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  1. BuffOrps416

    Topic of the Week - I wish I knew…

    I wish I knew that even though you don't see the predators, the threat is very real. I also wish I knew that security is more important than I thought and that they are a long-term commitment. They are also quite more work than expected. I also wish I knew that coop design is not something to...
  2. BuffOrps416

    Lethargic Hen, closed eyes, refusal to drink and eat

    I've read that for egg-bound chickens you can put them in warm water with Epsom Salt to relax the muscles. I went out and bought the salt once at CVS (pharmacy) to do it but when I got home she had just laid an egg. Edited for grammar
  3. BuffOrps416

    Tips on building a cheapo coop and run?

    At the beginning of this thread there was talk of a using pallets, and I found this Here are some other designs from the website where I got the first thing...
  4. BuffOrps416

    How long will a hen "mother" her brood?

    I just opened this thread and Redead Rae, your picture is priceless!:jumpy:yesss: Edited for clarity
  5. BuffOrps416

    Topic of the Week - Frostbite, prevention and treatment - Graphic images in thread

    Like help it do things and clean its wound/change bandages every day.
  6. BuffOrps416

    Topic of the Week - Frostbite, prevention and treatment - Graphic images in thread

    This is like post #2, but Bantychooks, what happened to that duck? Can he/she still walk? Did you have to tend to its wound every day? Also, (this is all just sheer curiosity, but) what have other people done when their fowl lose a foot? Edited for clarity
  7. BuffOrps416

    Thinking about free ranging

    Going back to early posts, I understand what people say about letting them out near bedtime, since it will be the easiest because they will go back to the coop on their own, but there are some risks. Nighttime predators like foxes, wolves, coyotes, raccoons, owls, mountain lions, (all depending...
  8. BuffOrps416

    Chicken's Legs Don't Move - Can't Stand or Sit Up - HELP

    Will give sunflower seeds tomorrow and try to get riboflavin. Breast is slightly bony, breathing is fine, last I checked the crop seemed pretty empty in the morning expect for what felt like liquid, and we are doing a fecal float within the next few days.
  9. BuffOrps416

    Chicken's Legs Don't Move - Can't Stand or Sit Up - HELP

    Do you think so even though her eyes look fine, she's kind of oldish, and she was vaccinated? Could it still happen?
  10. BuffOrps416

    Chicken's Legs Don't Move - Can't Stand or Sit Up - HELP

    If anyone wanted to know more about what's happening with her I had this thread from last week:
  11. BuffOrps416

    Chicken's Legs Don't Move - Can't Stand or Sit Up - HELP

    Me too...Just praying in general... So what do you think I should do?
  12. BuffOrps416

    Chicken's Legs Don't Move - Can't Stand or Sit Up - HELP

    Hello, my 3.5 year old BO's feet stopped moving around and she can't stand or sit up on her own. She makes clear efforts to try and get up but can't. I helped her sit but her body is in a weird position and doesn't bend down to meet her legs (hard to visualize but her legs are down as they would...
  13. BuffOrps416

    Lethargic chicken with green droppings and pale flopped over comb

    Also, how about Amoxicillin/Fish Mox? Would that work or be good to use?
  14. BuffOrps416

    Lethargic chicken with green droppings and pale flopped over comb

    Sorry to hear that, Ridgeback303 :(. I forgot to say this earlier, but thanks everyone who responded. Also, do you guys think that Penicillin would help? If so, are there oral medications of this?
  15. BuffOrps416

    Lethargic chicken with green droppings and pale flopped over comb

    Sorry for all the posts in a row, but something came up and I won't be able to get the yogurt, electrolytes etc. for about 2.5 hrs. Going to give her the egg when I'm done with this post, but are there any other household things I can give her?
  16. BuffOrps416

    Lethargic chicken with green droppings and pale flopped over comb

    These were her second droppings after coming out of the coop. Yesterday, they were completely liquid (can't really tell but above image is still very liquidy) and blended almost perfectly with the grass.
  17. BuffOrps416

    Lethargic chicken with green droppings and pale flopped over comb

    Walked her around the yard a bit, now she's outside with my mom. She's walking faster than yesterday and seems a bit better :celebrate. Gave her some oatmeal with some milk in it and she ate most of it. She pooped twice in like 10 minutes I was there but it was a bit more solid and yellowish...
  18. BuffOrps416

    Lethargic chicken with green droppings and pale flopped over comb

    We have given her some Vitamin C in her water and last night her crop had food but wasn't hard or squishy. She is lighter than usual but no bones sticking out too much. The feathers under her vent area are pushed down from liquid poop but I didn't feel anything to weird in the stomach area. I am...
  19. BuffOrps416

    Lethargic chicken with green droppings and pale flopped over comb

    I have a 3.5 yr old BO hen who stopped laying a few months back and began molting about a month ago. She has been eating much less than normal lately and Wednesday no one was able to go tend the coop so Thursday she was not doing well at all. She's my last hen and very dear to me so please help...
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