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  1. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Adopted a new parakeet from a pet store who neglected him.. Hes acting really weak and for now im providing him with food, toys and water in a low cage but can I do anything else?
  2. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Good morning! guess whos grounded..
  3. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    My TRUE identity has been exposed..
  4. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    My dinner is being stolen : (
  5. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    those are beautiful feathers! they from the ducks?
  6. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

  7. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Hello everyone! just sitting here with Jasper who is scared of thunderstorms (and is trying to peck out my eye)
  8. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    @TamingMaster Oh my, what are those? :0
  9. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    So.. the reason ive been gone for so long is a long story, but short? Note: Contains some sensitive subjects. I can't get a spoiler up so.. _____________________ I had to go to a mental hospital for a while and a medical hospital for taking too many pills. Yes, on purpose. Im fine now, if...
  10. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    I'm back and jasper is doing great!
  11. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    As of recent, I am going through a very rough breakup, so I figured id make this update before going silent on BYC for a bit. : Jasper, the name of my buff orp, is doing good. She has grown much and is become beautiful so far. All the quail are still healthy aswell, all still jumping around and...
  12. TheNeonPanther

    What is this chicken thinking?

    What is Jasper thinking?
  13. TheNeonPanther

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    New baby!
  14. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    And buff orpington it was! :D
  15. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    GOOD NEWS I'm getting a pet chicken! I'm so excited.. but I can't decide which breed. Buff Orpington, ameracauna, barred rock, rhode island red or gold star?? Which one is the nicest, possibly cuddly? My vote is gold star, but I have never owned chickens, so i'd love to hear from some that have!
  16. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    HELLOO I HAVE RISEN FOR THE 100th timE again ive been really busy I got a conure (a small parrot) and 2 jumbo coturnix quail. Ill share pictures soon.
  17. TheNeonPanther

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    I got new birds today!
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