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  1. darkmatter

    broody hen in high nest box... how will this work?

    Once the chicks are out of the nest boxes (normally two or three days after hatching) the mother hen will huddle with them on the coop floor (deep litter) at night and it may be a week or more before she takes them outside. I make sure there is water and food inside until then. Occasionally I...
  2. darkmatter

    This year chicks (so far)

    Introducing the newbies in a cage for a couple weeks for the adults to get used to them. The keets have now blended with the rest of the mixed Chicken/Guinea flock.
  3. darkmatter

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    I spliced the three photos to show the sequence of the running Doe tripping the Cam and the two fawns running to keep up. (No idea what spooked them)
  4. darkmatter


    I agree, however stating facts, figures, and observations into a "discussion" with rabid fanatics is like wrestling with a pig-------you get dragged down into the mud and the pig enjoys it.
  5. darkmatter

    got my coon

    I first got a trailcam just to see what came around the Chicken Coop at night------what an eye opener. I pretty much keep a live trap set now for mostly Raccoons, but I've seen the neighbors dogs, foxes, cats, deer, and other visitors. If you look at my profile, there is a link to...
  6. darkmatter

    got my coon

    me too:
  7. darkmatter

    How far do YOU go to get the chicken coop clean.

    Here is the pictures taken this year of my annual Coop cleaning for the Garden. As you can see, I have a sub-ground level composting pit arrangement which after I clean it out, I add lawnmower clippings, pine straw & needles etc. on a weekly (more or less) basis. I got my ideas for a Coop and...
  8. darkmatter

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Taking a "break" between checking out the Chicken Coop for open doors/windows.
  9. darkmatter

    This year chicks (so far)

    Dust off the incubator: Clean up the old stock tank that was used as the Kids wading pool years ago: And add chicks that hatched yesterday: These are from the blue/green eggs from my Easter Eggers, a few were "Olive Eggs" that I selected from my usual production: I only hatched a few...
  10. darkmatter

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Spring deer visiting the Salt Stump:
  11. darkmatter

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    I've got too many Chickens/eggs from letting the Broodies have their way last year, so I've been collecting all the eggs every day. These two have been very insistent even without eggs to set on. I could use a few more Guineas for property bug/tick patrol, so I've slipped some Guinea eggs under...
  12. darkmatter

    Deep litter method

    I've mentioned before that my "deep litter" method is actually a sub-ground level dirt floor composting pit. Here are some pics of me removing the compost for the Garden. I've already removed 8 wheelbarrows by the time of this pic and just now getting down to the dirt floor in one corner...
  13. darkmatter

    Can you train a chicken to sleep on roosts instead of in nesting boxes?

    Block off the nesting boxes at night. I have a hinged cover I can close up the boxes when I need to. Once the chickens spend a week or two sleeping on the roost, you can leave the nest boxes uncovered at night. Some people use a fabric curtain to close off the boxes they roll up during the day.
  14. darkmatter

    April's Fools eggs from my chickens (no joke!)

    My Chickens gave me a "April Fools" day egg also:
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