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  1. BuckeyeBirdies

    Total Newbie, I know I will seem stupid/ but some questions

    If you decide to get ducks in a residential area, strong fence is a must! Area dogs will think you got them "chew toys." To agree with others ducks do smell...bad! And the are very noisy. Good luck & welcome!:jumpy:welcome
  2. BuckeyeBirdies

    Comment by 'BuckeyeBirdies' in article 'A basic Q&A Turkey Primer'

    Our birds free range as well. But will come to the dog box to lay eggs. We collect the eggs as our BB girls will tend to crush them. Big Booty Judy is the worst! Lol
  3. BuckeyeBirdies

    Comment by 'BuckeyeBirdies' in article 'A basic Q&A Turkey Primer'

    We have 2 plastic dog houses in our bird pen. Our girls go in there to lay their eggs. Well except the one slate who insists on laying at the edge of the pond. Yeah, she's our "problem child". Lol
  4. BuckeyeBirdies

    Egg Bound.. Constipated hen?

    If you have any Nutri-Drench, you should give her a few drops of that. It would at least give her a boost in vitamins and electrolytes. Nutri-Drench has literally been a life saver for us many times. Best wishes with your girl. :hugs
  5. BuckeyeBirdies

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!! :)

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!! :)
  6. BuckeyeBirdies

    Hatching/Raising Poults: Hen vs Brooder

    My girls are good. We have a very large dog box in our chicken run. Even when they are out free ranging they always come to the dog box to lay their egg. I guess we are lucky, not having a daily "Easter egg" hunt. lol
  7. BuckeyeBirdies

    Hatching/Raising Poults: Hen vs Brooder

    I also keep bronze turkeys. we were going to let our hen sit a clutch of ten she had. Well, she crushed half the eggs. I took her eggs, and put golf balls under her. I put her eggs in the incubator. As each poult hatched I went and put it under my hen. She was a great mother, but a little to...
  8. BuckeyeBirdies

    Horror Scene

    I'm so sorry to hear about this. I'm not sure why she passed away. But I can tell you that chickens will eat their deceased flock mates. I do hope you removed the body from the rest of the flock. If it were an illness it could easily pass to the rest. I would keep watch for predators just to be...
  9. BuckeyeBirdies

    Messy duck!

    It's true ducks are very messy! However, I think the cuteness factor makes up for sloppiness! Ducks can't really be trained. They are just adorable slobs. :sick Oh, by the way, Welcome!! You have found a get group of people here!!!:welcome
  10. BuckeyeBirdies

    Missing Guineas!

    ' This is a very sad story! So sorry to hear about this. We lost a turkey hen in a very similar manner. Its always terribly upsetting to deal with such gruesome loss.
  11. BuckeyeBirdies

    Missing Guineas!

    :clapBravo bravo!!! Such beautiful animals! Absolutely stunning! You may have just made it even harder for me to choose what type/s we will add this spring. Thank you for sharing!
  12. BuckeyeBirdies

    Help me identify which breed these my be!?

    I agree. #1 Is a Polish. #2 is a mixed breed roo. I must say he is a handsome fella.
  13. BuckeyeBirdies

    Missing Guineas!

    Wow, it sounds like u have a gorgeous group of birds! I would love to see them. I would like to post pics of my birds, but I'm not able too??? When I try to post pics a box pops up on my screen saying, "unable to preform previous action due memory" ???? Not sure why. This is why I don't have an...
  14. BuckeyeBirdies

    Missing Guineas!

    Oh, I meant to ask you, what is your favorite color of guinea? I have pearl ones. But am thinking of adding lavender. They are just beautiful. Do you ever breed for different color combinations?
  15. BuckeyeBirdies

    Missing Guineas!

    We have a very large coop, with a half acre fenced in run for times we can't let them free range. We also have a fantastic brooder set up for when they are old enough to go outside. We all together have 64 chickens, 6 guineas, and 2 adult turkeys (the others were thanksgiving for friends and...
  16. BuckeyeBirdies

    Hi Everyone!

    Hey Frank! Welcome! Good luck building your flock. Do you plan on a single breed or a few of several breeds like me? I love the mixed flock.Variety is the spice of life!! :D
  17. BuckeyeBirdies

    Missing Guineas!

    Yeah, we assume it was a Fox, or owl or something. We have a crazy amount of predators around here. We even had a mink living under the house last winter!!:rantThat booger got several birds before we realized He was there.
  18. BuckeyeBirdies

    Baby chicks perching

    They watch and learn from mommy. Sounds like she is doing a good job! Enjoy your babies they grow so fast!
  19. BuckeyeBirdies

    Missing Guineas!

    Well Glenn a bet:lol:ter question Well a better question might be what kind of chickens don't I have!! :lol: We have RIR, Barred rocks, Partridge rocks, BO, Brown leghorn, Light Brahma, Black astralorp, EE, Amberlinks, Silver Laced Wyndotte, and golden laced wyndottes.As well the guineas &...
  20. BuckeyeBirdies

    Missing Guineas!

    Have u ever hatched out any guinea chicken mixes?? One of my broody hens hatched out eggs last fall. One of them was a guinea cross.:eek: I was so suprised! Unfortunately the poor thing only lived about a week. Would have love to watch it grow!
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