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  1. SJensen

    Standard hen mothering bantam hens

    Hi, I have a ten year old standard Easter Egger who has started mothering the rest of the flock -- 5 bantams. Some background -- the EE has always been dominant -- not letting the other hens on the highest roost, picking feathers, guarding food etc. She has never raised chicks or spent much...
  2. SJensen

    How old was your oldest laying hen

    Decent quality egg -- just thin shells now that she's old.
  3. SJensen

    How old was your oldest laying hen

    Just voted -- my oldest hen "Fancypants Johnson" is 12 -- will be 13 next month. She has layed 4 eggs so far this season. She needs some TLC -- I have to be careful not to introduce aggressive hens into the flock. And this spring I separated her for a week because she had some bleeding around...
  4. SJensen

    Comment by 'SJensen' in item 'Appenzeller Spitzhauben'

    Just now looking into this breed more -- I have a Spitzhauben -- probably a crossbreed -- going on 12 years old this year! Purchased when she was a day old at an auction in the Fraser Valley, BC in a box of "mixed chicks". Wonderful girl -- laid so many eggs over the years -- still get some in...
  5. SJensen

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Thanks for your reply! I believe Kate is an EE/White Silkie cross. Farrah is probably a RIR/White Silkie cross. I am going to email the person who sold me the hatching eggs to get her opinion too. Kate: Farrah:
  6. SJensen

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Two silkie crosses -- 12 weeks old. Pullets or too early to tell? Kate: Kate: Farrah: Farrah: Any guesses?
  7. SJensen

    Silkie Cross Thread!! PICS!!

    Gosh I could look at these photos all day. Gorgeous birds on this thread. I posted pics of a four week old chick a while back. Here it is at 5 weeks. Any guesses as to gender? I think it is a silkie / EE cross. (It is the gray one). Thanks!
  8. SJensen

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Hi, I have a 5 week old silkie cross -- probably silkie / EE. It is the gray chick in the photos. Any guesses if it is a pullet or cockerel ?
  9. SJensen

    silkie sexing

    Hi Summerb, I agree it looks like an EE - Silkie Cross. I am pretty sure is the one that hatched out of a blue egg.
  10. SJensen

    silkie sexing

    Hi, this is a silkie cross going on 4 weeks old. Can't really compare the development to siblings because they're all mixed breeds. Guesses on pullet or roo would be appreciated.
  11. SJensen

    Update: Poults 2 days old -- Turkey eggs under broody chicken -- advice?

    Thank you! One week update - the poults seem to be feeding fine. They've stopped biting the mother's comb from what I have observed.
  12. SJensen

    Update: Poults 2 days old -- Turkey eggs under broody chicken -- advice?

    I put some sparkly jewelry in the food and water as was suggested in another thread. Seems to be working somewhat. They mainly want to eat food off the bricks next to the feeder at this point though. One problem on this first day of learning to feed is that they keep grabbing the mother hens...
  13. SJensen

    Update: Poults 2 days old -- Turkey eggs under broody chicken -- advice?

    Well the poults are two days old -- I'm watching the mother (chicken) introduce them to the food and water. Some are getting it... I'm trying to help a bit by dipping their beaks in the water, etc. Will post photos soon.
  14. SJensen

    Update: Poults 2 days old -- Turkey eggs under broody chicken -- advice?

    It's hatch day! Of 6 eggs, 3 have hatched, one is emerging, one is pipped, and one shows no sign yet. We briefly lifted the hen up to snap a photo...
  15. SJensen

    Update: Poults 2 days old -- Turkey eggs under broody chicken -- advice?

    So great to hear this is working out kuntrygirl. I keep hearing about how turkey poults are more susceptible to diseases that chickens may carry, like blackhead and coccidiosis. I thought it would help to give a medicated starter. I'm expecting them to hatch tomorrow...
  16. SJensen

    Update: Poults 2 days old -- Turkey eggs under broody chicken -- advice?

    Exactly. She's doing a great job. I hear the important thing is that she'll get up every few days to eat, drink, and take a dust bath -- which she does. I also feed her by hand from time to time. Has anyone else let a chicken be a mother to turkey poults?
  17. SJensen

    Update: Poults 2 days old -- Turkey eggs under broody chicken -- advice?

    Hi -- I don't know anything about raising turkeys either! The breed is "Bronze". About the cayenne -- it is supposed to be a natural worm/protozoa preventative that you can add to their feed. Has anyone out there used a chicken to mother poults?
  18. SJensen

    Update: Poults 2 days old -- Turkey eggs under broody chicken -- advice?

    Hi, I have a great broody hen and decided to try 6 turkey eggs under her. They are due to hatch in a few days. My plan is to move the mother and poults from the nest box to a 3x3 covered pen with shavings and straw after they hatch. About the risk of blackhead, I'll give the babies a medicated...
  19. SJensen

    Chick with one pink foot and asymetrical coloring

    Thank you -- I'm excited! More pictures as he/she matures...
  20. SJensen

    Chick with one pink foot and asymetrical coloring

    Ok, just took photos: This chick is 5 weeks old and just has a waddle on one side!
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