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  1. dirtdoctor

    Returning after a few years…

    Greetings, i dont have desk time but still raising chickens- flock of 150- 10 yrs ago Now a herd of 25. Part of the flock is how I manage the porcine manure issues on our 12 yr old bacon farm! Cheers! Jack
  2. dirtdoctor

    Bay Area BYCers!

    You don't have a fogger, but... You can pick up a CHEEP atomizer ie. Humidifier that runs on a vibrating atomizer plate. Hydroponic stores sell the disc atomizer for about 10 bucks.. they have different sizes etc.... Put it in a dish of the medication mixed with water and turn it on...
  3. dirtdoctor

    Snakes - Waaaaaay Too Many Snakes

    Don't mess around with the poisonous ones.. get a .22 with snake shot.. simple.. final. We have rattlers around here.. mostly we can hear them.. the gopher snakes well, we capture them and release them elsewhere on the property.
  4. dirtdoctor

    I need advice on dealing with a big fat murderous raccoon!

    Go to TSC buy one of those two for one traps. Adjust the pan and trigger so it closes properly. Then wire it open.... bait it with catfood. Then let the critter go in and out several times.. on the third night.. SET it. you will catch it. Then you can give it religion down at the...
  5. dirtdoctor

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Been living frugal for years... Times are tough and its amazing how much great stuff is at our local thrift stores.. Were on the Central Coast California.. lots of wealthy folks tossing barely used clothing. So its been a game for our family. And with my work i trash shirts faster than...
  6. dirtdoctor

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Hollister here... Chickenstock.. umm sounds interesting. currently we have 15 breeds and tons of mutts, 140 plus chickens.. freerangers... Egg sales 30 doz a week. Jack
  7. dirtdoctor

    Stolen Eggs

    GO TO They have cameras that us infrared NO FLASH.. cheap too. But get it close to the entrance so you can see the face of the cretian. Or get some NASTY EGGS... and keep in the fridge... That should teach them.. say eggs that were day 40 under a hen. Good luck Last...
  8. dirtdoctor

    Hi from San Francisco Bay Area

    Welcome! Im on the Central Coast.. How steep are your hills? We have a chicken tractor that works great on hills, drop me a email and we can talk. JAck dirtdoctorjak@ Put it all together.
  9. dirtdoctor

    1 chicken down, daily attempts to attack. How do I keep this out?

    If you can get some old GIL NET from the fishermen, you can string it above the area where your birds are.. the hawk will hit it and LEARN. Worked for us. My son picked up a BALL of netting for free.. it was trashed.. but worked great for a cover to protect the small birds.
  10. dirtdoctor

    Whats the best time to catch a snake?

    The plastic mesh that you cover your fruit trees with ... twist it in a roll, and drape it around on the ground make a circle around your hens... the snake will start going thru it and get all trapped up... Also Sticky boards will do the same thing... Get the big ones.. staple to a piece of...
  11. dirtdoctor

    New to forum

    Welcome to the BYC.... Enjoy Jack
  12. dirtdoctor

    Kitten for Chicken barn? You have one?

    Eggselent idea... I am going to get a kitten to raise up just to keep the rat vermin at bay in the coop.
  13. dirtdoctor

    Laying Eggs From The Roost

    Sounds like it is time to eat some chicken...... oh wait... try putting a cover over the nesting box..... someplace secret.... then put the bird in the nest box after she roosts..... if not .. maybe that bird will figure it out later.
  14. dirtdoctor

    DE question

    One thing to note, D.E. is ok as a food grade item, HowEver,,,, if a animal is ill, the sharpness of the diatoms can and will cause issues with the g. i. tract. so on a occasional basis it is great for worms etc... BUT careful, it can weaken an animal that might be in top form. GOOGLE D...
  15. dirtdoctor

    Forceful census takers? Anyone else being bagered?

    If they fail to show you paperwork, call the police, They have records of sex offenders going door to door. I wouldnt let the woman come in the house, I met her at the front walk. only answered the basics, If anyone came around again, I would tell them to leave. I have a gate that I lock...
  16. dirtdoctor

    How long can I keep my colored rangers?

    A long time,,, as long as they are wrapped in the freezer properly, Remember MEATIE birds are designed for fast growth, longer they live, the harder it is on their bodies, hearts legs etc... ever see some of the meaties with bowed legs? heavy birds have a short life span. Let it live along...
  17. dirtdoctor

    BATOR vs. Broody on shipped eggs. Candling thru Hatch Pics!

    I have had terrible results with silver hamburg birds, small eggs, and dumb broody mother behavior, we bought a slew of them for HERITAGE BIRDS, figuring saving a strain of birds for the world to enjoy might have been fun. So, one rooster, and 5 hens, handled tons as young birds, fed treats...
  18. dirtdoctor

    What predator was it?

    We have stoates, weasels... ( they will sneak up on a sleeping bird, bite its neck and then drag it a few feet away from its nesting spot, and eat, remember little teeth will make fast work, but no broken bones, or bones missing, so if no bones are missing or broken, then it most likely was a...
  19. dirtdoctor

    DE question

    I have used the deep litter method for two years, the floor is dirt, with the straw, mostly rice straw for bedding, we averaged about 130 birds living in this 2 car garage sized coop, and we have no odors, once a month or so, I toss the scratch on the floor and the rototillers go after it...
  20. dirtdoctor

    How do you get rid of snakes?

    Quote: Phil, We should have a bit of edumcation about snakes, just killing them cause they are on the ground probably is not the best thing for your estate and such, did you know that a vole, (read field mouse) prairie voles etc,, all of them,.. will mate 4 hours after delivering a...
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