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  1. crazy4bassin

    What color is this guy ???

    Thank you. I did understand that he theoretically had only one copy of the barring gene but the more i stared at him the less barring I saw. My plan is to put him over my Cream Legbar girls hoping he might have the Welsumer dark egg gene.
  2. crazy4bassin

    What color is this guy ???

    I’m not really well versed on chicken coloration names and such and playing with the genetics calculator recently. Could someone help me with what color this guy is please. He’s a year old Bielefelder x Welsumer. According to the calculator he should look like a Bielefelder roo but…
  3. crazy4bassin

    Bielefelder vs Rhodebar

    I’ve read a few threads on here about the rhodebars, Hampbars and also Bielefelders was just wondering how they compare in actuality. There are a ton of other posters here that know a heck more than I do and was hoping one of them might chime in.
  4. crazy4bassin

    Bielefelder vs Rhodebar

    There’s nobody with both Bielefelders and Rhodebars that could chime in with the experience with both?
  5. crazy4bassin

    Bielefelder vs Rhodebar

    Me too. My Biels are great egg layers. Im just looking to get some diversity a bit but like the autosexing breeds. I also have some Cream Legbars and a few “Welbars”, Bielefelder/Welsummers I bred, I do realize they’re not real Welbars but for lack of a better description.
  6. crazy4bassin

    Bielefelder vs Rhodebar

    I borrowed this from the Chicken Breeds page. The Rhodebar is a rare British breed developed around 1950. There were apparently several strains developed at that time by a number of breeders, all of whom had the objective of creating an auto-sexing breed that was also an excellent egg layer...
  7. crazy4bassin

    Bielefelder vs Rhodebar

    Me too. I love my Bielefelders. I have two Roosters and a few hens the roos are by far the best roos I’ve ever had. I was looking at Rhodebars and Hampbars to add to the Flock this year and was interested if there is a big difference between the Rhodebars and Bielefelders. Thanks for the reply.
  8. crazy4bassin

    Bielefelder vs Rhodebar

    Hi all, I waded through some of the posts on both of these breeds. I’ve got the similarities and differences down by the numbers but was wondering if anyone has both of these breeds and could give me a “real world“ comparison of the two. I‘ve had some Bielefelders in my flock for a few years now...
  9. crazy4bassin

    Welsummer/Bielefelder Cross ?

    How did your hatch turn out? I’m a couple days away from finally getting a batch in the incubator.
  10. crazy4bassin

    Welsummer/Bielefelder Cross ?

    How did your hatch go???
  11. crazy4bassin

    Welsummer/Bielefelder Cross ?

    Sorry for the late Thank you but things went a bit crazy around here. I knew one way would be sex links but wasn’t positive which. My Wellsummer pullets just started laying so in a few weeks I’ll throw some in the slow cooker. Thanks again !!!
  12. crazy4bassin

    Welsummer/Bielefelder Cross ?

    I really stink at this chicken genetics thing and was hoping for some help. I have both Bielefelder and Welsummer hens and a Roo of each also. The question I have is the differences between a Bielefelder over Welsummer and Welsummer over Bielefelder ?
  13. crazy4bassin

    Info on Welsummers, Wyandotte’s, and New Hampshire’s

    How did your Bielefelder/Welsummer crosses turn out? I have 2 Bielefelder Roos and a few Welsummer hens I was planning to breed very soon. Happened to see this post while checking out the subject. I know it’s a couple years old but I’m curious. Thanks
  14. crazy4bassin

    Bielefelder/Cream Legbar Cross

    Anyone have photos of hens or eggs?
  15. crazy4bassin

    Bielefelder/Cream Legbar Cross

    I have 13 Bielefelder over Cream Legbar eggs in the incubator as we speak. Has anyone attempted this cross? If so could you share your experience please? From what I’ve researched they should lay green eggs. What did the birds look like? I read something that the F1s might be sex linked not...
  16. crazy4bassin

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    Anybody ?
  17. crazy4bassin

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    I‘m sure buried in the 559 pages of this thread might be my answer. I’ve searched it but am still not coming up with a conclusive answer. Could someone clarify the breeds used to create the Bielefelder please? From what I’ve read on the subject, the Cukoo Malines, Amrocks, and New Hampshires all...
  18. crazy4bassin

    Cross breedings beilfielders and cream Legbar

    Hello, I have 13 Bielefelder/Cream Legbar eggs in the slow cooker as we speak. How did yours turn out? I’m curious. Do you have any pictures? Thanks
  19. crazy4bassin

    Egg Yolks Soft or Liquified When Cracked

    Very cool information. Thank you. I never realized that. Much appreciated
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