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  1. zazouse

    We have lost one of our own, RIP @Dylansmom

    So sad to read this she was a wonderful person and a great peamom , RIP Mindy
  2. zazouse

    Need advice from someone with experience with guinea fowl

    I am amazed that know one here could help here as long as this forum has been up and running , I got a handle on this now I stopped the meds they were on and put apple cider vinegar in their water and no more problems as of yesterday this took care of what ever bacteria was causing the...
  3. zazouse

    Need advice from someone with experience with guinea fowl

    I have been raising GF sense 2007 and have not once had a problem with any keets i have hatched and raised here, back in march i decided to order more colors to add to my flocks, my keets were shipped out and i was not informed of this , they also did not put hold for pickup on the box nor my...
  4. zazouse

    Looking To Buy....Peafowl(2016)

    If she starts laying and you do not know how to find her nest a few things can happen, if she goes to sitting and it is not a safe place a predator can get her, if she is a confirmed sitter she may sit the eggs till they rot and bust which will attract every wild critter around with the smell...
  5. zazouse

    It's complicated

    I have no idea i do not know how your place is set up, how much problem you have with predator's or if you have time to work with him if he tried to go some place you do not want him, being raised by his mom would not assure his survival no more than it would hers, it all depends on how your...
  6. zazouse

    Worming a mixed flock? Need some input...

    I purchase Safeguard for goats suspension10% to worm all my birds here, it cost 425 dollars( 3785ML) in a gallon at Jeffers ........a huge savings compared to the 125 ML bottles for 20 dollars at tractor supply
  7. zazouse

    Looking To Buy....Peafowl(2016)

    One week??? the other peas will run her off for sure, she has not been part of the flock yet at one week IMO that can take months
  8. zazouse

    Looking To Buy....Peafowl(2016)

    When New 2 pfowl (suzy's) Mr Peggy moved here from Californian it took exactly 5 month and 5 days before i could finely trust him to stay here, i would let him loose ever couple weeks and observe him until i felt he was homed in here, he has been free ever sence no problems, if your hen is...
  9. zazouse

    It's complicated

    Yes if he mounts he is a male hens do not do this only males to my knowledge male even mount inanimate objects also like stuffed toys and even each other when on a stuffed toy, i call this leap frog LOL Not one time have i ever seen a hen do this , if he is causing damage there is no sense in...
  10. zazouse

    It's complicated

    you sure a rooster isn't doing this to the wee chicks never ever seen a young peacock take a young peahen but have seen roosters try
  11. zazouse

    Looking To Buy....Peafowl(2016)

    I am sure they will, the thing is i am retired and can monitor them 24/7 and i will know if things were going amiss with them, peafowl are much different in free range rather than a aviary no matter how big that aviary is and i believe that not forced to stay in a smaller area can make a big...
  12. zazouse

    Looking To Buy....Peafowl(2016)

    I will have to disagree here, when they are younger they are harder as you have to work with them more to keep them in the area you want once they are older and established they should stay put as the blues have, time will tell for sure but from what i can tell they will be fine by the age of...
  13. zazouse

    Show off your Peas!

    Are the males you speak of selling from import lines or american lines?
  14. zazouse

    Show off your Peas!

    Green beans on the range, as you see see it can be done with some time and training we have succeeded in doing so here on the farm, they like the blues have and are teaching me many things and i have really enjoyed working with them and dispelling the myth that it can not be done... If anyone...
  15. zazouse

    Please Pray for Zazouse

    Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers, i have been on a Journey that has taken me to a darkend place but am working toward the light one day at a time, Please keep my husband James on your daily prayers he has a very long road to recovery and treatment for the cancer that has taken...
  16. zazouse

    Narragansett Turkeys, Anyone?

    These are some of my first babies i raised i have enjoyed learning about them turkeys are pretty cool , i hope the hens make good sitters i am going to give them a couple seasons to see how they do i have 9 hens all together . i need them to hatch peafowl for me
  17. zazouse

    Narragansett Turkeys, Anyone?

    These are now separated from my other turkeys as they started laying about a month ago all eggs have been fertile so i will be selling all the eggs i do not eat because i do not need any more turkeys and have my hands full hatching other fowl here, these are 2015 hatch
  18. zazouse

    Peafowl lost his crown

    Spindly crest or missing crest without new growth showing can be from internal parasites , when and how did you last worm your pretties?? I have never ever had another bird pluck a Crest off of another here not even in a pen and in all honesty if you did not witness crest plucking i would not...
  19. zazouse

    How do I breed a Silver Pied peafowl?

    It is my understanding the name silver pied came from the back feathers as they have all silver or partial silver on their backs and hens are silver where blues would be colored , that pieds does not even have any white in the colored eyes so i say it is an extremely loud pied , but unless you...
  20. zazouse

    Peacocks w/chickens

    Sorry for your loss
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