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  1. chickenpotter

    Giving away beautiful D’Uccle Rooster in the Richmond, Va area

    well, what is he? He hatched from some mystery eggs. The D’Uccle was as close as I could get. I know he doesn’t have the beard, but he has the vulture hocks and some other D’Uccle attributes. If you know, please tell me. I’m stumped.
  2. chickenpotter

    Giving away beautiful D’Uccle Rooster in the Richmond, Va area

    If you live in or around the Richmond, Virginia area and want this adorable D’Uccle rooster, please let me know. He is the remaining chicken of my recent flock of 11, which I am giving away. I’m taking a break from keeping chickens, but only a break! Already planning my next flock for Spring 2022.
  3. chickenpotter

    Neighbor's dogs killed all but one of my chickens!!

    Hi, im so sorry for your devastating loss. I had the same thing happen to my flock. It was very traumatic as I was home and couldn’t stop the dog. Finally caught it with the help of a neighbor. 3 birds killed on the spot and one I took to the vet had to be put down she was beyond recuperating...
  4. chickenpotter


    Thank you for your reply. I don't think so either, but just wanted a confirmation before dispatching her. Dog attacks are the worst! At least wild animals run away when you yell at them. Dogs just keep mauling your birds without a care. Ugh!
  5. chickenpotter


    I just had a dog attack. It killed two of my hens and injured one severely. Her entrails are outside her body. They look to be intact, but I am extremely wary of pushing them back in because of infection. How likely is it that this hen can make it? Should I just put her out of her misery?
  6. chickenpotter

    Sick chicken swollen belly, sat on nest and no egg today

    Thank you, I have been squirting the water at the side of her beak. She has almost eaten the whole egg I scrambled for her. I washed her butt off(during which time she pooped on my hand while I was feeling indies her vent again. It was extremely foul smelling.), soaked her for about 20 minutes...
  7. chickenpotter

    Sick chicken swollen belly, sat on nest and no egg today

    She has been eating a scrambled egg bits at a time. And taken just a few drops of water. Her breathing is still labored. She passed a little poop and some urates. I will get some calcium tablets while I'm out this morning. I have her inside in a crate. I tried feeling for an egg, but didn't feel...
  8. chickenpotter

    Sick chicken swollen belly, sat on nest and no egg today

    my gold laced Wyandotte has been ailing since yesterday evening. She seemed listless and didn't want her evening scratch treat with the rest of the birds. This morning she was on the nest for a good while. This afternoon I found her under a bush in the griping yard with her tail up looking...
  9. chickenpotter

    My Rooster is brutalizing one hen in the flock!

    I'm going to try separating him first for a few days and see how that goes. If that doesn't work, I may rehome her. I have been watching her closely and she appears to be in good health. Thank you for the input!
  10. chickenpotter

    My Rooster is brutalizing one hen in the flock!

    Thanks so much for all of the good advice y'all! I think she may have been one of the hens resisting him when he started mating. That makes sense, though I think she's learned her lesson. She squats when he starts eyeing her from 10 yds. away!
  11. chickenpotter

    My Rooster is brutalizing one hen in the flock!

    Noted! And yes, I do agree. I just got rid of one last summer who turned aggressive. Not keeping this one unless he straightens out. Thanks King of the Coop!
  12. chickenpotter

    My Rooster is brutalizing one hen in the flock!

    I do like having a rooster because my birds are free range and we live next to the woods. Our main daytime predators are hawks. However, if he doesn't come around, the girls do pretty well on their own. Thank you for your advice. BYC has been such a help to me with it's great community of...
  13. chickenpotter

    My Rooster is brutalizing one hen in the flock!

    Thank you for the advice. I'll try that first- separating him for a few days. Also thanks for the advice about the hen saddles. Wish me luck.
  14. chickenpotter

    My Rooster is brutalizing one hen in the flock!

    I have a Speckled Sussex/Gold Brabanter cross rooster. He is 7 1/2 months old. He has been a pretty nice boy - didn't even start crowing until he was 6 months old. He seems to be nice to all of the hens except one. I noticed some of her feathers on her back were missing a couple of weeks ago. I...
  15. chickenpotter

    My broody hen insists on laying her eggs in a secret nest next door

    Thanks for the advice y'all. I'm working on it. Will weigh in when I find a solution.
  16. chickenpotter

    My broody hen insists on laying her eggs in a secret nest next door

    Well, I'll try the second option. Thanks for your response!
  17. chickenpotter

    My broody hen insists on laying her eggs in a secret nest next door

    I can't lock her in my big coop as the other hens won't be able to get to the nest boxes. I have a small coop and can try keeping her in there longer. I did that yesterday for a few hours. She seemed so frantic that I let her out, but I can try leaving her in there all day. There's water and...
  18. chickenpotter

    My broody hen insists on laying her eggs in a secret nest next door

    I'm now just into my third year of living with chickens:) I love it and have learned so much from all of the great chicken people here at BYC. It seems, though, as soon as I solve one problem, another one pops up. So here's my current dilemma: my Specled Sussex hen Dottie went broody right out...
  19. chickenpotter

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    This is one of 2 chicks that hatched 8 days ago. This pic taken at 1 day. They are a Speckled Sussex/Gold Brabanter cross. They both have the Brabanter nostrils and cheek puffs. Can't wait to see how they turn out!
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