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  1. limited25

    my very own micro farm

    Good willpower Zach, admire that. It is hard to stay motivated but really makes a difference in the long run. I am going through chemo and radiation now and am bound determined to keep my attitude as good as I can. I sometimes struggle with motivation but know it is the best way to deal with...
  2. limited25

    Straw Bales hard to find!

    Feed stores in our area carry them.
  3. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Found a vet on Harrison in Shawnee but don't see any reference that he/she is an avian vet. I have a hen with bumblefoot and am terrified of doing the procedure myself. Is it Best Friends Animal Clinic? Their website mostly mentions dogs. Just noticed this problem today, and she is...
  4. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  5. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Can someone please tell me what kind of trees these are? They look like elm leaves but the new growth on the branches is succulent like, and it seems to turn into a more normal looking branch as it gets older. Have a bunch of these on land we just bought and wondering if I should get rid of...
  6. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    BetsyOK, Thanks for this suggestion! I have been puncturing the capsule and stirring it into applesauce I made in the blender. She loves it and so do the rest of the girls. Unfortunately the rhode island reds (our first chickens) seem to guard it and try to consume most of it. I will try...
  7. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Thanks for reply. Have never fed medicated feed to any of my chickens. Don't understand why she is the only one with a problem, and was a little worried that the rooster might have hurt her somehow. She never twists her neck upward when it happens, doesn't put her head under her wing, and...
  8. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Need advise please. I tried to upload a video of my hen but it didn't work so I will try to describe what is going on with her. She walks around (eating and drinking fine) but her head kind of twists down and off to the side repeatedly. She has been doing this for about a week now. What can...
  9. limited25

    BYC Member Interview - Wyorp Rock

    Really enjoyed your interview and stories. Great looking coop also.
  10. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Sorry to hear of your loss NanaKat. Prayers to you and yours.
  11. limited25

    my very own micro farm

    Well, what are your thoughts on that? Are your Thanksgiving turkeys from the wild turkeys that were wandering through your property? and, Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  12. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Thanks for advise NanaKat .... doors to actual coop are all solid wood, though have screen doors on the runs. Thought owls only ate mice and such until hearing from ashtree and you, so good to know. Matt, we have 7 hens (4 newbies, but probably close to egg laying age) and we are getting 1 -...
  13. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Thanks, never occurred to me it might be an owl. Have heard one in our backyard in the early morning hours so could be that. Neighbor said her neighbor had a fox living under her shed with babies, so guess it could be that too. Guess we will just leave trap set for a few days and see if...
  14. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Saw a couple of possums in our yard at night so decided to set the trap. Next morning found a possum dead in the yard. Looked like it had been attacked from behind, some fur was pulled off, and a few bites (about half dollar size bites) were taken from the middle of it. No evidence of what...
  15. limited25

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

  16. limited25

    Any tips to manage a Mean Hen

    I would put pin-less peepers on her. She won't be able to see straight ahead with those on, and shouldn't be able to chase or pull them down from the roost. I have used them on my flock before, for about 3 months, and believe it helped.
  17. limited25

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Exactly right ... he is separated from the hens for now as they are molting, and the newbies are integrating. This is his surprised face upon hearing 2 hens going at it in the coop.
  18. limited25

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    9/25/16 Integration day: Chickens have all been beside each other for 2 months now (1 month in coop divided by screen). Reggie freaked out (along with everyone else) and danced in front of everyone (including the Buff Orp cockerel) and mated a couple molting hens. Put him and the Buff in...
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