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  1. jak2002003

    1st time incubating Chinese Painted Quail eggs

    UPDATE It's chaos ! In the incubator one chick hatched out a full 2 days before the due date! Then another hatched on the due date. Then 4 more hatched a day after the due date! I put all the eggs in the incubator at the same time and had stored them in a container about 1 week before, so...
  2. jak2002003

    1st time incubating Chinese Painted Quail eggs

    I will turn less in the incubator. I am not too worried about humidity because its normally 45 to over 60 percent most days where I live. Also it's over 90 F most days too...and this is the COOL season lol. I will take out a couple of her eggs from the nest and open them as you suggest. The...
  3. jak2002003

    1st time incubating Chinese Painted Quail eggs

    I got this mini incubator thing off the net to try to hatch out some of my Chinese Painted Quail eggs, because I have very poor hatch rates when the female quail incubates them herself. Each time she goes broody she only manages to hatch 1 chick from 7 or 8 eggs, and the last time none of the...
  4. jak2002003

    Broody signs in quail/button quail?

    Hi OP. I have 3 male and 2 female Chinese Painted (Button) Quail. My 2 females regularly go broody, hatch and raise their chicks with no problems. I did not realise that it is the exception rather than the norm, until I read about them on here. My group all live together and there is no...
  5. jak2002003

    Pigeon Talk

    Hmmm.......they have the right food, and it won't harm them eating each others food either. If the eyes seem open normally and not sore then I doubt it's an infection. It is very strange that this is happening. Usually something like this is just one bird. I can only suggest you check the...
  6. jak2002003

    Pigeon Talk

    How can you tell they are going blind? Are you sure they have not got sore eyes from an infection or irritation? What do you feed them? If they get normal chicken feed and grains they won't have a deficiency.
  7. jak2002003

    Chicken feed for aviary birds??

    None of my aviary birds will eat chicken feed or chick starter. I tried as I though it would be good for them when moulting or rearing young. There is some in there all the time for my Chinese painted quails (the only ones that will eat it). My pigeons did like the layer pellets though...
  8. jak2002003

    Quiet birds for Aviary?

    I plan to build a planted aviary in my garden of my new house, but am really worried about how sensitive and worried people can get here in the UK sometimes. I don't want to give the neighbours any reason or cause for complains. So I need to make sure the birds I keep will be quiet so as not...
  9. jak2002003

    Bad Reaction to Flea / Tick spray, Plz help

    OK, so I know these are not exactly chickens, but I have 2 Gouldian Finches. As they are birds, I guess this would happen if they were chickens. My partner used a flea and tick spray on the dog's bedding when my two finches were in the same room at the time. The doors and windows were all...
  10. jak2002003

    Strange Problem with Mealworms

    Thanks for all the helpful replies. I am going to add more carrots and also put a lid on the tub (with air holes), then see how that goes. The bedding is oat bran (which is the same brand I always use). Nothing has changed. I live in Thailand so it's hot air temperature naturally, but I...
  11. jak2002003

    Strange Problem with Mealworms

    OK, so I am having problems with my mealworm cultures this month with they dying in large numbers and can't figure out what is going on. I have kept and bred mealworms for years as food for my birds, reptiles and other animals... and have no serious problems. They are are the correct...
  12. jak2002003

    Why are they so noisy?!

    I have an all male group of Chinese Painted Quails in my aviary for a few years. They all get on fine and everything has been great up until this week. About 2 months back one quail got a disease like fowl pox all over its feet and legs and, despite treatment, and showing some signs of getting...
  13. jak2002003

    Pigeons ha e gone out please help

    The one that goes in the shed... shut the door and catch it. Put it in a smallish wire bird or wire rabbit cage. Put this outside on the ground where the other pigeon can see it and where it has been walking before. Put a feeder next to the on in the cage with pigeon mix. Over the feeder...
  14. jak2002003

    Keeping other birds with quail

    That sounds ideal fine so long as you provide plenty of hiding places and some plants / plastic plants / logs etc to provide the pairs of quail with areas they can get away from each other. They like tufts of grass or even balled up hay to hide in too. Their only might be a problem with...
  15. jak2002003

    Injured toes, painful

    That is very good advise. But, I did not check with a vet. The medication is a herbal natural one for humans.. no chemicals. The vets here will not treat birds and carry no medication for them, so they are not interested. I once took in a rescued wild bird with a broken wing with the bone...
  16. jak2002003

    Injured toes, painful

    Just a quick update. I got some human gout medication from the pharmacy. I fed the quail a tiny part of the pill yesterday and today. Today he was actually walking about. Before he would only sit in one place. So I think some of his pain has gone. His back toe was bent forward under his...
  17. jak2002003

    Keeping other birds with quail

    Quail will live very happily with many other kinds of birds that don't live on the ground like the quail so long as they are housed in an aviary, not a cage (not enough room in a cage for birds to stay away from each other). I have kept them with many bird species in an aviary setting. Provide...
  18. jak2002003

    Injured toes, painful

    Talked to a neighbour who breeds chickens. He reckons my quail has gout. Says he thinks I shout put it to sleep. I read on the net that it's too much protein. They do eat chick starter and mealworms too. So I am going to try a change in his diet. Millet and a cheap adult chicken general...
  19. jak2002003

    Help (injured quail, possibly graphic photos)

    1. It should heal up no problem and the dead skin fall off. 2. DO NOT put her back in with the other quails until she has completely healed and feathers grown back over her head. My Tips: Place her in a cage on her own BUT place this cage inside the enclosure where the other quails are so...
  20. jak2002003

    Injured toes, painful

    Now the other foot is showing swelling on a couple of toes this morning. I soaked both feet now and put the cream on both of them.
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