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  1. pseudoyams

    Free Roosters - Silver Laced Wynadette and purebreed Ameraucana - WI

    I have a two roosters that Id like to find a good home for. I am letting them go as I dont really need any roosters over the winter. Ike is a silver laced wyandette and toivo is a purebreed ameraucana - who can be used for breeding and show. Both are about 7 months old. Id like that Ike get...
  2. pseudoyams

    HELP! Chick has big raw area under wing from mom

    Well, I had to cull the little guy. She hopped out of the box and when I picked her up I noticed a huge abscess on her chest. I didnt notice it before because I was wearing gloves. This little guy was hurting with her limp leg, huge sore and not the abscess/blister thing on her chest...
  3. pseudoyams

    HELP! Chick has big raw area under wing from mom

    Mother Hen hatched this chick and three others outside in the coop 2.5 weeks ago. Everything was good until 3 days ago when this chick started walking with a limp. It got worse to the point where she would barely use the leg and just hop on one leg. I think that since the chick was "weak" mom...
  4. pseudoyams

    Am I treating this Spraddle/Splay Leg Correctly? (with pics)

    Thanks for the link. That is where I found my initial info on how to treat it. Was wondering if after treatment the chicks legs will be totally normal or if they will still be rotated out and a bit outward still. The progression she made from Friday to Monday was huge, but we havent really...
  5. pseudoyams

    Am I treating this Spraddle/Splay Leg Correctly? (with pics)

    Thanks for your replies! After treatment did the chicks legs look totally normal right after you took the bandage off? Or did it take a little while for the chick to learn how to walk correctly? I hope I'm not keeping her legs tied up too long although I want her to be fixed!
  6. pseudoyams

    Am I treating this Spraddle/Splay Leg Correctly? (with pics)

    One of my new hatchlings has spraddle / splay leg and I am wondering if I am treating it correctly and for how long the bandage is needed (or how do I know when its okay to leave it off). The chick is 6 days old now and Ive had it in the bandage since last Friday when I found it near death in...
  7. pseudoyams

    Spraddle Leg - Splay Leg Treatment Instructions

    Yes this is a great post. I brought a hypothermic chick back to life which also had spraddle leg. He's almost ready to go back out in the coop. Today is day 3 with the bandaid treatment. How long do they typically need the support of the bandage?
  8. pseudoyams

    Expecting new chix in the coop! {Updated with Pic!}

    Incredible Update! I went out to the coop yesterday to find mom and three chicks out of the nesting box and walking around. They all looked great! Mom was rolling around in the wood chips and babies were walking around pecking at stuff. Sadly the last two eggs and the fourth chick were left in...
  9. pseudoyams

    Emergency in the coop!

    Another egg went missing (probably got kicked out, broken and eaten) earlier this week. So 6 were left to hatch. Right now I have three good looking chicks and one more under mom. 2 eggs are left, but not sure if those are going to hatch as its now day 23 of them. But, she got a few kids so...
  10. pseudoyams

    Expecting new chix in the coop! {Updated with Pic!}

    They are doing good! There are four that hatched so far, but one didnt look too hot when I saw it yesterday. Not sure if it just hatched yesterday or what but it was just kinda laying around underneath momma. I put a little platform in front of her nesting box and put food and water on it for...
  11. pseudoyams

    Expecting new chix in the coop! {Updated with Pic!}

    Well, today is day 21. Any day now I should have some baby chicks hatching from some fertile eggs I put under a broody hen. Well, that is if they are all okay... I had an egg get broken at about day 10 and mom was off the eggs for a while. Im not sure what, if any, special things I need to do...
  12. pseudoyams

    Emergency in the coop!

    Yes she is still in the coop. There were no unfertile eggs under her though - only the 8 fertile eggs were there. It looks like after that one broke she got back on them. She had egg from the broken one on her belly feathers. I think she moved to the other nest because of the mess? I dunno...
  13. pseudoyams

    Places to buy eggs?

    Check craigslist. Depending on where you live youll probably be surprised how much people are selling fertile eggs. I was! They were much cheaper as well. I found some purebreed ameraucana fertile eggs for $1 each! -Rob
  14. pseudoyams

    Emergency in the coop!

    I have a broody hen that I got some fertile eggs to hatch last week. Today is day 8 and I came home to find that one of the eggs is broken open (the one with the "blue gene"!) and the hen is sitting on some other non-fertile eggs (we dont have a rooster). The egg that broke...
  15. pseudoyams

    broody hens

    I put eight fertile eggs under one of my broody hens. She hasn't left them since tues when I first put them in there. They should be due may 16 ish !
  16. pseudoyams

    Lazy chicken or something wrong?

    I checked her eyes and nose - both clear. her feet looked fine, no bugs under her wings or anything and no lumps that I could feel. I put her down after that and she got some water, came outside with us for a bit, and within 10 min she was back in her box. She looks fine I guess.... It's just...
  17. pseudoyams

    Lazy chicken or something wrong?

    For the last four days one of my pullets has barely left the nesting boxes. The only reason I know she moved the other day is because she switched boxes on the second day, then again on the third day. Today is day four and she just hangs out in the box. I actually picked her up and put her on...
  18. pseudoyams

    How to keep the chix outta the mulch?

    Any body else have any recommendations for fencing or controlling them out of certain areas?
  19. pseudoyams

    How to keep the chix outta the mulch?

    Hey all! I have 15 chickens that I let free range all day in my ~ 3 acre yard. The coop is in the back yard but they will occasionally come into the front yard the tear up the mulch on the flower beds. Kickin' it all over the place and rolling around in the dirt! Crazy girls. Is there any...
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