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  1. Jenneh85

    Dead egg?

    Went to check on the chick-lets and realized that the ring is darker with no veins, so I have 2 quitters. Thank you all for the lessons with the incubator. We have one chickie going strong so far!
  2. Jenneh85

    Dead egg?

    So this means that the blue egg is a quitter due to something wrong with the mother or it just happens? i dont see any blood veins like that in the blue egg, and brown egg that was put in at the same time. The egg from the 22nd seems to be going strong?
  3. Jenneh85

    Dead egg?

    These are the other two eggs, I rotated them and put the blue one in the first slot. I out the brown one on the end and the one with the veins in the middle to see what would happen the dates of the egg were written with regular pencil.
  4. Jenneh85

    Dead egg?

    I put them in on the 19th - the day I set up the incubator got it early for my bday - wanted to do this for my kids. Blue egg name is huggy (son) brown egg is baby Cheeky (daughter) The incubator was brand knew in the box. Magicfly Mini egg incubator with automatic egg turner. Had the best...
  5. Jenneh85

    Dead egg?

    these eggs im guessing are at day 12 by some guide I am using. When I candled the egg when I got it on the 19th the brown egg was more developed then the blue, so I thought the blue was laid that day not the day before (I missed a day of collection) so the egg might be a few days older, I am not...
  6. Jenneh85

    Dead egg?

    Need eggspert advice on candle-lighting on this egg and in general. its from one of my blue egg layers, I got the egg on the 19th the day before my birthday, my husband bought me a incubator and my blue layers are starting to stop laying So I wanted a baby of the one that's laying still (she...
  7. Jenneh85

    My oldest hen is wobbly and is refusing to eat

    ok things have turned around and now i am confused, She is cleaning herself. Moving around slowly even with a little hobble its not like she has blazing speed and can run.She is pecking at the kennel floor with that food around and has ate every bok choy i left in there and 2 watermelon balls...
  8. Jenneh85

    My oldest hen is wobbly and is refusing to eat

    she was one of my first, and the last one from my first batch of chicks. She ate some watermelon today, and hobbled about. She does stink like pee so I gave her a small bath. I will just make her comfy - I just dont want to put her back in with the rest of the flock and have her be pecked on and...
  9. Jenneh85

    My oldest hen is wobbly and is refusing to eat

    she is moving around slowly and ate 1 bok choy ..... soooo I dont know....
  10. Jenneh85

    My oldest hen is wobbly and is refusing to eat

    she is roughly 9 going on 10, I got her when she was a chick from the feed store back 8-9 years ago.
  11. Jenneh85

    My oldest hen is wobbly and is refusing to eat

    No blood just really water with a bit of yellowish stuff
  12. Jenneh85

    My oldest hen is wobbly and is refusing to eat

    she is alert, not able to move around for some reason, as she fumbles about and wobbles. Her vent is clean and she has really watery poop. I brought her inside, and all she does is lay there with no intent on food or water, I picked her up this morning and noticed her belly was wet and I dont...
  13. Jenneh85

    Guess these chickens genders?

    awesome !! will do thank so much!!
  14. Jenneh85

    Guess these chickens genders?

    Here is the red one that I think is a hen because the one I know is a rooster his Rose comb? is more reddish and plumped up more.
  15. Jenneh85

    Guess these chickens genders?

    This is the other black chick I think is a hen, but I cant tell because it has wattles that look red, but its patch behind that is white
  16. Jenneh85

    Guess these chickens genders?

    This is one of the chicks that I think is a hen, her comb is confusing me because it looks split. What do you think ?
  17. Jenneh85

    Guess these chickens genders?

    I can try to, I know by looking at two of them I can tell they have their wattles in and are bright red. The other ones confuse me and have a reddish tint to their combs and wattles, and the shape of one is hard to tell, but is close to the one I think is a rooster but they were all hatched the...
  18. Jenneh85

    Guess these chickens genders?

    they are about 7-8 weeks old. Id have to have a second pair of hands to be able to take better pictures. By looking at these pictures is it hard to tell?
  19. Jenneh85

    Guess these chickens genders?

    I know the images arent good quality, but Does anyone have any idea what these chickens are? I am guessing because I have tried to sex chickens myself back when I had my pullets, that they ARE indeed females, but the rose comb always confuses me. Help?
  20. Jenneh85

    Guess these chickens genders?

    My neighbor is breeding chickens and I got some mutts from her I have 5. 2 I know for sure or cockrell's and three of them I am assuming are little hens, I took some bad pictures hopefully someone can help me identify what sex the three I am posting. 2 are black and the other is a red one I...
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