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  1. bizzyeemojo

    Comment by 'bizzyeemojo' in article 'Reasons for Tossing Out Your Indoor Brooder and Start Raising Your Chicks Outdoors'

    I loved this post! I got my first chicks (sex links) in April 2015 from the farm I get raw milk. They were 3 weeks old and I was nervous about keeping them warm. I was told not to worry. They had been spending the days outside, nights in an unheated henhouse since hatching. I put them in a large...
  2. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    Thank you for sharing your experience. Do you know what caused the enteritis? Harriett laid an egg a day while she was in the hospital so I am very surprised she would go without for 2 days home with her pals. Her crop was the same size this morning as it was when she went to bed and their was...
  3. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    The vet did not say not to compost her poo. I just thought it was logical and would prefer to err on the side of safety. If the antibiotics are in her eggs they must also be in her poo. I wouldn't doubt that the 30 day period is excessive, but again, safety first.
  4. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    I was told 30 days after her meds were done. What really feels weird is throwing poop in the trash rather than the compost heap. I will continue this for 30 days, too. Thanks for listening and advice!
  5. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    I did ask the vet if I could do this, she said it was fine. I am only adding 1/4 tsp to a gallon, half the recommended amount. As for Harriet, she is so much better. There have been no watery poops since early this morning and she is acting as normal perky chick. Right now she is taking a dirt...
  6. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    Harriet has been alone for the last 3 hrs just so I can check her poop. She pooped 2 nearly solid poops since, no wet ones, no vomiting. She is very active and talking up a storm! I am going to let her out after I give the others their morning treats. The vet said not to give her anything but...
  7. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    Will do. I checked her crop last night and it was pretty empty. All the poops in the henhouse were solid but she did do two wet ones since I got her up. No vomit! Otherwise she is acting like a normal chicken, pecking and scratching and following me around. Still no egg. I put one of her...
  8. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    I am appreciative of the questions. I makes me think and most importantly, learn. Harriet was a bit feisty at midnight when I gave her her meds. She has not vomited again (yeah!) And this morning she is much more active, wanting to be with the others. I am going to keep her separated until I see...
  9. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    I drink raw milk every day (3 years +). I have not had any problems and I get the milk from a NYS certified farm. I will quote the radiologist because he did not specifically say lead. When I searched on metal opacities lead was the metal mentioned and one of the vets said "lead". "The crop...
  10. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    Harriet is home. She looks great and is acting like her old self! They did not find any yeast in her crop only bacteria. The vet told me birds are lactose intolerant. I have read that chickens can eat yogurt, cottage cheese and plain old milk but I am no longer going to give it to them. I am...
  11. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    Cornell does not do lead testing. I called the state department of agriculture here, no again. Even the DEC. Evidently only private companies do this kind of testing at a high cost. I am going to buy a lead testing kit and see if this works.
  12. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    Originally the land here was farmland and woods. About 125 yrs ago the land was divided and a few small houses were built. Mine was built in 1975. One of the old-timers (now passed) told me he used to hunt wild turkeys on the land so it is very possible there is lead gunshot in the soil. I pass...
  13. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    One more thing. The radiologist said that he found traces of lead. My house was built after lead was banned. We also removed the asbestos shingles from the house over 15 years ago. My yard has also been organic for at least that many years. There is nothing painted in the yard or the run and...
  14. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    I understand. Milk is a great medium to grow bacteria. Bacteria growing in her crop caused the enteritis. I have to admit I was very tired (hadn't had any sleep since I took her to the vet) when the doctor called but I tried to write down what I could. Harriet is doing much better this morning...
  15. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    The vet just called. She has sour crop and enteritis. I feel so bad as I was feeding them oatmeal made with milk on those frigid days. This is my fault. But my hopes for her recovery have returned. The vet said she is doing well but will lavage a second time and give her pro-motility meds. She...
  16. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    Although Harriet is up and walking around, the vet called this morning and said she is still regurgitating. They are going to lavage her crop to see if they can flush it out. After that, I don't know what to do. It has already cost me over $800 that I cannot afford. I am sick over this (not the...
  17. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    Thank you so much. I was up all night worried about the other 5 girls. Thankfully they are doing fine, pooping perfect poops and telling people jokes. I called the vet at 6 am. Harriet has not regurgitated since late last night. Her egg was loose but she is walking around and is stable. I am...
  18. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    It's 2 am (can't sleep) and I just called the vet. The Dr. said she could not see anything abnormal in her crop, just grit, but it was a bit distended. They took an x-ray (they had to wait until she was no longer regurgitating) but now we have to wait until a radiologist reads it. They fed her...
  19. bizzyeemojo

    Hen not acting normal, wet poop, not hanging with the rest of the girls

    This morning I found one of my hens (not quite a year old) back in the nesting box laying a second egg. This afternoon when I let them out to graze in the yard she was not with the other 5. I found her, brought her out and she immediately started drinking a lot of water (it is 34 degrees out)...
  20. bizzyeemojo

    Borax safe for chickens?

    I was unable to go to Cornell today but did a little research. Evidently if you are not allowing your chicks to eat the Borax all should be well. I get my first chicks next week and I am soooo excited! Love this site!
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