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  1. JaciesCoop

    Our Scary! Broody Story

    Lucky is reaching the teen stage. Jumping up on the high roost and doing good so far.
  2. JaciesCoop

    Our Scary! Broody Story

    Update on Lucky: She is getting so big. And bossy like her/his Mom So far so good but keep those fingers crossed
  3. JaciesCoop

    Our Scary! Broody Story

    We have 6 buff orp hens and a buff roo and a mix breed banty. She is always broody and took over two of the buff eggs. Only one hatched and she was so proud. When the little one was about 5 days old hubby was out in the back and noticed that Lil' Bit (our mix banty) and the baby were out in...
  4. JaciesCoop

    What is he??

    I think he's starting to molt.
  5. JaciesCoop

    What is he??

    A steady visitor to our yard to visit out flock through the fence. I think he's a mix but of what. Can anyone tell me? He's very sweet.
  6. JaciesCoop

    So many questions. So little time! LOL

    Oh and thanks for putting a burr under my butt. Going to get the squirt bottle tomorrow and start working with Wilbur. I've just been lazy about it because of health problems I've been dealing with but you are right. Now is the time to get him tamed a little.
  7. JaciesCoop

    So many questions. So little time! LOL

    All went well with the move. They have their own part of the coop with their own run. Nesting box is on the floor and I feel much better about that. Hubby and I lifted egg, baby and Mama all at the same time and put them in the new nesting box. Mama settled right in without a problem. And...
  8. JaciesCoop

    So many questions. So little time! LOL

    Thanks for the quick reply. Our coop is made so it can be divided so we are going to go put mama and chick and the other egg into the one side of the coop in a nesting box on the floor and they will have their own run and food and water. Just until baby gets some growth on it. I just worry...
  9. JaciesCoop

    So many questions. So little time! LOL

    This may take a while to explain. First we have 6 buff orpington hens, 1 buff orp roosters and one very bossy stubborn black mixed banty. We have had her for about 4 years. The hens are less than 10 mos old and the roo is about 1 year old. They orps started laying about 6 weeks ago and...
  10. JaciesCoop

    Question about leg rings and a little showing off!

    I need to know what size leg rings to order for my girls to use when they are fully grown in order to name them and tell them apart. I've always had giant cochins but have fallen in love with the buffs and it started when we adopted a year old buff rooster. So now we have six girls also. The...
  11. JaciesCoop

    Ended Contest 5: Cutest Baby Fowl - 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch A Long

    Taken 3 days ago. One of our new Buff Orpington babies.
  12. JaciesCoop

    A real mystery!!

    I shall start at the beginning because this is making absolutely no sense!! About 2 years ago we purchased 4 RIR pullets. They were well feathered out and so cute. Well they have turned out not to be so cute. They started attacking my 3, old cochins and my old white leghorn rooster so we...
  13. JaciesCoop

    Back to BYC

    OOPPS! Sorry about the big print! I clicked on the wrong number!
  14. JaciesCoop

    Back to BYC

    Haven't been around in about 4 years and it seems that a lot of the group I communicated with back then are inactive. I will be checking in more as I did enjoy the interaction with everyone. Especially our crochet group. Thought I would share some of the art work I did back then using...
  15. JaciesCoop

    Arizona Chickens

    Thanks for your purchase. Have not been on BYC for a long long time. I will have to get back here more often. I just updated all my info since it's been almost 7 years since it was updated. 2 more grandchildren since then. Same dog and cats but not as many hens and only one goose now...
  16. JaciesCoop

    Need to stop hens from pecking roosters comb!!

    Oh thank you so much. Our feed store has it. Thanks again for the help.
  17. JaciesCoop

    Hey Darlene!

    How are you?? I haven't been on in so long and I lost your email about 2 computers ago. Hope all is well with you Jacie Strout
  18. JaciesCoop

    Need to stop hens from pecking roosters comb!!

    Our rooster Henry is old and has a bad leg so he is not able to move real fast and the hens have been pecking at his comb so badly that is gets to bleeding. Is there anything I can put on it to get them to stop. I tried vaseline and it worked for a while but now they just ignore it. We have...
  19. JaciesCoop

    Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!

    If it were me, I would be printing out everything I have documented, driving to OKC to the offices of all the high state officials, with friends with me and the media also and demanding that they hear my grievances. This is absolutely insane now!!! and BTW, do you have a lawyer? Now would be...
  20. JaciesCoop

    Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!

    Quote: Hey Folks - The best way to handle this person's post is to TOTALLY ignore it. It's meant to rile everyone up. This is about a stolen horse. Just don't respond to it. That's what they want and something could be said to hurt her case. Jacie
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