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  1. kuntrychick

    What could be wrong with my RIR hen?

    Well, I could tell she had gotten worse this evening and tonight. I've been praying for her to get better and for God to guide me on what to do for her or if it's something she won't get over for her to just go ahead and pass on because I didn't want her to suffer and just hang on and live like...
  2. kuntrychick

    What could be wrong with my RIR hen?

    I have a RIR hen that I'm not sure what's wrong with her. She's probably pretty close to 5 years or so old. I found her sister dead in the coop last summer from what appeared to be prolapse. Anyway, this hen had gotten to where she was sort of waddling when she walked, sort of a wider stance...
  3. kuntrychick

    PLEASE HELP! Young chick can't stand or walk without help!

    Thanks. Yeah, I'm trying to have patience with him & just don't know what else to try. It is taking up a lot of time dealing with him. I have not even had much chance to play with or bond with the others that hatched (gave 7 of them away) because of tending to him along with everything else that...
  4. kuntrychick

    PLEASE HELP! Young chick can't stand or walk without help!

    Thank you for replying. I thought wry neck was crooked neck? His neck isn't crooked at all, however when he eats & drinks he does this funny little thing with his head sometimes, but I just thought it was because of the position I would get him in to eat & drink & he thought he had just...
  5. kuntrychick

    PLEASE HELP! Young chick can't stand or walk without help!

    Thanks for the reply. I hope someone does come along that has had this happen & could give me some ideas as to what to try. I forgot to mention that I took him to my local vet the other day (just a regular bird or chicken specialist here) & he said that he thinks it's...
  6. kuntrychick

    PLEASE HELP! Young chick can't stand or walk without help!

    I hatched out 12 in all. 11 are absolutely fine & thriving (gave 7 of them away), but the one I'm asking about was the last one that hatched. It is 2 weeks old today. I don't know what else to do for this baby. I've searched & searched the Internet & forum & haven't found anything quite like...
  7. kuntrychick

    Grass/Lawn issues

    Oops...didn't mean to put this in Feeding & Watering your Flock! Sorry...mods feel free to move. But then again, grass is something they eat, so I guess it is a I just don't want them to eat it until it gets established.
  8. kuntrychick

    Grass/Lawn issues

    The enclosed yard that my chickens & dog are in is in horrible shape! A little more than half of it has warm weather grass that is dormant, so it's brown & thin. The stolon things the grass grows on (I think it's Bermuda grass) are laying around everywhere...some of them kind of dangling...
  9. kuntrychick

    Best Natured Rooster?

    Quote: My RIR rooster is the nicest rooster ever! He such a gentleman too! My EE Roos, on the other hand, is a whole other story! MEAN!
  10. kuntrychick

    Feeding cabbage heads to chickens

    Some people use a rope or such to tie it up...some drill a hole through the core of it to put the rope through. That seems too hard for What I do is use one of those nylon fish stringers & poke the pointy metal thing through the core of the cabbage. Sometimes I have to bang it a...
  11. kuntrychick

    Sweet peas/English peas

    I've seen mentioned on here about chickens liking sweet peas/English peas...little green peas. I wasn't sure if they have to be cooked first or if you can feed them the frozen peas raw or right out of the can on the canned ones? I'm assuming the dry ones would need to be cooked first. What...
  12. kuntrychick

    Muddy run.. Is it a problem?

    Ive been raking leaves quite a bit & mine LOVE to dig in the leaves. They are scared when I go in there & dump them lol but they love them & spread them all out everywhere for me.
  13. kuntrychick

    what types of plants to grow for my chickens?

    I've never planted a winter garden, but have always wanted to. Is it too late to plant a small winter garden? And I'm not even sure what all grows in the winter.
  14. kuntrychick

    Muddy run.. Is it a problem?

    Quote: Where did you get that fence & what kind is it? Did you get it at TSC too? I see the TSC cover fits it good. I have a chain link dog kennel that I bought somewhere else & was wondering if the TSC cover would fit it ok, but I do like your run!
  15. kuntrychick

    Reptile heating pads for water heater/de-icer?

    Quote: Do you happen to have a link to this?
  16. kuntrychick

    What do y'all put in oatmeal for chickens?

    When y'all give oatmeal to the chickens, are you giving them oatmeal that didn't all get eaten or do you specifically make oatmeal for the chickens? I don't give them any of mine if there's any left over because mine has too much butter & sugar...LOL So, I specifically make some for them. I...
  17. kuntrychick

    Heated dog bowl filled with sand?

    My heated dog bowl is the blue one from TSC. I believe it's 5 qt. Does anyone know what the wattage is & what temp it turns on & off? Is that air temp (assuming the thermostat is in all the stuff under the bowl)? I'm still a little on the fence about how this is gonna work for me. I filled it...
  18. kuntrychick

    Heated dog bowl filled with sand?

    Quote: What kind of heater do you use in the bucket? I've ordered nipples & they're on the way, but it got below freezing the past few nights so I had to use the heated dog bowl until the nipples come in. Then, I still haven't decided what I'm gonna heat the bucket with. Does the standing...
  19. kuntrychick

    Cute Treat Feeder

    Awesome! Adorable! Y'all have me wanting to buy & make tons of stuff to feed the chickens treats from & keep them entertained! Then, I still have to buy treats to go into all these things I want to buy/make! Looks like another thing added to the chickens' Santa list this year! If my girls...
  20. kuntrychick

    grocery store giving me veggie scraps

    Quote: Oh, you are so lucky! Free fruits & veggies from grocery store & free oatmeal/grains! I must be doing something wrong because I have to buy everything I feed my chickens! Good for you!
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