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  1. chickengirl72

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    i wish that we could just buy the cheap food, but we have some serious health issues in my family that have been linked to glyphosate, so we have some good reasons to avoid it. i have a friend who is a chicken expert. she gets flown all over the place to judge chicken shows, and she get amazing...
  2. chickengirl72

    Organic feed that is really actually organic????

    thanks for the input everybody. in the area that i live, there are very few grain farms, most people just grow hay. we don't really have the right climate here for grains. i'm asking around to see if anyone is growing fodder crops for their own animals. i had a look at the homestead organics...
  3. chickengirl72

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    wondering if any of the natural chicken people have looked into the issue of organics fraud. i started a thread about it, and would appreciate your input.
  4. chickengirl72

    Organic topics index.

    wondering if some of the organics experts have considered the organic fraud that has been reported in the news lately and if there are any good solutions to work around this issue?
  5. chickengirl72

    Organic feed that is really actually organic????

    I've been seeing news stories about organic fraud. ie: or...
  6. chickengirl72


    thanks, you guys are the best, i'll do the double ziplock :)
  7. chickengirl72


    Thanks, i read that, but my digital thermometers don't have probes. do i need to buy a new one with a probe?
  8. chickengirl72


    hi, i'm getting my incubator set up to hatch some chickens. this is only my second time hatching, so i've been rereading all the 101's. my big problem right now is that i have 2 digital thermometer/hygrometers and a couple of glass thermometers that came with the incubators and they all have...
  9. chickengirl72

    The Duck Thread

    i saw that one too, but was hoping that there might be data specifically for ducks. i found something that said that geese can digest the barley and it's commonly given to fatten them up. i know anecdotally...
  10. chickengirl72

    crushed barley and ducks??

    can ducks digest crushed barley properly, or do they need enzymes with it, like chickens?
  11. chickengirl72

    The Duck Thread

    can ducks digest crushed barley properly, or do they need enzymes with it, like chickens?
  12. chickengirl72

    The Duck Thread

    Love the pictures of your ponds, and how they're dug out. We have a seasonal pond in the back that dries up in the summer--i think if we dug it out, it would stay wet year round. It's a big project though, and low on the priority list. :)
  13. chickengirl72


    Hi, just wondering how does everyone store the styrofoam incubators in the off season? I'm afraid that if i put them out in the shop or in one of the outbuildings that the rats (we get those cute little brown rats that are just a big bigger than mice, but so annoying!) will chew holes in them...
  14. chickengirl72

    The Duck Thread

    We have a flock of runner ducks right now, and i love them, they're beautiful and hilarious. But, they're so skittish! We also did a batch of pekins for meat ducks, but they were so noisy and poopy and ate like pigs! I'd love to get a couple or 4 ducks that are really calm and friendly, will...
  15. chickengirl72

    The Duck Thread

    just wondering what you're doing? ducklings can be soo messy with their water
  16. chickengirl72

    The Duck Thread

    In late summer, our honeybees kick out all the drones and the worker bees get replaced every 40 days or so, so they're always dropping the deads off the 'front porch'. Anyways, last summer we only had the 2 runner ducks and they had the run of the place...they'd hang out right by the beehives...
  17. chickengirl72

    Flowers that are ok for ducks to eat....

    Can anyone confirm that passionflower is ok for ducks? I want to start putting passionflower tea in their water to help with anxiety. Also any other herbs/flowers that are ok for them to help with anxiety? I have catmint and lemon balm...
  18. chickengirl72

    The Duck Thread

    Any tips for helping ducks with anxiety? We have bad neighbours who are always yelling and screaming and fighting and unfortunately the pond where our ducks live, on our property, borders on the bad neighbours. :( The neighbours had settled down for a couple of weeks in July and actually went...
  19. chickengirl72

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    Thanks for the writeup, that's great! I checked a few of the ducks yesterday, and there was definitely a difference between my older duck who i know is laying and the younger ones that i'm trying to figure out. There's definitely a learning curve to this, but i'll keep working on it. :)
  20. chickengirl72

    The Duck Thread

    any tricks for identifying which ducks are laying? i had extra eggs in the coop today, so my new runners that we hatched this spring are laying. we have a few too many ducks right now and i need to rehome some, but i'd like to keep the early layers if i can figure out who they are! :) :) :)
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