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  1. M To The Maxx

    Wow, Haven't been on here in awhile

    Nice to talk to you again sourland. It's been awhile.
  2. M To The Maxx

    Wow, Haven't been on here in awhile

    Well, I haven't been on here in a couple years! It looks like so much has changed! Life has been good for my family and I. For any of my old friends and even newbies to site, introduce yourself or tell me how your life has been since we last talked. Good to be back on here again!
  3. M To The Maxx

    Buckys Memorial

    Here Lies the spot of a great rooster. One who always looked out for his hens and was a great rooster to be around. He was a handsome bird and always my favorite. R.I.P. Bucky R.I.P. It was about 2 months...
  4. M To The Maxx

    Christ Mas Coops To Remember

    M To The Maxx's Farm My dad finally had some free time so we got to put Christmas lights on the coops. Here are pics!!!
  5. M To The Maxx

    My Other Animals 2

    M To The Maxx's Farm These are my 3 dogs. They are Yorkshire Terriers (Yorkies). 1 boy and 2 girls. Enjoy!!!! This is Cricket. She is 12 years old. She is a sweety!!! This is Murphy. He is 1 1/2 years old. He is a great dog!!!! This is Sam. She is 8 years old. She is a little princess...
  6. M To The Maxx

    My Chickens 5

    M To The Maxx's Farm I have been a chicken farmer for about 3 years and i love my chickens. They are funny, great layers, and great crowers. I have a wide variety of chickens. I have 1 unknown cross breed hen, 1 Black Ameraucana hen, 2 BR hens, 2 RIR hens, 5 EE hens, 1 GSL hen, 1 BCW Polish hen...
  7. My Finished Coop Info Page

    My Finished Coop Info Page

    M To The Maxx's Farm My Coop and Run Info Page This is my finished coop that I worked on with my dad. It has been complete for some time now. Sorry, no constuction pics but I have a lot of good pics of what it looks like. Before we get to pics here are the materials needed to make this coop...
  8. M To The Maxx

    Ranchie, a dear heart is lost.

    I can't believe that she is gone. I am honestly shocked right now. She was a great person to talk to. She always was wondering how I did in baseball games and was always very positive and always had a way to cheer me up if I didn't perform like I thought I should've. I will take a moment of...
  9. M To The Maxx

    Someone has it in for me or my pets....

    If you have the correct permits and if you have any sort of gun camp somewhere in your backyard and catch the person. If you need to "do the deed" if needed you were simply protecting your livestock. SDath is never a good thing but you gotta do what ya gotta do.
  10. M To The Maxx

    Had A Huge Coyote Raid last Night Only One Bird Left GRAPHIC PICS

    Hey guys, thanks for all of the comments. I may not give up chickens just yet. We have had three come back in the yard. They came from the front of my across the street neighbors house. We caught two of them and the other managed to slip away. So I will look for her before dark. Also we were...
  11. M To The Maxx

    Had A Huge Coyote Raid last Night Only One Bird Left GRAPHIC PICS

    Quote: Please read my above post. I did. Thank you but that won't be happening.
  12. M To The Maxx

    Had A Huge Coyote Raid last Night Only One Bird Left GRAPHIC PICS

    Quote: This X2 Don't give up, but treat this like a learning experience. Coyotes are opportunists, and they are always testing and looking for things to "scavange" which are left out - could be garbage, a toy poodle or a backyard full of chickens. Now that you are aware that coyotes are a...
  13. M To The Maxx

    Had A Huge Coyote Raid last Night Only One Bird Left GRAPHIC PICS

    Quote: Thanks but I honestly don't want chickens anymore. I am going to be a freshman in highschool and I want to focus on my studeis and my baseball. Chicmom- I don't know how they got in. Yes I lock them up every night.
  14. M To The Maxx

    Had A Huge Coyote Raid last Night Only One Bird Left GRAPHIC PICS

    No everyone keeps their dogs contained in our neighborhood. I know it was a Coyote.
  15. M To The Maxx

    Had A Huge Coyote Raid last Night Only One Bird Left GRAPHIC PICS

    When I went to check on the chickens this morning I went out back and saw dead lifeless bodies all over the yard. Feathers were everywhere. Just after I went out back the neighbors had told us they had seen a coyote in our back yard a couple nights ago. I only have one bird accounted for and...
  16. M To The Maxx

    Amerucana rooster, maybe??

    Pics would help and by the way you are spelling it you have EEs.
  17. M To The Maxx

    Well we thought that Dixie was dead... WE WERE WRONG (Pics)

    We had some of our chickens escape due to holes in the chicken wire on the run and Dixie was one of them. We caught all of the others and fixed the problem with the chicken wire but Dixie was still missing. So we searched and searched and searched for her but we couldn't find her. So we sadly...
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