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  1. vstoltzfus

    Broody Hen on Egg for 4 weeks--added new ones

    I've had chickens for years, but just got roosters last year and am excited to expand my flock through "natural" means. My broody hen was given 4 eggs 4 weeks ago. Somehow 3 broke, so she only has 1 left. Tonight I went out to take the egg away from her and give her 4 more (she's determined to...
  2. vstoltzfus

    Predator identification?

    Hmmm. At first I thought fox because of the trail of feathers, but if there's no prints in the snow, then a bird of some sort. Hawk or owl?
  3. vstoltzfus

    Egg Journals. What info do you record and what do you do with it?

    I keep a journal, but my purpose is different than yours. I want to make sure I'm making enough money to pay for the cost of the feed, and any other costs. I use a calendar. I write down how many eggs I get, how many I sell, and the cost of my feed and other items. I'm just trying to make sure...
  4. vstoltzfus

    Raising a good rooster

    I have 3 roosters, and I think it's mostly personality. I try handling them as much as I can when they're chicks, and I feed them a lot of treats. I want them to think well of me. But all three of them still occasionally attack me, especially if I have something in my hands. Make sure you wear...
  5. vstoltzfus

    Broody hen won't stay in dog pen--lock her in?

    I've had hens for years, but I recently got roosters. I'm thrilled that one of my hens is broody. Unfortunately she's sitting on the favorite nest in the henhouse, and when I tried moving her to a little dog carrier, she got out and went back to the nest. The problem is the other hens are laying...
  6. vstoltzfus

    Hello from PA

    Welcome from Lancaster County!
  7. vstoltzfus

    Strange behaviour

    Does she squat? If so, it's a sign she's reaching sexual maturity, and egg laying is just around the corner!
  8. vstoltzfus

    protein levels

    Are they still laying well for you?
  9. vstoltzfus

    Questioning "the system"

    I've been raising hens for years now, and until a few months ago I've been happy with feeding my girls commercial feed. But lately I've been wondering if the old way is best--letting the girls fend for themselves as they free range over my 3 acres. I give them some feed in the morning, but no...
  10. vstoltzfus

    space a chicken needs to free range without help

    Chick_magnet, I have the same question. When I was growing up my mom kept chickens, and she didn't buy them commercial food. They free ranged over our property and we always had eggs. I never remember one dying of starvation. I'm sure we would have gotten more eggs if we would have fed them...
  11. vstoltzfus

    They make such a mess.... grrrr

    I don't fill up the feeder again until they've cleaned up the mess. They always clean it up, eventually. Hope this helps!
  12. vstoltzfus

    Chicken Tragedy

    I am so sorry. I too have had some losses, and just ordered electrified poultry netting. I'm hoping it helps with my predator problems.
  13. vstoltzfus

    listless hen not eating or drinking

    Here are the facts on my sick hen: 1) What type of bird , age and weight. Red sex link, 15 mos, and 3 pounds 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Very listless, eyes closed most of time, head held to side, sitting mostly 3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? 2 days 4) Are other...
  14. vstoltzfus

    UPDATE PAGE 3 : EMERGENCY : Hen with possible heat stroke

    So sorry for your troubles! I've never had this happen with a hen, but for my guinea pig I put damp towels on her, and then let a fan blow over her. Are you sure it's heatstroke?
  15. vstoltzfus

    "Free Range" is short for "Free For All"!!

    Perhaps you can let them out to free range later in the evening? I let mine out about 7:00, so they only have about 1 1/2 - 2 hours to free range. They can't go too far or cause too much danger in that little time.
  16. vstoltzfus

    Chicken feeder

    The problem with an open feeder is that the birds will scratch the feed out, causing a lot of waste. They will also poop in it, and if the dish isn't that heavy, flip it by standing on the side of it. I'm not saying I don't think you should use an open feeder, but these are some of the problems...
  17. vstoltzfus

    Food and H2O Questions

    I have never given my chickens grit. I figure they pick it up when they are pecking around in the dirt and grass. And I do not have food or water in my coop (no room), so the girls don't get anything at night. But I must say they do make a beeline to the food dish in the morning!
  18. vstoltzfus

    Commets male or female?

    Hmmm. What color were they originally? As chicks, golden comet pullets should be reddish, cockerels are white (yellow). As they grow and get feathers, the pullets will look different from each other (some are more splotched with white, some are very dark, some are golden, etc.). Sounds like you...
  19. vstoltzfus

    Raising indoors; sunshine & vit d?

    I don't know where you live, but it is probably warm enough for you to take them outside now for a little while each day. They are still small though, so make sure you watch them like a hawk (so to speak) so no harm comes to them. I'm not sure if chickens need sunshine or not, but I always take...
  20. vstoltzfus

    Adding older hens to new ones?Advice Please!

    First, you must quarantine the new ones for 30 days. Keep them as far away from the old ones as possible. After quarantine is over, put the new ones near the old ones, but don't let them actually come in contact with each other. I divide my run in half and put what I call the "chick shack" in...
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