairy sheep, it's her favorite milk, she says the sheep dairies around us use Friesian dairy sheep (and, to my astonishment, there are actually 2 small sheep dairies around here that sell at farmers markets) They are big, wool not hair, and prolific, and the milk...
  3. RiverOtter

    Now River Otter's Genetics 101

    She means all the burdocks, she's trying to be insulting. All my youngsters got in them and rolled. Burdocks from forelocks to tail tips. And I used up all my mineral oil on a colicky mule and the kid who wants to intern here can't get a ride out to help, and the owner had new fence delivered...
  4. RiverOtter

    GSD color genetics, aka, complex genetics 101

    You keep saying modifiers. What are modifiers? That is the kicker, because GSDs have LOTS of them. To simplify it as much as possible (and again, this means there’s a lot more to say here, we’re going for “good basic knowledge”), we are going to say there are modifiers that control depth of...
  5. RiverOtter

    GSD color genetics, aka, complex genetics 101

    Since this is apparently a point of huge interest and more than a little confusion, let’s shine some light. Generally, people think of genetics like mixing paint. A little of mom, a little of dad, stir it up and baby comes out a mix. Then, in basic biology we learn about Mendel, and Punnet...
  6. RiverOtter

    Now River Otter's Genetics 101

    Yeah, I got that. It's called genetics and base coat modifiers, but I'm tired of repeating myself. For horse folks, it's like cremello vs perlino. They look a lot alike, but they're different. Trying to make it simple. The end.
  7. RiverOtter

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Bummer. I feel kinda silly about it, but I'm actually renting a car, because the old farm truck is having an issue with belts. But my daughter wanted to go to an expo for her B-day last year, and between one thing and another, we have missed every possible one for over a year. When this one...
  8. RiverOtter

    Now River Otter's Genetics 101

    So, no then? Because maybe, just maybe, exactly what I've been saying happens, happens, and you get a dog like mine? Because there are genetic differences? Like, say. the difference between tan and red? (I saw 2 tans, the rest reds) Or saddle and blanket? (count those too, because I simplified...
  9. RiverOtter

    Now River Otter's Genetics 101

    @Geena, yes, I'm sure I sound condescending at this point. But if you will PM me the kennel name of the folks you know that breed this To only this For multiple generations and gets this Then I will publish a public apology for both my ignorance and attitude, here, on the GSD forum of your...
  10. RiverOtter

    Now River Otter's Genetics 101

    EVERYTHING gets tricky at that level. It's its own special form of madness. Yes, I've taken her over a couple of baby cross rails, but where you can REALLY see form is - I have some ditches and obstacles in my pastures and Connemaras are famous for jumping like crickets. So they'll be doing a...
  11. RiverOtter

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Sounds like a great day!
  12. RiverOtter

    Now River Otter's Genetics 101

    Yes! And the first video I posted, that mule is fairly competitive in dressage. Now, my pretty Agnes is good old mule-brown, a little fat, and just a tag-along right now. But once I don't have quite so much on my plate I am absolutely training her for hunter paces, because the picture-perfect...
  13. RiverOtter

    Now River Otter's Genetics 101

    Did you know mules have their own equestrian event where horses just cannot compete and win? It's called the coon hunter's jump, check it;
  14. RiverOtter

    Now River Otter's Genetics 101

    @Geena, gorgeous pups! But listen, while the colors may be black and tan/red, and the dogs may look very similar, the genetics are different. You can tell by 5 weeks if a pup has the fading gene and you can't keep breeding fading gene (as/as) dogs together and keep color. Your gorgeous ladies...
  15. RiverOtter

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    From my yak (I had two) who ate a poisonous plant and passed before the vet could get there. I brought his body far out into the woods (where I live I am surrounded by thousands of acres of state land) and a year later I went back and collected his bones.
  16. RiverOtter

    Now River Otter's Genetics 101

    The final decision was any equine born from a mare, so technically, a Zorse could compete, but I don't think that's happened yet.
  17. RiverOtter

    Awkward duck seller... (Story)

    I would appreciate that. and in all seriousness, my straight-runs were like 12 boys and 4 girls, so if anyone in upstate NY wants any, come get 'em. I can't butcher ducks. They look at you, with their cute little eyes.
  18. RiverOtter

    Awkward duck seller... (Story)

    And here I have some Khaki Campbell drakes I'd be happy to give to someone who promises to NOT pee in front of me for them....
  19. RiverOtter

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    OMG, I'm going! I just bought tickets yesterday! I'll be the one with the yak skull, I'm planning on trading it for a couple of ball pythons.
  20. RiverOtter

    Which bird to choose?

    Yes, I understand the concept. But what happens to the practice animal? I've rescued spider plants and pothos from dumpsters, I've sold on fish to other tanks, but once you're a year or 3 in to this Indian Ringneck that you got to practice on and are ready for the bird you actually want, what...
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