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  1. jonezjollyfarm

    Chicken Run Question

    Their weak, definitely falls apart, could easily become debris in a wind storm....and probably my #1 complaint is from my neighbors its ugly as sin
  2. jonezjollyfarm

    Chicken Run Question

    Dont use the party tent. I have one over mine I'm desperately trying to replace. It's a pain, it will fall apart. And definitely dont use chicken wire. We did and the coons just stretch it and get in anyway. Fortunately they cant get in the coop and have only burglarized the run in the night.
  3. jonezjollyfarm

    Diy flock block

    Thanks for the advice. Maybe next time I make them I'll try a few cupcake sized ones with fresh fruit and see what happens. If they dont turn out solid I can just feed them immediately. My chickens are pigs they'll eat it I'm sure :D
  4. jonezjollyfarm

    Diy flock block I started with this recipe and have tweaked it. It works great as long as you dont try to make them too thick, they'll just crumble and fall apart. I use the cheapo mini "disposable" bread pans from the...
  5. jonezjollyfarm

    Diy flock block

    Does anyone make their own flock blocks? I like to make them in winter to replace plain scratch on cold nights. There not huge like the ones you get at the feed store. I want to add some fruit to them but I'm wondering if they'll keep. I usually make a dozen or so then store them in the deep...
  6. jonezjollyfarm

    Holiday lights

    That's too funny
  7. jonezjollyfarm

    Holiday lights

    Thanks everyone.
  8. jonezjollyfarm

    Holiday lights

    Wanted to share my holiday lights. We don't celebrate any religious holidays but I do love the lights. The inside of my coop is actually lit with crystal holiday lights. The lights help keep us chipper in winter which is usually a rollercoaster here in central Illinois. 55 one day and -4 the...
  9. jonezjollyfarm

    Solar layer lighting supplement

    I've put holiday lights (white/crystal not colors) on the ceiling of my coop. Now we have to go out and plug them in cuz I'm afraid they'd find away to poop on a timer (the ones I've found are gigantic). That's not an issue though cuz were up early anyway. But I dont do it for egg production, I...
  10. jonezjollyfarm

    Lost My Ameracauna

    The only thing I've found that is almost fool proof is keeping a guard dog with the flock. Our dog does nothing but scan the country side and skys while she is out. Shes nuts and will chase anything out of the yard from a chipmunk to a coyote. And she can jump nearly 6 ft. She can train your dog...
  11. jonezjollyfarm

    Thwarting chicken engineer corps

    I feel ya there. I try to let them out for a free range if I need to do anything or they will surely be there to "help" me. Like then cleaning the coop or run. I rake them a pile in the compost pile or bust out the tiller and turn up some dirt as a distraction. I'm not sure theres a away to keep...
  12. jonezjollyfarm

    Lost My Ameracauna

    Sorry for your loss. That's a real bummer. We only do supervised free ranging for that reason. And I usually keep the dogs out with them. I know one day my roosters went nuts and my female dog was fixated on a tree. As I approached the tree the dog leaped into the air an nearly caught a enormous...
  13. jonezjollyfarm

    Do you have chicken nightmares too.

    I always wake up and think omg I think I have a chicken problem.
  14. jonezjollyfarm

    Rotten egg on day 21 - Help!

    Agreed let us know your findings
  15. jonezjollyfarm

    Rotten egg on day 21 - Help!

    Thanks I'll check that out.
  16. jonezjollyfarm

    Ended Official BYC Mini Contest—Creative Eggs & Eggshells

    They were delicious btw. There really is nothing like a fresh from the butt egg!
  17. jonezjollyfarm

    Rotten egg on day 21 - Help!

    Now you've got me trying to remember the placement of the roos I've hatched. That's very interesting information. Now I want to hatch some chickys
  18. jonezjollyfarm

    Ended Official BYC Mini Contest—Creative Eggs & Eggshells

    Here's my submission. This first photo is a milk chocolate egg I so cleverly wrapped in aluminum foil and wrote milk chocolate on :lau The second egg is decorated as a light bulb and with the use of aluminum foil. I was going to do a dove bar of soap I didn't have a soap box and it didn't make...
  19. jonezjollyfarm

    Rotten egg on day 21 - Help!

    I would be curious to know what you learn about air sac placement. And I'm going to look into this uv light thing!
  20. jonezjollyfarm

    Rotten egg on day 21 - Help!

    I had read the one about the incubator but I thought they hand gotten conclusive evidence that it said it couldn't proven or disproved. But I also read it years ago and maybe mixing information with other studies I've read
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