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  1. ameracaunagirl

    Need help with sick baby goat (pneumonia)

    No need to be rude. I was directed by a long time goat owner to use ¼ of a cc. I'm sure you all had a question of this nature at one point in time. You didn't become experienced overnight and I don't expect to either. I am coming to this site for help because I don't have a livestock vet in my...
  2. ameracaunagirl

    Need help with sick baby goat (pneumonia)

    I am giving ¼cc. Why is it that I shouldn't give in the muscle? I'm not questioning your knowledge, I just want to better understand it. She has only been on it for 3 days. When should i start seeig improvements or when should i try something different if im not noticing improvements? Thank you.
  3. ameracaunagirl

    Need help with sick baby goat (pneumonia)

    So I am ccurrently giving penicillin G Proctane. She is just so little and I am running out of places to administer it. I have read that it can be given orally but I have also read that it is not a good idea. I don't want to give it orally unless Iknow for sure it won't harm her. Has anyone ever...
  4. ameracaunagirl

    Brought picked on poult home from work, advice needed

    That's great! So glad to hear that. My birds pick on my dog too. It's so funny to watch them sprint around the yard. I had no idea turkeys liked to swim.
  5. ameracaunagirl

    Need help choosing first turkey ckicks

    Here's one from today [/IMG]
  6. ameracaunagirl

    Need help choosing first turkey ckicks

    This is the most recent pic I have of all of them. This was taken a week ago and he's much bigger now
  7. ameracaunagirl

    Brought picked on poult home from work, advice needed

    Just wondering if your baby pulled through?
  8. ameracaunagirl

    Coturnix Quail with 4 legs

    Any news on your quadruped Quail? Did he make it to adult hood?
  9. ameracaunagirl

    Need help choosing first turkey ckicks

    Any current pictures of your birds? Curious to see how they're turning out.
  10. ameracaunagirl

    I Need Some Incubation Tips. Low Hatch Rate

    I'd just like to share that I am currently hatching my third batch of Japanese Quail. I started with 24 eggs from my previous batch of Quail who are laying now. 2 died early with a blood ring and the rest made it to hatching day! So far there have been 7 successful hatches. I will let you know...
  11. ameracaunagirl

    Need help with sick baby goat (pneumonia)

    Will she for sure have a fever if it is pneumonia or is it possible to have pneumonia without being accompanied a fever? I forgot to mention the quantity of the mucous. There is only enough to be seen inside the nostrils. It is whitish yellow. I'm not sure if that matters.
  12. ameracaunagirl

    Need help with sick baby goat (pneumonia)

    I am not sure her weight but I will definitely weigh her before I give her any medication. I have not given a IM injection before. Only an under the skin injection for vaccinations. She is eating and drinking well and she is in a well ventilated area. She seems perkier than when I first brought...
  13. ameracaunagirl

    Need help with sick baby goat (pneumonia)

    I recently purchased a young goat. She is about 3 months old. When I got to the farm I bought her from, all the goats were healthy and the farm was very clean. They had a smaller goat about 2 months old, in the heard that wasn't getting enough food because the other stronger kids would push her...
  14. ameracaunagirl

    Need help choosing first turkey ckicks

    Yes, the one that had the biggest squarest head is a tom for sure. Here are some pics. The first is of the tom, second is the one that I thought was a tom and third is the one I believed to be a hen from the beginning.
  15. ameracaunagirl

    Need help choosing first turkey ckicks

    So it looks like one of the chicks I thought was a tom may turn out to be a hen but I do have one that is a tom for sure!
  16. ameracaunagirl

    Chick Hatched 3 Days Early!

    Thanks. She's doing a whole lot better today. She's up, walking around and peeping! I just haven't see her drink on her own but I'm sure she has while I'm not looking.
  17. ameracaunagirl

    Chick Hatched 3 Days Early!

    One of my eggs hatched early yesterday morning. She is 3 days early. She pipped but did not fully zip. Instead of pushing out of the shell she started chipping away at it. After about 8 hours, only her head and some of her back was visible. At that point I was worried so I opened the bator to...
  18. ameracaunagirl

    How much do young toms go for?

    Thanks everyone. It's pretty rare to find turkeys for sale in my area and when they are, they're gone fast! Heritage poults go for anywhere between $10 and $30 at local feed store but no one is ever selling their mature birds so I would have no idea how much to price mine for. I'll probably...
  19. ameracaunagirl

    I Need Some Incubation Tips. Low Hatch Rate

    Thanks everyone for the advice! I am DIY savvy and adding a fan to create forced air sounds like a great idea. I have not calibrated my humidity but I do have a separate thermometer in there to make sure the temp is accurate. I get my eggs locally from friends so I know they are fresh. Sometimes...
  20. ameracaunagirl

    How much do young toms go for?

    I purchased 3 royal palm poults about 7 weeks ago. Two turned out to be toms and the third a hen (from what I can tell). To avoid any future fights over the hen, I plan to sell one of the toms. What is a fair average price for a young tom? I plan to sell him at around 5 months old.
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