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  1. sawilliams

    Dang broodies need help

    So it seems at least in some respect I may have jumped the gun a little there with my panick attack. It would seem that the buff and the leghorn have agreed to a permanent arrangement. And fortunately the buff is back on her eggs which are due in 2 days. Now I just need to figure ot what the...
  2. sawilliams

    Dang broodies need help

    The first broody is a buff orphintion she keeps switching nests. She has already lost 1 set of eggs because of this. I tried to move her out of the main coop to a smaller coop to help control her sitting situation but she freaked ot al night long and ran straight back to the main coop to sit...
  3. sawilliams

    Day 19 and Accidentally Left Egg Turners In

    I think you would still be fine to remove the egg Turner. Unless you feel the style is safe for wobbly chicks. I wouldn't be able to leave mine in even turn off it high of a chance they could get hurt.
  4. sawilliams

    Cannot find hen please help!!!!!

    Glad you found her. I know how stressful it can be. I live a ways out side te city so unfortunately I have had to learn to accept the risk
  5. sawilliams

    URGENT!! Broilers not thriving

    I would definitely start by separating any of the ones that seem off from the ones that are healthy. But other then that it would seem your doing everything you can already
  6. sawilliams

    Assisted hatch advice.

    Now I need help. Checked the egg again it's starting to shrink wrap so we covered it best we could with coconut oil and I cut back the top to open it up. The chick is still in the shell. I want to leave it with mama but I'm afraid it needs more help then I can give it down in the coop. Yes i...
  7. sawilliams

    Cannot find hen please help!!!!!

    I had 3 attacked by hawks recently. One was gone just feathers, another severely injured the 3rd lost its tail feathers but otherwise ok. I mean honestly she could just be hiding too. I had one that managed to hide under the fridge in the garage for nearly 12 hours before we found her. But...
  8. sawilliams

    Assisted hatch advice.

    So I have a seabright that went broody. I gave her 2 normal size eggs as I don't have a small rooster. At 14-16 days (i didn't date the eggs) the larger of the 2 was nearly half air but still moving. Last night the smaller of the 2 which was a darker shell hatched. I couldn't see movement in the...
  9. sawilliams

    Dang foxes

    I Wouldn't say secure but then again or only loses in 2 and a half years have happened during the day when they are out or if the run doesn't get closed at night. But they free range. The foxes come through often enough but this is only our second attack
  10. sawilliams

    Dang foxes

    Ok, well im thinking foxes I'm not sure, I didn't see it. It was either early morning when I took the kids to school or afternoon when I picked the kids up. I came home this afternoon to a pile of feathers on the driveway that I hadn't noticed earlier, at first because of the location I...
  11. sawilliams

    Five of my hens were just sitting in the rain and snow after dark!

    I agree they probably felt they couldn't getto the coop safely. I have washed and blow dryed chickens as well, it's funny but I think they sorta like the blow dryer though it takes a long time. I had a wet hen this summer, she fell in the dog's pool, we wrapped her up dryed her the best we...
  12. sawilliams

    Frostbite in Chickens

    Frostbite won't heal but that's not to bad and may just be surface. Watch for infection. Do you have an inclosed coop? Make sure it's clean and dry, and also well ventilated but no draft on the roosts. Most often frostbite is caused by moisture in the air so increasing venting in the coop may...
  13. sawilliams

    Scared Chicken

    I would separate her into a smaller pen where she can be outside but safe from the other chickens, but close so she can still interact. That and you need to treat the scaly leg mites. She isn't adjusting well and doesn't feel safe, she needs her own safe space to help her adjust and possibly...
  14. sawilliams

    Help with chicken beak dilemma...

    My buff broke her beak a while back there was a crack maybe a little higher then the break in your picture. Honestly the crack was small arms hardly noticable unless you where looking for it. Eventually as the beak grew that spot weakened and fell off much like yours did. For mine there was some...
  15. sawilliams

    Tumor in dogs mouth

    Unfortunately poms are one of the breeds very sespetable to cancers as they age. And being so small it does spread rather fast. I do hope she gets a biopsy and I do hope it's benign. But beyond that i can't voice either for advice.
  16. sawilliams

    what do you do with molted feathers?

    My girls sort of have a deep litter think going on in half their run (sloped ground) I usually just leave the feathers to decompose and use the black gold for the garden and potting soil. Other feathers around there yard get mowed over or eaten by the dogs. Sorry I don't do anything cool with...
  17. sawilliams

    Egg bound or prolapsed vent (both?)

    Oh and pics would be helpful but if it is prolapsed you needed to try to push it back into place. You'll needed help from someone more experienced with how to do that
  18. sawilliams

    Egg bound or prolapsed vent (both?)

    Sounds like possible mild prolapse and a broken egg. Shell-less eggs can be difficult to lay but hopefully she will oas all of it fine if the was a shell there may be internal complications. Get her some extra calcium, keep her clean and keep an eye on her.
  19. sawilliams

    To many chickens, 3 goats planned for a horse what's next a cow?

    To many chickens, 3 goats planned for a horse what's next a cow?
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