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  1. SallyF

    Shell-less eggs

    I have a hen (don't know which one) who is occasionally laying a shell-less egg. They're fed layer pellets, also free-range, and have oyster shell available. I've read up on the possible causes of this. Are these eggs usable in baked products, or should I just cook them and feed them back to...
  2. SallyF

    Topic of the Week - What do you do with all those eggs?

    I give mine away. As I tell people, strangers may have to pay, but my friends get them free. And I don't know any strangers.
  3. SallyF

    Poop on adult hens' butt feathers

    Very helpful. I just did a "Brazilian Butt Trim" on one of my hens. She had a ball of poop about the size of a ping-pong ball back there, and I figured it could not have been comfortable for her. Just caught her, held her upside down under my arm, and took the scissors to her. She didn't...
  4. SallyF

    Sponsored Post Considerations for Keeping a Rooster

    I'm having a terrible time convincing a neighbor who just got hens that she needs a rooster also. She believes that blood spots, meat specks and the chalaza are all embryos, and swears that she does not want to eat fertilized eggs. This is a woman with a PHD degree, so she's certainly not dumb...
  5. SallyF

    Handling two broody hens

    I have two broody hens. The black sex-link hen went broody first and had been sitting on the eggs for at least a week. Then a black australorp went broody and pushed the sex-link off the nest. Can I move some of the eggs from the australorp and give them to the sex-link? Or s it better to...
  6. SallyF

    Mystery Rooster... what is he?

    Thank you all. I think Dark Brahma wins the day. Still trying to get rid of him, if anyone in middle Tennessee needs a rooster.....
  7. SallyF

    Mystery Rooster... what is he?

    This is the result of a friend buying Easter chicks for her granddaughter. She had no clue as to what she was buying, just told the guy at Tractor Supply to pick out three cute chicks. One died, I rehomed the silkie hen, and now I'm left with this. You can't see it in the picture, but he has...
  8. Mystery rooster.  What is he?

    Mystery rooster. What is he?

  9. SallyF

    Easter Chicks

    Well, the two Easter chicks have arrived. As I expected, the buyer had no idea what breed they are. One is brown and one is white and they both have feathered legs. I have no idea what breed or what sex they are; we'll see what they grow into. We are always punished for our good deeds.
  10. SallyF

    Easter Chicks

    Yep, it's here again. I just got a call from a friend who bought three baby chicks for her granddaughter who was visiting, thinking the grand would want to take them home for pets. Turns out one died right out of the box and the granddaughter was so upset about having to have a baby chick...
  11. SallyF

    Cheese Chat

    The Michigan State University Dairy makes my favorite cheese, which I now order on-line, since I'm in Tennessee. It's called "Dagano" and I think they say it's a variety of a Swiss cheese. Smooth, just a little tart, I could eat a pound of it in one sitting. Have to restrain myself and put the...
  12. SallyF

    Who else plays an instrument?

    I play recorders of all sizes, from garklein to great bass. Also play the krumhorn, cornamuse, cornetto and gemshorn. I love early music and generally think all music written after 1700 is worthless (just joking!). Medieval and Elizabethan Renaissance music are my favorites. I used to play...
  13. SallyF

    Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

    I'm curious. What are baked cabbage steaks? Sounds interesting.
  14. SallyF

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    You must not be too far from me. We're right across the river in Van Buren county.
  15. SallyF

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Sorry, duplicate post.
  16. SallyF

    The Middle Tennessee Thread There is a new processor in Walling, near Rock Island, if you want to drive that far. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks good. Sallyf
  17. SallyF

    Weird or Old Home Remedies

    I had lots of earaches as a child and my dad would always use the smoke in the ear thing. Had to be pipe tobacco, not cigarettes. I think the warmth helped more than anything. Now that we've retired back to the country I grew up in, I've heard a new one. During a discussion of venomous...
  18. SallyF

    New in Cookeville TN

    I'm pretty close; I live in Van Buren County and come over to Cookeville once a week to play in a music group. Occasionally I drive out in your direction, going to Hidden Springs Nursery to pick something up. My husband has a fascination with trying to grow some of the stuff they carry. We...
  19. SallyF

    Weird and funny stuff our pets do!

    We used to have a gray tabby (named "Hoover" because she liked to sleep next to the parked vacuum cleaner). During the night she would steal socks from the bedrooms and lay them in a line down the upstairs hallway. I guess it was artistic expression of some sort. She also liked to eat celery...
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