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  1. jillianjo

    Is this a golden sebright or something else

    This was a chick from TSC mixed bantams and I’ve been assuming he’s a golden sebright. But he’s nearly 8 weeks old and I would have expected to see more lacing on his feathers at this point. Is it just because he’s hatchery quality and not show quality? Or does the lacing not develop till later...
  2. jillianjo

    Is it normal for Japanese bantams to not jump/fly?

    I’ve got 4 bantam chicks that are 4 weeks old, 2 golden sebright, 1 OEGB, and 1 Japanese bantam. The Japanese bantam is the only one who never jumps or flies. The other 3 have all been going crazy testing their wings out and they love jumping up to the edge of the brooder box (we cover it when...
  3. jillianjo

    Japanese bantam color

    I’m 95% sure this is a Japanese bantam. She (straight run, but hoping for a “she” lol) has a single comb, clean legs, and her legs are significantly shorter than the others I got (OEGB and golden sebright). But her feathers are now coming in and I’m curious what color she might end up. Pale...
  4. jillianjo

    Tractor Supply bantam breed guesse

    Got 4 assorted bantam chicks at Tractor Supply, any guesses on breed? No feathered legs. I was kind of assuming they were all Old English Gam bantams but I’m not familiar with the coloring for that breed. I’m guessing 3 and 4 are the same coloring, though one is quite a bit darker than the...
  5. jillianjo

    Rooster losing barbs in tail feathers

    I just picked him up and looked at his feathers. I can’t see any nits on the feathers but I’m not sure what else to look for in terms of evidence of mites. I also inspected his rump a little closer, here’s a close up photo. In addition to the feathers with missing barbs there are also a lot of...
  6. jillianjo

    Rooster losing barbs in tail feathers

    He is 3.5, hatched in April 2020. I’ve thought about mites but haven’t seen any damage to the other chickens. I can do a more thorough check of his feathers next time I pick him up though.
  7. jillianjo

    Rooster losing barbs in tail feathers

    I have a 3.5 year old Ayam Cemani rooster who has slowly been losing bits of his tail feathers. From what I understand of the anatomy of feathers, he’s losing the barbs, but the shaft remains. It doesn’t seem to be a molting issue, because it’s happened slowly over the last few years and the...
  8. jillianjo

    Possible infected wound

    Thanks! Do you think it’s ok to leave it uncovered even if we see her picking at it? She is in a clean environment but she has been spending a LOT of time preening (either she’s bored from being in the house or she is a very vain chicken lol), so when we’ve left the wound uncovered it’s...
  9. jillianjo

    Possible infected wound

    Thank you! We’ve been trying our best! I think it just scared me, I was feeling pretty confident the last couple days with how much more active she’s gotten so when I saw that nasty yellow color my heart sank. I haven’t noticed it feeling hot in that area but I’ll be sure to check in the...
  10. jillianjo

    Possible infected wound

    One of our girls was attacked by a hawk a week ago. She had a couple wounds that seem to be healing ok, but one is looking pretty gross. It was a little over an inch long when it happened and seemed pretty deep. We used butterfly closures to bring the edges closer together. We’ve been using...
  11. jillianjo

    Rooster bullying two hens after they wore saddles

    I have a flock of 12 chickens. There are 2 Buff Orpingtons who are the youngest of the flock (about a year old) but don’t generally get bullied. They tend to be the new favorites of our rooster so they had quite a lot of broken wing and back feathers. We put some saddles on them and there was a...
  12. jillianjo

    One hen won't accept rooster, now isolating herself

    We have a flock with 7 hens and 1 rooster. The hens all get along with the rooster fine except for one named Sally. All the other hens let him mount them. Some of them had some scuffles with him in the past, including our alpha hen, but even she eventually let him do his thing without fighting...
  13. jillianjo

    New mama hen won’t get off unviable eggs, possibly injuring new babies

    Update: Mama keeps doing the same thing over and over. She gets off the nest, walks around for a minute, eats some food, growls and puffs up at anything that comes near her, and then goes back into the nest. Once there, she proceeds to kick and fling straw everywhere until she lays back down on...
  14. jillianjo

    New mama hen won’t get off unviable eggs, possibly injuring new babies

    Our broody hen was sitting on her first clutch of eggs and hatched 3 of the 5 eggs over the first 2 days. I checked the other 2 eggs and one was cracked and neither one had any movement or sounds coming from them, but I figured I’d give them another day to try to hatch. Meanwhile, mama hen was...
  15. jillianjo

    Hen keeps fighting rooster with no provocation

    We have a 7 month old Silkie rooster who, for the most part, gets along with all our 6 hens and pullets. He was raised by us in a coop alongside our main coop and has always had interaction with the older hens, and they were all integrated into one coop a few months ago. A couple weeks ago...
  16. jillianjo

    Phoenix, AZ white silkie pullet/cockerel pair

    We got 6 of them and they’re all beautiful!
  17. jillianjo

    Arizona Chickens

    Anyone interested in buying a white silkie pullet and cockerel pair? We are located in Mesa, AZ but are willing to meet anywhere in the Phoenix metro area. We have a male and female white silkie pair that we’re selling for $40. We don’t want to split them up, they are a package deal! They are...
  18. jillianjo

    Phoenix, AZ white silkie pullet/cockerel pair

    We are located in Mesa, AZ but are willing to meet anywhere in the Phoenix metro area. We have a male and female white silkie pair that we’re selling for $40. We don’t want to split them up, they are a package deal! They are 19 weeks old and are shy but very sweet, they have been picked up and...
  19. jillianjo

    14 week old chickens won't roost

    Yeah we tried this at first but gave up since we would put one up there and she would jump down while we were still trying to catch another one lol. The chicken wrangling in the dark was a little rough so I was hoping they would pick up on it on their own. Maybe we’ll hafta try it again.
  20. jillianjo

    14 week old chickens won't roost

    We have a flock of 3 adult hens and 4 14-week-old pullets. First the young ones were in a separate coop next to the main coop, with occasional free-ranging in the yard together, and then a couple weeks ago we had them all in their coop/run together during the day, and now they are in the...
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