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  1. Strangecacti

    My Handsome Rooster

    Out of 25 Rhode Island Red chicks I had one turn out to be a boy, he's a great rooster (well...cockerel), he looks after the girls and when I throw in veg scraps etc... he always calls the ladies and lets them eat first. He's got an awesome traditional 'Cockel doodle doo' crow as well!
  2. Strangecacti

    Smallest egg ever, what the heck is this???

    My girls have been laying for weeks, I got none of the odd eggs I've heard people talk about, then I found several weird ones: A couple with no shell, some shaped differently, and a tiny one. I thought it strange that they had been laying regularly before they laid the oddities.
  3. Strangecacti

    Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

    I understand you concern, if extra security is what you need then I suggest you check out Harbor Freights' web site, they have two camera security systems for under $100. If anything were to happen then it will be so much simpler to show a video of her committing an act against your poultry than...
  4. Strangecacti

    New with a lot of questions

    So here I am months later...I ended up getting 2 roosters in my pullets, one Rhode Island (Bob), and one Black Australorp (Jerry) they get along fine. The girls are doing great, they began laying a few weeks ago and I am selling them to friends and co-workers. I also have 10 Guineas that are...
  5. Strangecacti

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Lol! Posted a few minutes ago, went to barn and was checking food, water, and of course for eggs. Got two! Little bitty brown eggs! I put the store bought egg for comparison, neither of the eggs was in a box, one was on a window ledge and another under the nesting boxes.
  6. Strangecacti

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Waiting...18-19 week old RIR's, ISA Browns, and Black Australorps. A few weeks ago my son found 2 beautiful brown eggs...and since then: Nothing. Pretty sure someone played a little joke on me! lol but it has made my anticipation worse!
  7. Strangecacti

    What do you have in your flock?

    I have: 18 Rhode Island Reds 10 Guineas 18 Cornish Cross (But only for a couple more weeks) 11 Black Australorps 6 ISA Browns
  8. Strangecacti

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Coop and run sizing? I don't have time to read through 115 pages in hopes that it's there, lol, great thread!
  9. Strangecacti

    Eggs! No eggs...

    Last thursday my son came into the house after walking the dogs and checking the chickens and was very excited to tell me that there were two eggs in the floor of the coop. Happily collected, I awaited more.It's been 5 days, no more eggs. Any thing to say on this subject? I am very new to...
  10. Strangecacti

    Rhode Island Red Rooster or Hen? Help Please! (plenty of photos)

    My turn to ask, I am pretty sure its a Roo, one out of 30 ain't bad! I want to breed my own flock for sustainability so I won't have to worry about getting one later. Lots of black plumage on it's tail which is longer and more pronounced than the rest of the birds. the crest and wattles...boy right?
  11. Strangecacti

    Opinion on nesting boxes

    the coop is roughly 8' x 15' the roosts are on the left, the boxes on the right. Between the roosts and boxes I have an 18" walkway.
  12. Strangecacti

    Opinion on nesting boxes

    My nest boxes: on the left are two old kitchen cabinets, the six boxes on the right are made from an aquarium stand (plywood) I made years ago, I just partitioned it and hung it up. Are they too high? I keep seeing boxes much closer to the floor. The lower left box is only a foot off the ground...
  13. Strangecacti

    New with a lot of questions

    Can anyone post a video or link to a video that shows Mareks diseaseor do you recognize the following symptoms? I have one girl that is going in circles, more like spinning in circles: as though she was just turning around and around, her toes are not splayed apart and her legs are bending in...
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