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  1. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy hen aggressive toward other pet muscovy

    Lucy, white, juniper- black and green She likely will, as she has in the past but the question is why would she be so aggressive now when it's her 4th spring /broody season and this is new behavior
  2. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy hen aggressive toward other pet muscovy

    Hi all.I have two Muscovy females. They are backyard pets so I only have a few. I've been raising ducks for several years but this is new to me. Our ducks free range our fenced in yard during the day. They have access to food and water at any time during the day. Juniper, 4 has just recently...
  3. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy Hen TOO BROODY

    That's interesting. The only experience I have with it is when my oldest muscovy Lucy was introduced to a few day old ducklings we got from a local farm, she took to them within a few days of being introduced and mothered them for weeks after. It was really cool to watch- she hadn't even been...
  4. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy Hen TOO BROODY

    Ok, you have yours on a feeding schedule? Historically I have left all -flock pellet food out at all times but the squirrels and other animals are eating it. Since the ducks go long periods without eating it since they free range during the day, I'd like to remove the pellet food and...
  5. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy Hen TOO BROODY

    I have another question- do muscovy hens need grit? I've supplied oyster shells but they don't seem interested but then I find Juniper, over and over again, eating out of the firepit or potted plants. I think she wants grit? Any suggestions?
  6. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy Hen TOO BROODY

    I would love to see Juniper as a mom- I am considering getting some fertilized eggs for her to sit on. It's a lot of effort on my part, but it might be worth it. I can't keep them but it might be what she needs
  7. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy life span

    thanks for sharing! I read up to 20 years also but I wasn't sure how likely that was. I hope mine have long lives ahead. I've loved all my ducks but I have to say my muscovies are such a joy and seem to connect more than other breeds I've had.
  8. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy life span

    Oh wow, thanks for sharing. How cute! I have so enjoyed the muscovy breed (females not so much the drakes)- they're just so sweet and curious I love them so much. I only have 2- Lucy (all white) is 7 and Juniper is 3. This time of year they're so lovey.
  9. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy life span

    Hi all, I have a few ducks as pets and have raised mostly mallard breeds for 10 yrs now but unfortunately, none have ever lived (for various reasons) beyond 6 yrs. I have two muscovies now who are healthy and hardy and I'd love to know what other's experiences have been with muscovy pets and...
  10. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy Hen TOO BROODY

    Thanks for your feedback with this. My muscovy hen that is dealing with this was broody well into winter last time around, so I'd love to avoid that this time around if possible. It's just hard on her. Do you think she'd sit and hatch fertilized chicken eggs? I think I'd have an easier time...
  11. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy Hen TOO BROODY

    Oh my goodness, yes- mine is like the one that torments the other we have. It's helpful for me to read about other's experiences with this. When my muscovy was broody for 5 months, she got to the point where she didn't come out without being taken off the nest. I just don't want it to get to...
  12. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy Hen TOO BROODY

    That's a thought! I would definitely consider that. Since I wouldn't be able to keep the ducklings, in your experience or knowledge- is it cruel or distressing to them to take the ducklings at a certain point? I wouldn't want her to endure any distress over parting with them.
  13. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy Hen TOO BROODY

    Yes, please explain what you mean by broody breaker. And I only have 2 females (we have a small backyard and we keep 2 for pets) so hatching ducklings isn't an option. I've tried having a muscovy drake but 2 females isn't enough for them....the ratio isn't right.
  14. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy Hen TOO BROODY

    I knew they had that reputation but I didn't know it would be this extreme. I only have 2 females so she won't be able to hatch ducklings..
  15. Mudbillkisses

    Muscovy Hen TOO BROODY

    Hi all. I only have two backyard ducks- both muscovy females. One of them (3 years old) is broody again after she just started laying about 3 weeks ago. This after she was broody for 6 months straight no matter what I did. I collect any eggs from both of them every morning so she's only sitting...
  16. Mudbillkisses

    Integrating new duck to a flock of 2

    Thank you!
  17. Mudbillkisses

    Integrating new duck to a flock of 2

    Thanks! I suspected so. That's a great suggestion to mix in all flock! I'll do that. And thanks for the reassurance, they are doing better very slowly. He doesn't always get to eat/drink when he wants to, they bully him away but I think they'll work it out. I'm hoping for babies in the spring...
  18. Mudbillkisses

    Integrating new duck to a flock of 2

    We have layer pellets for the girls- is it ok to feed him this also? We mix in some cracked corn (because that's mostly all he wants and is used to when he was occasionally fed at the pond) and some oats. He wont eat meal worms! He literally left all the meal worms in his water dish. He's...
  19. Mudbillkisses

    Integrating new duck to a flock of 2

    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, we really can't accommodate 4 ducks. He's not entirely alone- like he was when we rescued him. He's just not accepted yet- they tolerate his presence at a distance. I realize that's not ideal. With the winter weather coming, they'll be forced to be...
  20. Mudbillkisses

    Integrating new duck to a flock of 2

    That's a good idea! Getting to the not chasing stage is what we're looking forward to. Interesting about differences in birds and your experience! I think when they're more timid or 'weak' the other ducks sense it- maybe prolongs their exclusivity. This poor guy just wants in the flock, and is...
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