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  1. lcertuche

    What are you canning now?

    Last year I had many, many peppers this year a handful. You never know. I'm about to move and will have to think about a new garden. Someone built a raised bed but I'm sure that it is too shady because it's between two huge pecan trees.
  2. lcertuche

    Six months hens haven't laid yet! Plz help!

    My Red Productions and Cochin mix did not start laying until around 8 months. One good thing about not starting out so young is supposed to be a longer laying life. Those high production egg layers burn out fast and many start having problems like being egg bound. A couple of mine were...
  3. lcertuche

    What are you canning now?

    @NanaKat do you add vinegar to up the acid percentage?
  4. lcertuche

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Those little fuzzy butts sure are fun. I only have two but that's two more than I had. We are going to have to move soon. I sure hope I don't have to give them up.
  5. lcertuche

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    @fishstick :welcome
  6. lcertuche

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hey maybe you could post on facebook to see if anyone knows. It's amazing the different mutual friends you get on facebook.
  7. lcertuche

    Brahma eggs being greenish???

    Interesting how different things crop up. We have a little mixed cochin. I'll be interested to see how her one little chick turns out.
  8. lcertuche

    Do hens "sing" the egg song without laying?

    Yes often others will just join in or they may be letting out a warning cry if they feel threatened. Often this is the head rooster but sometimes a dominant hen.
  9. lcertuche

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Those dang roosters! I need to get rid of one. My poor little girls backs are pretty much bald. He really, really loves his girls a lot! I would butcher them but it's been so hot and I have to get up so early to do it.
  10. lcertuche

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Howdy @PLayne. I live in Scott County near the Oklahoma border.
  11. lcertuche

    Rooster Flocks!

    I had 12 black sex link cockerels and they were mean as all get out. They kept my poor little pullets running all the time. They were pretty good eating but small. If I was going to raise another flock of boys I'd make it Cornish Crosses.
  12. lcertuche

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Your welcome. My grands love my chickens even the one that was scratched. Of course he's a boy and not scared of nothing.
  13. lcertuche

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Howdy Lunalala. My suggestion for making chickens safe for children is to not get them use to being handled. My roosters that were hand raised and petted turned into the meanest critters attacking everyone. I go chase my roosters around waving my arms so they stay a friendly distance away and on...
  14. lcertuche

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Look what I found today. Five little babies running between Mamas and one still in the nest resting from the tough job of hatching out.
  15. lcertuche

    Baby Turkeys Have Hatched!

  16. lcertuche

    Antisocial chicken?

    The only thing I would worry about is the predator thing. She may not hear the alarm when something is threatening her. Of course this would be a problem free ranging but otherwise if they aren't hurting her and she knows to watch out then she may be fine.
  17. lcertuche

    Antisocial chicken?

    How long have you had her? Pecking order exist in every flock. Sometimes when introducing a new bird it will be a few days or even a few months before it works itself out. I had one little pullet that the other pullets were shunning but when I got a rooster she started hanging out with him and...
  18. lcertuche

    Corn Meal Mix

    Mine eat leftover cornbread (not low sugar or salt) all the time.
  19. lcertuche

    Do it yourself or take them to a butcher?

    I do it myself. I usually skin them rather than pluck. It would cost too much to pay someone. I would go on shares and help someone to butcher and I have did it for someone who didn't know or didn't want too.
  20. lcertuche

    Crazy chickens!

    Free range birds will eventually travel far and wide given the opportunity. My younger birds stay closer than the rooster and hens. Every so often I will go outside and call them back to keep them closer but when I'm gone all day so are they (I'm sure!). My rooster will give warning when...
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