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    Update on last post and Need Help in Oswego County NY with Codes

    First, Happy New Year Everyone! So I'm back to ask for more help. Our lawyer did do his homework. They're (The Village) in a bit of a conundrum now because now we're fighting it out in court which wasn't what I had hoped. So we got to court and the lawyer for our village came in the middle of...

    Zoning Conundrum in Oswego County NY

    Hahaha, I kind of got what you were talking about. You don't seem mean, just firm. I'm starting to lose my patients with FIRM. They aren't getting it. The threats of fines because I express my disproval of them are starting to tick me off. lol Wish I knew their parents!!! lol

    Zoning Conundrum in Oswego County NY

    Actually, the code enforcement doesn't seem to like women. He keeps threatening me with a fine! lol Latest was that the idiot neighbor called 911 for a fire we were having with our little girl. We were roast marshmallows when the code enforcement came by means of HER side of the fence, since I...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Im going to check with a farm tomorrow, ty! 💕

    Zoning Conundrum in Oswego County NY

    This gives me hope. There are lots of people other than myself who own chickens here. This law was put in AFTER we all were given permission to have them. I’m just hoping they will come to the meeting. This WILL affect them as well as me. Nobody sticks their neck out for their neighbors...

    Zoning Conundrum in Oswego County NY

    We have woods directly behind me. Our backyard is half an acre all fenced in. While one neighbor has three aggressive dogs that my chickens stay far away from, the neighbor in question has never had any contact other than looking at the from over the fence. They’ve never been over the fence nor...

    Zoning Conundrum in Oswego County NY

    Ty, the only concern I have, is that he’s given me less than a week to prepare. I’m hoping he’ll reschedule me for the second meeting. I need more time to get my information together, however, we may be stuck to that date. I’m going to do my best to try.

    Zoning Conundrum in Oswego County NY

    Because we grew up here. We can’t win this battle. People from outside our state tell us not to come dirty their state even though we have the same ideology. So wouldn’t that be our obligation to fight to fix it, rather than “dirtying” other people’s states?! My great grandfather rode a war...

    Zoning Conundrum in Oswego County NY

    Thank you. I’m off FB but my husbands on. I’ll check for pics.

    Zoning Conundrum in Oswego County NY

    Hi Everyone! I need some HELP!! 2012 we purchased our home in a small vilage in Oswego County. Then, I received an okay from zoning who said there was nothing in the books against having poultry of any kind as long as we didn't have roosters. Fast forward to last month, when we received...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hi Everyone! It's been a while. Anyways, I need some HELP!! 2012 we purchased our home in a small vilage in Oswego County. Then, I received an okay from zoning who said there was nothing in the books against having poultry of any kind as long as we didn't have roosters. Fast forward to...

    NY chicken lover!!!! So I received a private message on Facebook from a concerned friend. I get something like this EVERY year. but this came...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    That's what I said! My husband is going to check again. But he looks like a she. I've never been so confused in my life. lol I asked him if it was the other white one who also looks like a girl and he said he's POSITIVE it was the black one because she did it right in front of him. Needless to...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thank you so much! You may have helped us be able to keep her. Now if I can just get her to tone it down until I measure her tomorrow and get the collar. Hahaha I have NEVER been through this before. It's quite comical.

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I never knew anything like that existed. Do they carry it at tractor supply? Is it humane? It won't shock her to death will it?

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thank you so much! I love them all. To part with any of them would be heart-breaking.

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I hope you can see the video it's black but you can hear it. I had to make it private just in case our neighbors were watching.

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Oh my gosh, yes! She's crowing. I'm waiting for my husband to send the video. The video is all black because it was too dark in the coop. But you'll hear her crowing. It's hilarious! Though not too hilarious because it puts me in a predicament. Hahaha We've been looking up that there are in fact...

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    So my husband caught the culprit but we’re not really noticing that she’s any different than the other girls. My husband says both times we heard her that’s its ONLY in the CoOp and never in the run or at any other hour but 6am. We’re putting a door on the CoOp so they can’t go straight to...
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