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  1. Emslilflock

    Rooster with a severely cracked beak! HELP

    Once we got a hold of him we got a much better look. As you can see the crack is on the side. I goes back into the wattle. The top tip is broke backwards also. I thought about clipping that back a bit but it starts bleeding when messed with.
  2. Emslilflock

    Rooster with a severely cracked beak! HELP

    My roo's bottom beak is split in half from the tip to under his tongue. What can I do to fix it if anything? Will post pics if we can catch him.
  3. Emslilflock

    Chick cant walk and other issues?

    Here's a couple pics of the little guy. He is finally all fluffy and mostly gunk free. He still can't get on his feet though. He just sits back on his butt (like in the pic of me holding him). Otherwise he's been laying like he is in the other photo's.
  4. Emslilflock

    Chick cant walk and other issues?

    My chicks started hatching Sunday! So far, this is the only one with issues. It pipped Sunday afternoon 3pm ish. It did not hatch until this morning. I think the membrane must have started to dry because it was opaque white and the little guy was half hanging out of the shell for almost and hour...
  5. Emslilflock

    Crack down the length of the egg.

    Ok, thanks! New question: I just candled the chicken eggs and I think I know why the hen got up. All the air cells are moving around, and the contents slosh around. If you candle the small end of the egg most of them light up. Some still have veining but its very thin unlike the eggs I...
  6. Emslilflock

    February/March 2017 Hatch-a-long

    Good luck to everyone in lock down! Lock down starts tomorrow for the 25 I originally set. My broody gave up so I have several I put in today that should hatch Saturday and one duck egg tomorrow. Hoping the duck pulls through!!!
  7. Emslilflock

    Crack down the length of the egg.

    I need a bit of advice. I set duck eggs (Mallards) under my broody and ended up with one viable egg so when the eggs reached 8 days I put chicken eggs under her and got rid of all the duck eggs that were not viable. Well today she gave up and jumped off, so I grabbed the eggs and put them in the...
  8. Emslilflock


    I realized I never introduced myself! I've been on here since May '16 but I haven't posted a whole lot. I'm Em I have 11 lovely chickens and currently one duck. I'm waiting on 43 eggs to hatch (Augh the wait!) and trying to restrain myself from buying anymore chicks. I also have 5 dogs, 3 cats...
  9. Emslilflock

    Running with other fowl and freeranfing question.

    Hello, I'm considering getting turkeys and I have a few questions. If i get some poults can they be raised and kept with chickens, ducks, geese, and other fowl? Are they ok to free range? We have a decent size wild population near us. Will that have an impact on free ranging?
  10. Emslilflock

    February/March 2017 Hatch-a-long

    Oh! Look at their cute fluffiness! I can barely wait for mine to hatch.
  11. Emslilflock

    DIY Styrofoam Incubator and Temp Variances

    Well, it stabilized for the most part, but I'm getting temp spikes to 104. This only happens after I have had the incubator opem. I read somewhere you should turn the fan off before opening it. Would that help at all or is that unrelated?
  12. Emslilflock

    Last Letter Foods

  13. Emslilflock

    Yum or Yuck?

    Yum Jambalaya
  14. Emslilflock

    Last Letter Foods

  15. Emslilflock

    Last Letter Foods

    Sauerkraut (Not a fan!)
  16. Emslilflock

    IA here

    Did they advertise the event?
  17. Emslilflock

    Broody Hen Questions

    Thank you all for the replies!
  18. Emslilflock

    Broody Hen Questions

    I have a couple questions about broody hens. I have one broody right now who is sitting on a mallard egg and 10 chicken eggs. I made sure to set my duck eggs first and then I added the chicken eggs later so that they will all have the same hatch date. 1) Once the chicks hatch could I put a...
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