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  1. Momma Hen

    EARTH DAY - What are you doing to better the environment?

    Good thread...I've been wanting to start doing more myself, so this is a great way to get new ideas! Like many- I compost, we do the light bulb thing, I garden, no pesticides or chemicals on garden or lawn, recycle cans, mulch around my trees with grass clippings in Spring, Summer, & Fall. In...
  2. Momma Hen

    Post a pic of your favorite girl! This is Luc- my sweet EE lap chicken
  3. Momma Hen

    Ok, I am new and my husband thinks I am crazy!

    I have to giggle b/c my hubby fails to understand how chickens can be so enticing & aside from joshing me about them or for always gawking at this website- he really is supportive. Hasn't complained yet that we started with 13 chicks & have since grown to a flock of 30+......hmmm, wonder how...
  4. Momma Hen

    How did you come up with your screen name?

    When I got into chickens this past Fall & was new to this board, at that time I had 3 children (4yrs, 3yrs, & 1yr), we had just acquired 3 baby kittens, 1 Dlamatian puupy & 13 baby chicks. So "Momma Hen" just seemed fitting.
  5. Momma Hen

    Well I made the switch.

    It will be nice keeping up with one board -vs- two. I'm still trying to get into the habit of using this board instead of the other. Welcome over!
  6. Momma Hen

    What kinda music doe you all like???????

    I like a little of most types of music but Country is my heart & soul! And call me old school but Elvis will always be the King! Absolutely NO rap, no heavy metal
  7. Momma Hen

    Hey all...worked my way on over!

    Hi Sam!
  8. Momma Hen


    Hi everyone & welcome! Goodness, I haven't checked this post in a while. I had no idea there were so many Missourians close by. That's great! I usually post on the old message board but I'll have to check over here more often. Good luck to everyone with their baby chicks. We are certainly...
  9. Momma Hen

    What is best laying hens

    I can vouch for the Barred Rocks, Leghorns, Bf Orps & Reds. I just added Blk Australorps to my flock this Spring, so I can't wait to see how they lay in comparision to the others. I also have Dominiques & they've been awesome layers too. Don't have any Sexlinks but I hear they're great. Good...
  10. Momma Hen


  11. Momma Hen

    carpal tunnel

    Has anyone had surgery for carpal tunnel that can offer some feedback?....Like did it fix the problem, was it painful, what was the recovery time, any paralysis afterwards, etc. I've been battling this for 6yrs now. Its time I did something to correct it. Physical theraphy didn't work & those...
  12. Momma Hen

    chick stumbling around on curled toes

    She was in a brooder w/chick starter only. No other foodsource. I made the shoes but there was no change when I took them off this morning, just to "check". She seemed worse so I culled her in case it was something else. The rest of my biddies seem fine though. Hope they stay that way.
  13. Momma Hen

    chick stumbling around on curled toes

    this morning my 2wk old SS Hamburg was fine. This evening she is stumbling around on curled toes. What's wrong with her, what do I do?
  14. Momma Hen

    What breeds of chickens does everyone have?

    We have all Standard size: White Leghorns Barred Rocks Dominiques Buff Orps RIR EE GL, SL, SP Wyandottes Blk Australorps Welsummer Speckled Sussex Silver Spangled Hamburgs
  15. Momma Hen


    I've posted this on the other board awhile back but thought I'd see if I could get more replies on this one. Who raises them, what's been your experience? I'd love to see pics if you have them.
  16. Momma Hen

    chicken lovers individual websites

    Yes there's a link to email & those with websites under their avatar pics. But I was thinking if we could just have one page devoted to list everyone's website on it would be easier than having to search through tons of threads just to see who has one & who doesn't. Does that make sense?
  17. Momma Hen

    Roo attacking

    Spotted Crow- yes the kids collect eggs every evening & help with various other chores (fresh hay in nestboxes, scattering fresh wood shavings, etc) We don't even have to go inside the coop or run to gather eggs. The way our pen is set up, there's a door on the backside to the nestboxes. As of...
  18. Momma Hen

    chicken lovers individual websites

    To the Mods & Admin- Would it be possible to have a list where members can add their own personal websites too. For example: like the hatchery list found in the Breeds section on the other board (haven't checked to see if its here too). Following the same idea, it would be a nice & quick way...
  19. Momma Hen

    Royal Palm Turkeys

    Who's got them? What's your experience been like? Got pics?
  20. Momma Hen

    Buff Laced Wyandottes

    you got it- Buff Laced as shown on Feathersite. I already have SL & GL Wyandottes. Gotta get some Buffs! Oh & some BLR too!!
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